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Into Africa IV

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Comment l'Afrique peut tirer parti des défis climatiques. Vendredi 5 juin 2015, à l‘occasion du Forum économique mondial sur l’Afrique, M.

Comment l'Afrique peut tirer parti des défis climatiques

Kofi Annan, Président de l’Africa Progress Panel, présentait le nouveau rapport sur les progrès en Afrique : Énergie, population, planète – Saisir les opportunités énergétiques et climatiques de l’Afrique. Ce rapport démontre que l’engagement de l’Afrique dans la lutte contre le changement climatique est inextricablement lié à l’urgence de ses besoins énergétiques. Répondre à la demande des centaines de millions d’Africains sans électricité, grâce notamment aux énergies renouvelables, permettra de leur assurer un développement humain et économique résilient face au changement climatique.

La lutte contre le changement climatique ne doit pas se faire aux dépens de la croissance.

Into Africa V

Le Dessous des Cartes L’AFRIQUE : ZONES DE CROISSANCE. Dangote to invest $16b in Africa. Analysts Raise Expectations for Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, Though Commodity Prices Pose Threat For Future. Africa is poised to grow faster than the rest of the world even after a year of public health crises, increased terrorist attacks and rising political tension.

Analysts Raise Expectations for Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, Though Commodity Prices Pose Threat For Future

The continent will shake off the effects of the Ebola virus in West Africa and of the Boko Haram insurgency in its biggest economy, Nigeria, to surge back to levels of economic growth not seen since before the 2008 economic crisis, says a new report. Economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa will reach 4.6 percent this year and increase to 5.4 percent in 2016, according to predictions in the African Economic Outlook, an annual report from the African Development Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the United Nations Development Program.

These rates would mean regional growth far beyond the predicted global average of 3.5 percent growth this year and 3.8 percent next year, according to the IMF. Mobile Phone Use On The Rise In Africa, But Analysts At World Economic Forum Warn That Governments Must Keep Up. Mobile subscriptions in Africa are set to double over the next decade, spurring economic growth in one of the world’s major emerging markets.

Mobile Phone Use On The Rise In Africa, But Analysts At World Economic Forum Warn That Governments Must Keep Up

But the booming industry also requires African policymakers to do their part. “We expect data to keep growing dramatically, and to facilitate that you need more spectrum to handle that growth,” Mortimer Hope, Africa director at GSMA, a mobile industry trade group, told Reuters at the World Economic Forum Africa held in Cape Town this week. He explained that officials need to take steps like cutting taxes on Web-enabled phones to make them more accessible, and develop stronger plans for broadband access. “The issue is that those plans very often just sit on a shelf, not being implemented,” he said. According to GSMA, sub-Saharan Africa has a mobile penetration rate of 39 percent.

How Investments In “Mega Projects” Are Boosting Africa’s Economic Growth: Ernst & Young. Foreign investment in Africa has taken a hit after serious political and economic tension, but business leaders are optimistic about the continent’s long-term potential.

How Investments In “Mega Projects” Are Boosting Africa’s Economic Growth: Ernst & Young

Analysts at Ernst & Young surveyed 500 business leaders in 30 countries to take a pulse on how investors view the African market for their latest Africa Attractiveness Survey. And while recent years have shown a great deal of optimism, perceptions took a dip in 2014. 10 Positive Developments in Africa 2014-2015. Freedom House highlights 10 victories for human rights and democracy that took place across the continent over the past year. 1.

10 Positive Developments in Africa 2014-2015

Peaceful transfer of power in Nigeria In late March, after a six-week delay attributed to security concerns and technical problems, nearly 30 million Nigerian voters turned out to choose between incumbent president Goodluck Jonathan and his challenger, former military leader Muhammadu Buhari. 26 pays africains lancent, en juin, un marché commun de 600 millions d’habitants et de 1000 milliards $ Un nouvel indicateur africain pour une croissance juste. Le constat est alarmant. « La progression des inégalités, extrêmement préoccupante en Afrique depuis les années 2000, pose la question de la durabilité de la croissance sur ce continent », a mis en garde Philippe De Vreyer, professeur à l’université Paris-Dauphine, lors de la conférence annuelle de l’Afrique des idées, samedi 30 mai à Paris.

Un nouvel indicateur africain pour une croissance juste

Les investissements directs étrangers en Afrique ont bondi de 136 % sur un an, selon un rapport EY. (Agence Ecofin) - La valeur des investissements directs étrangers (IDE) en Afrique s'est envolée en 2014 malgré la diminution du nombre de projets réalisés sur le continent, selon l’édition 2015 de l’étude «Africa Attractiveness Survey» du cabinet EY, qui associe une analyse des investissements internationaux à un sondage d’opinion mené auprès de plus de 500 chefs d'entreprises à propos sur le potentiel du marché africain.

Les investissements directs étrangers en Afrique ont bondi de 136 % sur un an, selon un rapport EY

La part de l'Afrique en termes de nombres de projets d’IDE a chuté de 8,4 % en 2014, mais est restée bien supérieure aux niveaux d'avant 2008, selon ce rapport intitulé « Making choices » publié le 2 juin à Johannesburg. Cependant, en termes de valeur, les investissements directs étrangers sur le continent ont bondi à 128 milliards de dollars en 2014, en progression de 136 % sur un an. La part de l’Afrique subsaharienne dans le nombre de projets annoncés sur l’ensemble du continent est, quant à elle, tombée de 81% en 2013 à 49 % en 2014. Lire aussi. L'Afrique garde le cap de la croissance, mais gare à la démographie. L'Afrique résiste à la chute des cours des matières premières et garde le cap de la croissance, estime un rapport publié lundi par l'OCDE avec d'autres institutions (BAfD, PNUD) qui s'inquiète cependant des effets de l'actuel essor démographique.

L'Afrique garde le cap de la croissance, mais gare à la démographie

Le rapport, qui reprend peu ou prou les dernières prévisions de croissance du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) de 4,5% en moyenne cette année et 5% en 2016, s'attarde sur le défi structurel qui attend le continent africain: le cap des deux milliards d'habitants devrait être atteint en 2050 (contre un milliard aujourd'hui) soit un quart de l'humanité contre 15% actuellement. Les villes mais aussi les campagnes vont se développer rapidement. Dès cette année, ce sont environ 19 millions de jeunes qui vont entrer sur le marché du travail en Afrique subsaharienne, et 4 millions en Afrique du Nord.

"La croissance démographique va ressembler à celle des Indiens et des Chinois en valeur absolue mais pour l'Afrique, cela correspond à un doublement. Un nouvel indicateur africain pour une croissance juste. Theme. Regional Development and Spatial Inclusion Every year the African Development Bank, the OECD Development Centre and the United Nations Development Programme choose a new sector to study, taking into account the strategic challenges and opportunities Africa will have in the future.


This year’s Outlook has a special theme: Regional Development and Spatial Inclusion. Graphic maps : 2014-facts-&-figures-regional-integration-uniting-to-compete. Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2015. How finance flows to Africa. Africa Day May 25: 25 astonishing and fun facts we've learned about the continent. May 25 is Africa Day.

Africa Day May 25: 25 astonishing and fun facts we've learned about the continent

Some countries, like South Africa, are holding a month of celebrations under the theme “We are Africa”. In commemoration, here are 25 things you knew, or probably didn’t know, about this fair continent - some serious, some just fun: 1. You can be First Lady of two different countries, like Graca Machel – she was first lady of Mozambique from 1975 to 1986, when her husband president Samora Machel was killed in a plane crash. Africa to launch 26-nation trade block in June - official. Reuters Last Updated: 21 May 2015|17:29 GMT Minister Rob Davies said official negotiations will be launched later in June for the establishment of a continental FTA.

PHOTO: Getty. Fast-food giants want pizza the action in Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa's economic renaissance is fueling an investment drive by fast food joints looking to tap the continent's growing middle class. The likes of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and Domino's pizza are opening up in African growth markets from Nigeria to Angola to give consumers a taste of U.S. cuisine. Ali Mufuruki asks if Africa is really rising. Massive Drop in Number of Unbanked, says New Report. 700 million adults worldwide became account holders between 2011 and 2014; 20 percent drop in the number of unbanked, according to 2014 Global Findex WASHINGTON, April 15, 2015 — From 2011 and 2014, 700 million people became account holders at banks, other financial institutions, or mobile money service providers, and the number of “unbanked” individuals dropped 20 percent to 2 billion adults, says a new report released today. “Access to financial services can serve as a bridge out of poverty.

We have set a hugely ambitious goal – universal financial access by 2020 – and now we have evidence that we’re making major progress,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim. "This effort will require many partners – credit card companies, banks, microcredit institutions, the United Nations, foundations, and community leaders. The Top 10 African Countries for Investment. Follow @AfricaBizReview on Twitter. KPMG recently highlighted its criteria for the best investment-worthy African countries, in addition to a list detailing those counties it thought were the best. The criteria used to judge the attractiveness of investments were: democratic political climates, functioning free markets, large potential markets and large populations. Also considered was the availability of raw materials, as well as the presence of substantial inexpensive labour forces. So, without further ado, here is the list: Manhattan or Mozambique? Maputo's makeover.

Literally rising. Across the city, cranes stretch up alongside new towers to house luxury hotels, corporate offices and posh condos -- all with price tags that seem more like Manhattan than Mozambique. Billions of dollars are pouring into the country to develop offshore gas wells. They won't start producing for a few more years, but Maputo is already taking its first steps out of poverty with a definite swagger. Newfound confidence and optimism pervade the city, from small theaters that stage Hamlet as comfortably as reggae, to a lively restaurant scene and a renewed sense of pride in the nation's history. When Mozambique's civil war ended in 1992, Maputo's streets had more potholes than pavement. Le Top 10 des appareils high tech les plus vendus en Afrique.

En toute circonstance et quel que soit la nature de l’achat, l’acheteur a des règles à respecter. Sur internet, bien que pas différentes, ces règles revêtent pourtant un aspect très accentué. Le site de vente livre les 10 appareils et gadgets régissant les plus grands actes d’achat sur internet. En toute circonstance et quel que soit la nature de l’achat, l’acheteur a des règles à respecter. L'Afrique enregistre la plus forte progression des dépenses militaires à l'échelle mondiale en 2014. L'Afrique est la région qui a enregistré la plus forte progression des dépenses militaires au niveau mondial en 2014, selon un rapport publié le 13 avril par l'Institut international de recherche sur la paix de Stockholm (Sipri).

Le centre de recherche suédois a précisé que les dépenses militaires du continent ont atteint 50,2 milliards de dollars en 2014, soit une hausse de 5,9 % par rapport à 2013. AU makes inroads into air travel, hotels for funds. If Drones Make You Nervous, Think Of Them As Flying Donkeys : Goats and Soda. It's a drone delivery! This copter is ferrying medicine from a pharmacy to the headquarters of Deutsche Post in Bonn, Germany, part of a test of drone capabilities.

Andreas Rentz/Getty Images hide caption itoggle caption Andreas Rentz/Getty Images It's a drone delivery! Of The World's 11 Black Billionaires, 9 Are African. Isabel dos Santos Photo: Of the 1,826 people who made it to the 2015 Forbes list of the world’s billionaires, 11 are black, and nine are African by birth or by where they made their fortunes.

That’s an increase from nine black billionaires a year ago, Forbes reports. Three of the 11 black Forbes List billionaires are women, and two of the three women are African. The third is a U.S. citizen with heavy interests in South Africa. This year, two new billionaires joined the ranks of the richest black people on Earth — one U.S. citizen and one Nigerian. Afrique: les évolutions paradoxales » Ifri, international » Actualités - - Actualités – Extrait d'une carte des âges médians dans les pays d'Afrique - Copyright : GlobalPost Le 2 mars 2015, Alain Antil, responsable du programme Afrique subsaharienne à l’Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri), a donné au siège parisien d’Orange une conférence dont voici la synthèse. L’Afrique vit une évolution paradoxale, marquée par des tendances extrêmement diverses.

Ainsi, la croissance économique depuis 2000 a fait reculer la proportion de pauvres, mais la croissance démographique a simultanément fait augmenter le nombre de pauvres. Cash In: 10 Developed Business Ventures In the US That Are Undeveloped In Africa – Financial Juneteenth. 10 Emerging Business Trends Happening In Africa Right NOW – Financial Juneteenth. Africa’s Importation Of Heavy Weaponry Grew By 45% Over 10 Years. Bitcoin’s Big Opportunity In Africa. Bitcoins have major potential in Africa, changing banking industry. African nations you might consider living in. INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Reasons To Start A Company In Africa — CapitalSquare. Marrakech to Hold Forum of Investments and Projects’ Development in Africa 2015Morocco World News. Les pays africains les plus "risqués" pour les entreprises en 2015.

AU to push ambitious 2063 agenda. 10 reasons to watch Africa in 2015 - The Zimbabwe Independent. Africa's Consumer Economy. Africa must industrialize: ILO official. Swift plots African expansion into Kenya and Ghana. Arte Le dessous des cartes L'Afrique zones de croissance 15 02 2014 19h32 13m 460. Spotlight on Africa: Opportunities Abound but Growth Also Presents Risks. Double-digit revenue growth spurred by boom in African tourism. Africa 2030: Realizing the possibilities - EY-Africa-2030-realizing-the-possibilities.pdf. Nigerians Outnumber South Africans For The First Time On Forbes 'Africa’s 50 Richest People' List. African Public Opinion on China and the U.S. Africa Comes Into View. For-profit school chains educate Africa’s poor.