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Dekadent bohem spiller musikk instrumenter, og diller med datamaskiner, liker å redigere bilder og video og prøve ut nye programmer, og prøver å kombinere det hele til stor ulykke for alle jeg plager med kunsten min

Teoría musical. Metal / Experimental / svartmetall. Finger Strength Exercises For Guitar. Loading... Key Chords. Key Chords app generates guitar chord progressions automatically.

Key Chords

Use it free online, or get the app for Mac, Windows or iOS (iPad) - Click on a chord to preview how it sounds. - Drag and drop to arrange the chord progression - Tweak the settings to control the playback speed. 21 Cool 3 Notes-Per-String Exercises to Rock On! Photo by Jsome1 Playing 3 notes per string exercises is something I do on a regular basis.

21 Cool 3 Notes-Per-String Exercises to Rock On!

I use them to warm up, to become a faster guitar player and to spice up my improvisation. 3 notes per string licks and scales are generally used for speed picking. Whenever you hear a guitar player playing these really fast terrifying licks, it’s probably a 3 notes per string lick. Paul Gilbert of Mr.Big is one of many great experts in this field.

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