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Ruby Snippets in the Browser. Appcelerator's Developer Platform: Now with Cloud-Based Tools. Mobile platform company Appcelerator launched the latest version of its popular Titanium platform Tuesday, with cloud-based tools to help developers build more dynamic apps for Android and iPhone devices.

Appcelerator's Developer Platform: Now with Cloud-Based Tools

Titanium 2.0, which includes support for HTML5 mobile web apps, aims to help brands create apps quickly and efficiently for their businesses. Appcelerator works with a collection of major brand names including Michaels Stores, Zipcar and more. ACS provides an assortment of popular cloud-based mobile features that aim to engage consumers. 30 free programming eBooks - Since this post got quite popular I decided to incorporate some of the excellent suggestions posted in the comments, so this list now has more than 50 books in it.

30 free programming eBooks -

BTW: I’m not very strict on the definition of “ebook”, some of them are really just HTML versions of books. [UPDATED: 2012-01-18] Learning a new programming language always is fun and there are many great books legally available for free online. – Web Developer. RegexOne - Learn regular expressions with interactive examples.

