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4 Handy Dandy Tips for Brainwashing Yourself. The audio cure. Seth's Blog. Richard Cooper. The Top 10 Most Immersive Games Ever Made. March 1st, 2012 at 7:14 am by Forrest Jorgensen The videogame industry is a myriad of techniques, gameplays, art-styles, nationalities, lore, and philosophies. Many reviewers use various criteria to judge this massively complex medium of entertainment, from tech specs, to gameplay, to how immersive it is. I for one highly value how immersive a story-centered videogame experience. I know that games like Call of Duty and the recent Halo entries are all about action and massive set-pieces, and this is all perfectly fine in it’s own right, but I’ve an affinity toward games that pull you away from your actual world, and swamp you with an actual psychological experience full of emotional turmoil and conflict.

It’s really quite impressive how well developers have crafted these experiences that supersede mere entertainment, and step into the realm of something reminiscent of a great, classic work of literature. 1. 2. This game is a marvel of modern video games. 3. Pages: 1 2 3. A bit on the side...: Clever ways to make money | RiverOnline.

15 Celebs We Didn't Know Were Gay. 33 Hilarious Things You Can Find in Textbooks. It’s easy to correct your mistakes in a blog post or a website, but what if you’ve just published several thousand copies of a textbook with a ridiculous type-o or a factual mistake? This post presents you 33 examples of textbook fails were the editors clearly didn’t do their job. Starting with such errors as placing Egypt on the map of South America, explaining the nature of a rhinoceros as being a hybrid of a unicorn and a dragon, and ending with Michael Phelps pictured as the winning spermatozoon in the race towards a female egg – these pictures will definitely make you laugh out loud.

Have you ever come across anything as ridiculous in your textbooks? Feel free to share your findings in the comment section! Something Odd in the Engineering Textbook Image credits: imgur Word ‘Trouble’ in a Racist German Dictionary Image credits: weknowmemes Tom Who is About to Show Something Interesting Image credits: unknown First Known Picture Of Michael Phelps Image credits: imgur Image credits: imgur 4 F’s. Real Life Mowgli: Girl Who Grew Up in the African Wildlife. Riding a five-ton elephant, whom she called ‘my brother’, chilling with a cheetah or hugging a giant bullfrog as if it were a Teddy bear.

The childhood of a French girl Tippi Degre sounds more like a newer version of Mowgli, rather than something real. A white child, she was born in Namibia to French wildlife photographer parents, and grew up in Africa. Tippi spent her whole childhood playing with wild animals including lion cubs, a mongoose, a snake, a cheetah, baby zebra, giraffes and crocodiles. [Read more...] The little girl saw nothing unusual about her company: “I don’t have friends here. Because I never see children. So the animals are my friends,” she once said. Tippi is now 23 years old, and the only child to wildlife photographer parents Sylvie Robert and Alain Degre, who published her photos in a book called Tippi of Africa. Website:, Book: Tippi of Africa. Santhie + Adrian’s Mass Effect Wedding | When Geeks Wed.

A Helpful Writing Exercise to Focus Your Blog Content. Photo credit: Flickr (Creative Commons) I’m getting a lot of questions about blogging these days. Friends and strangers are all emailing me, asking the same thing: Am I doing this right? Most of the time, unfortunately, the answer is no. But not for the reasons you might think: Not because they’re not good writers.Not because they don’t have a good design.Not because they aren’t promoting their work and getting their name out there. The simple reason a lot of blogs struggle to succeed is because of lack of focus. Hence, the frustration and insecurity. This a natural tendency (confession: I did this for four years). So what do I tell these people? I share with them one easy exercise that has helped thousands of people (I walk them through this lesson and others in my free blogging course). Before getting started My basic rule of thumb for writing (especially blogging) is this: The more you narrow your focus, the more you broaden your audience.

Most bloggers think they have a focus for their blog. 6 Ways for Writers to Overcome Perfectionist Tendencies. There’s probably a typo in this post. An I’m okay with that. The other day, I was reading an article I had written for a magazine a few months ago. It had been some time since I had last touched the project, so I had forgotten what I had written. I was utterly disgusted.

What was this crap? Who was this verbose, arrogant writer? Photo credit: Zach Klein The typical creative rut This dissatisfaction occurs nearly every time I write something, and, I’m told it’s typical amongst creative people: Directors struggle to watch their own films. Everywhere you look, creative people struggle with liking their own work. Plagued by perfectionism Many creatives are perfectionists. I’m learning to overcome this impediment to productivity by practicing six disciplines: Capture ideas. It’s about action Ultimately, this is about moving forward, one small step at a time. You’ll get there. What other tips do you have for perfectionist writers? *Photo credit: Zach Klein (Creative Commons) On Being A Perfectionist - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) & Anxiety Disorder Attacks, Symptoms & Treatment. Allan N. Schwartz, LCSW, Ph.D. Updated: May 23rd 2006 Are you a perfectionist? Do you demand that everything you do is of the highest quality and above any criticism?

If so, you are a very unhappy person! I can imagine you responding to this latter sentence with something like: "he's awfully presumptuous! Not everyone who experiences anxiety and depression is a perfectionist. How does perfectionism work to make so many people unhappy? First, it is important to understand that human beings cannot be perfect. Because excellence is attainable, there is motivation in that direction.

By contrast, the perfectionist never feels pride or satisfaction in a job well done because they never believe their job was done "well enough. " To borrow an old saying, the perfectionist is like the "person who cannot see the forest for the trees. " Are you a perfectionist? If you wish, try the book by David Burns, MD. entitled The Feeling Good Handbook. Chasing Perfection - Joc - Apr 13th 2013 Hi Dr.Schwartz, Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Trust. Square Face Icon Generator -Icon Generators- Square Face Icon generator,Square Face Avatar Maker(Charactor Maker) 图标方形脸发生器 (角色创建) 네모 진 얼굴의 아이콘 생성기 (캐릭터 만들기) quadratisches Gesicht Icon Generator Площадь лица Иконка генератор Cara cuadrada icono generador Piazza Icona volto generatore 日本語版「四角い顔アイコンジェネレータ」はこちら。

Behavior on a smartphone is not guaranteed. Icon image that visitor made Please post the images created in that generator. Recommended Generator Square Face Pixel Art Icon Generator Square Face Cube Generator. 7 Common Habits of Unhappy People. Image by Mitya Kuznetsov (license). “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” Marcus Aurelius “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” Marcel Proust Circumstances can certainly make life unhappy. In this article I’d like to share 7 of the most destructive daily habits that can create quite a bit of unhappiness within and in your own little world. But I’ll also share what has worked, what has helped me to minimize or overcome these habits in my life. 1.

Does life has to be perfect before you are happy? Do you have to behave in a perfect way and get perfect results to be happy? Then happiness will not be easy to find. How to overcome this habit: Three things that helped me to kick the perfectionism habit and become more relaxed: Go for good enough. 2.

No one is an island. It becomes a lot harder to be happier if you let yourself be dragged down by negative voices. 3. 4. 5. 75 Reminders for Tough Times. 7 Unfortunate Habits of Unhappy People. Email Everyone experiences unhappy times on occasion, but there is a big difference between experiencing a temporary bout of sadness and living a habitually unhappy life.

That’s what chronically unhappy people do. Even if you are generally a happy person, take a look at these seven habits to determine if any of them are keeping you from experiencing greater amounts of joy. 1. Playing it too safe. Don’t play it so safe that you put yourself in situations where none of your potential options satisfy your calling. Your dream is your creative vision for your future life. 2. You will inevitably become who you believe yourself to be. If you spend enough time saying, “I’m not smart enough, thin enough and rich enough,” it’s likely that you will someday be right. 3. Sometimes people put too much interest into trying to control every tiny aspect of their lives.

Freeing yourself from trying to control the insignificant things lets you experience more of the good stuff around you. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7 Unfortunate Habits of Unhappy People. 9 Powerful Ways to Spend a Day. Email All the time given to you in life is valuable; you just have to know what to do with it. Let’s make it count. Shall we? Starting today, spend more time… 1. The uneducated belief in something false that someone tells you is the greatest enemy of your own truth. The best thing you can do for yourself is to think for yourself. 2. If you’re not a little bit uncomfortable on a daily basis it means you’re not growing. Every aspect of physical and emotional growth arrives from outside your comfort zone.

The road less traveled is sometimes laden with potholes, bumps, and unexplored territory. 3. Throughout this beautiful day you have hundreds of little opportunities to move your life in the direction you want it to go. Participate in your dreams today. 4. Stick to it and keep moving forward, even when the path gets rough. Many of your greatest achievements will be realized when you’re completely exhausted and discouraged but still working. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Photo by: SnaPsi. 10 Simple Truths Smart People Forget. Email Some of the smartest people I know continuously struggle to get ahead because they forget to address a few simple truths that collectively govern our potential to make progress. So here’s a quick reminder: #1 – Education and intelligence accomplish nothing without action. It doesn’t matter if you have a genius IQ and a PhD in Quantum Physics, you can’t change anything or make any sort of real-world progress without taking action.

There’s a huge difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it. Knowledge and intelligence are both useless without action. . #2 – Happiness and success are two different things. I know an extremely savvy businesswoman who made almost a million dollars online last year. I also know a surfer who surfs almost all day, every day on the beach in front of our condo complex in San Diego.

“What will make me happy?” #3 – Everyone runs their own business. So how can you simultaneously save your time and increase your profit? And that’s okay. 18 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was 18. 8 Happy Ways to Spend 80 Years. Email In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. -Abraham Lincoln Eighty years is currently the average life span in the West. Here’s how to make them happy and fulfilling: 1. Do yourself this favor before it’s too late. Traveling has less to do with seeing things, as it does with experiencing them.

The thing about traveling to new places is that you run into your insecurities and fears around every twist and turn. 2. When you strike that fine balance between the challenge of an activity and your skill at performing it, when the rhythm of your work feels in sync with your purpose, when you know that what you’re doing makes a difference, you become absorbed in the task at hand to the point where time ceases to exist. So is there anything you do on a regular basis that makes you forget what time it is?

That forgetting, or optimal experience of pure absorption, is what the psychologist Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi calls “flow.” 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 Motivational Quotes and Tips for Hard Times. Email Just a few motivational quotes and tips for those hard times when you need a quick dose of inspiration. 1. Accepting Life’s Challenges “The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. In every life there are great challenges, and in every challenge there are great doses of life to be lived.

Whether you judge a challenge to be a problem or an opportunity says more about you than about the challenge itself. Do something extraordinary. 2. “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” When you’re young you have this fantasy that super successful adults – writers, musicians, doctors, businessmen, etc. – have some kind of magical chest of tools allowing them to build masterpieces that are larger than life. 3. “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Life is ticking away every second. 4. 5. 6. 7. It’s always too early to quit. 8. Recycled Gifts | Unusual Gifts | Personalised Gifts. Dysthymia. Opportunities. Aurgasm | your favorite music you've never heard.

Why We Find It Hard to Do Things That Are Good for Us. “Have respect for yourself, and patience and compassion. With these, you can handle anything.” ~Jack Kornfield I find it hard to do things I know are good for me, harder than anything else in my day-to-day life. Yoga, meditation, journaling: these have all been invaluable tools during my personal journey, yet I have to will, sometimes fight myself in order to do them. It’s not that the activities themselves are hard (although yoga can be intense). I used to think it was just me—that everyone else sat down to these activities with an eager mind and an open heart, especially people who write about these things, like I do, and practice them daily, like I want to.

The fact that I was less skipping joyfully to and from these activities and more dragging myself with gritted teeth left me feeling like a fraud, which meant I wanted to do these things even less. Over time, I learned more about self-acceptance. That sounded familiar… Resistance to Things Changing Resistance to What We Might Find. A life of perfect days: THE SECRET TO BECOMING THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE. We all have dreams of becoming something great. We hold images and visions in our mind of the person that we one day desire to become. We may wish to be able to live out our potential, discover what we are capable of and become the best and most beautiful version of ourselves. We all want a happy and fulfilling life and part of that means living, breathing and expressing our highest qualities to the world. The first thing to get clear on, is that becoming the person you want to be is not an outside search. You will not find your self-love in the affection you get from your partner, you will not find your confidence in the title you hold at work, and you will not find your true abundance in the amount of money in your bank account.

The qualities that you wish to embody need to be created from the inside out. The secret to becoming all you want to be, lies in remembering that you are already everything you want to be. . + Let go of the stories + Let go of the excuses + Let go of your fear. How to Strengthen Character: 21 Steps. 11 Second Club - The Monthly Character Animation Competition. Animation Degree Courses. Animation Degree England. Animation Degree Courses. BA (Hons) Animation | Undergraduate Animation Course | Overview. Cartuneman Gallery - Page 2 - AWN Forums. Name your 10 favorite animated shorts - AWN Forums.

FAQ Formation Initiale : Candidats étrangers. Computer Animation Arts BA (Hons) - Bournemouth University. Best University in the UK for Animation - AWN Forums. Bristol School of Animation - Welcome to the Bristol School of Animation at the University of the West of England. Brain Pickings.

Character Animation | BFI Live. Queers United. Home - Narrative First. Cinematic Terms - A FilmMaking Glossary. CultureCritic - Film Reviews. Exhibition Reviews. Theatre Reviews. Music. Japanese Grammar - Japanese Grammar with Particles. Interesting Words. 200 Japanese Slang Expressions. Lippy: No Gloss Magazine – Politics, Fashion, Music, Art & more. I TRULY LOVE (MARLON HOFFSTADT EDIT) by Selah Sue - studying playlist. Gotbrainy. The meaning of favourite poems | Books. Totally Funky - Unusual Gifts, Funny Gifts & Funky Birthday Present Ideas. Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Blog? 25 Things Writers Should Stop Doing.

The Writer Chords by Ellie Goulding. Fast Car Chords (ver 2) by Tracy Chapman. Koizora. MoMusu Cinderella the Musical Part 1/16 SUBBED. Set Fire To The Rain Chords by Adele. 100 Riffs of Santa Rosa Ca. guitar teacher| Guitar Player Teacher in Santa Rosa|Brodie Cumming. SmilePanic.