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Sign in - Twitter Ads. Ello. Dupont-Aignan, @dupontaignan. @yanndudoubs @canalplus @frhaz @LeSupplement Haziza veut me salir en manipulant les faits. Trop c est trop! 1,228 | 2 months ago Pas capable de maintenir l'ordre public à Marseille mais prêt à intervenir en Syrie! 414 | 9 months ago La Russie va récupérer la Crimée , la France va brailler avec les américains qui ne feront rien et l Allemagne empochera les contrats russes 373 | 2 months ago Edouard Martin le vendu de Florange ! 348 | 5 months ago Quand il s'agit de gauchistes écolos soudain quelle pudeur ds les commentaires ! 300 | 2 months ago Hollande va soutenir militairement en Syrie les islamistes qui tirent sur nos soldats au Mali ! 298 | 9 months ago Je sors de l'enregistrement de ONPC de Ruquier. 293 | 5 months ago Curieux France Info parle de "radicaux" ! 277 | 2 months ago Je suis allé manifester mon soutien aux #veilleursdebout. 265 | 11 months ago Hollande vient de signer l'arrêt de mort de son quinquennat!

241 | 7 months ago 239 | 24 days ago 237 | 4 months ago Brétigny. Gestion des menaces sur les réseaux sociaux. Qu'elle soit volontaire ou non, la présence sur les réseaux sociaux est devenue une réalité pour chaque entreprise. Pour que celle-ci ne soit pas subie, plusieurs initiatives doivent être prises. La thématique de la gestion des menaces sur les réseaux sociaux est devenue centrale dans la communication et la réputation des entreprises. Ainsi, une étude récente révèle que si 65 % des directeurs de la communication des grands groupes mondiaux pensent que la gestion de crise est un prérequis dans leur fonction, seuls 40 % d’entre eux pensent que leur groupe est prêt à faire face à une menace réelle [1].Il est à noter qu’une menace peut démarrer sur les médias sociaux et se propager sur les média traditionnels (TV, radio, presse) et vice versa.

Nous ferons un focus sur le premier type de menace. Pour des entreprises qui commencent à structurer leur réflexion sur le sujet, nous souhaitons attirer leur attention sur 4 aspects qui doivent être pris en compte : Les gens intelligents préfèrent Twitter ? Vous vous souvenez peut-être d’une étude, parue l’an dernier, aux résultats surprenants : les utilisateurs d’Internet Explorer seraient plus bêtes que les autres. Même si cette enquête s’était révélée être une plaisanterie bien orchestrée, elle avait suscité de nombreuses réactions, entre amusement et consternation. Nul doute que ce qui va suivre va également faire bondir, mais cette fois-ci, l’étude a l’air bien plus réelle et consistante.

L’agence australienne de tests psychotechniques Onetest a réalisé une étude sur le devenir de 2851 diplômés de diverses universités entre 2002 et 2011. Une étude d’insertion professionnelle assez classique, dont les résultats complets sont disponibles ici, si vous êtes curieux. Certaines des questions concernaient l’usage des médias sociaux. Seuls 4% des répondants ont placé Twitter en tête de liste de leurs réseaux sociaux favoris. Du bon usage de Twitter pendant les conférences. Les conférences fonctionnent toutes de la même façon : des experts se succèdent au pupitre, pour présenter des allocutions devant une salle remplie d'auditeurs plus ou moins attentifs. Or, à l'ère du 2.0, la formule semble désuète.

Ainsi, depuis quelques temps, les auditeurs créent des live tweets, des fils Twitter qui permettent de rapporter les propos des intervenants et de commenter les sujets abordés. Il arrive même, de plus en plus fréquemment, que les organisateurs des conférences décident du mot-dièse à utiliser dans les twitts, pour qu'il soit plus facile de repérer les messages liés à la manifestation. Et l'on commence à voir se systématiser les écrans placés dans la salle de conférence elle-même, sur lesquels sont projetés les fils Twitter en temps réel. Succès non garanti Cette idée de live tweet peut ajouter une dimension interactive fort intéressante et même encourager les conférenciers à réagir aux questions posées sur le fil Twitter. La recette du live tweet Tan, Sophie. Twister | P2P microblogging platform. Jappix • a free social network. Twister, le Twitter qui contourne la censure | Jeudi 24 Avril 2014 sur StreetPress.

Freedom Alors pourquoi utiliser Twister ? Guepi, un autre twister-addict, contacté par l’intermédiaire d’un forum dédié aux logiciels libres explique pourquoi il kiffe l’outil de microblogging : « Le point principal qui m’a intéressé pour tester cet outil, c’est avant tout le côté un peu décalé, un peu technophile, geek diront certains. » « Mais il y a aussi une motivation plus politique », assure Stéphane Bortzmeyer. Pour lui « Twister permet d’éviter la censure qui peut exister sur des réseaux sociaux centralisés où l’entreprise qui possède le serveur peut effacer ce qu’elle veut ». Preums’ Si l’utilisation du protocole Bitcoin assure l’unicité de chaque pseudonyme (en remontant bloc par bloc la chaîne de partage, on peut s’assurer que le message posté correspond bien à un compte précis) cela devient vite la course au premier inscrit. . « Si quelqu’un décide de créer le compte François Hollande, personne d’autre ne pourra le prendre, explique Stéphane Bortzmeyer.

Twitter pour les chercheurs. Comment Tweeter automatiquement ses anciens articles de blog. ManageFlitter - Work faster & smarter with Twitter. Create a nice PDF e-book of tweets with Tricklr. Themeleon :: Twitter Profile Designer by COLOURlovers. Twitter's man in Washington - The Hill. Twitter is one of the most recognizable brands in the world, with about 170 million active users, including world leaders, business executives and celebrities. But when it comes to a presence in Washington, D.C., Twitter still lags far behind other Silicon Valley giants. Facebook and Google have built extensive lobbying operations to ensure that policymakers look out for their interests.

Twitter, the microblogging service that allows users to share their thoughts in 140-character messages, has no registered lobbyists and just two employees following policy issues. The company rents a handful of offices in a nondescript building about a mile from the U.S. Capitol. Colin Crowell, a Washington veteran, launched Twitter’s global public policy operation last year. Before the company began renting office space, he worked from home. He now shares an office with Will Carty, Twitter’s second policy staffer, who joined the company in September.

As a longtime staffer for Rep. 15 Useful Twitter Applications. Hashtag. In requests for more information about our Twitter party and Twitter chat services, we are often asked, “How can I get my hashtag to become a trending topic on Twitter?” The question’s frequency makes sense: To have your hashtag or brand name displayed along Twitter’s ‘trending topics’ column is a coveted position, with the top or ‘promoted’ trend costing an advertiser a reported $120K to achieve it.

Trending topics are seen and monitored by millions of sets of eyes per day; to be one of them can be game-changing for a company. When a user clicks on a trending topic, they will see a list of all recently-tweeted tweets that contain that term. For companies, this means having more people learn about them and get introduced to their products and services. And free advertising that could be seen by millions is impossible to resist. What exactly makes a topic trend? According to Twitter, “an algorithm determines which topics are ‘trending’ in the location you’ve selected. How do I do it? TagsInAction. How Far Did Your Tweet Travel? Xeni Jardin (xeni. Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter. v6.9: Drag and drop image uploading, more templates. Every 4 weeks, we add new features to MailChimp. This release (v6.9 for those keeping track) is kind of head-sploding: Here are some details… Drag and Drop Image Editor We’re working on totally revamping our content editor in MailChimp.

Our first step in that direction is this all new image editor. You can now just drag and drop images from your desktop into MailChimp: and they get uploaded. A more detailed post will go live soon, where we talk about everything that’s new in this image gallery. Aviary Integration We worked with the awesome guys at Aviary to build a much more customized image editing interface than our old one w/Picnik (and just in time, as it turns out). This is using some new API tricks from Aviary, and we really want to thank them for helping with this. Reports: Filter by list Under the Reports tab, there’s a nice, big graph showing your open and click rates over time. Some of those lists up there are 10 years old, while some are only one year old. Mooore Templaaaaates! Twimbow - Colored Thoughts.

The Rainbow vanished Hi folks, today is a sad day here in Twimbowland, In the last communiques, Twitter discouraged the development of new applications replicating the core Twitter Experience, called “Traditional Clients”, among which Twimbow is included. They outlined some rules ( read here ) which disheartened us and now we have no longer enthusiasm to continue our adventure. Since our first day we tried to go along with the wishes that you (our dearest Twimblers) wrote in your feedbacks, and we tried to develop Twimbow accordingly. All those that earlier were just Twitter’s “ best practices” about their data visualization, have become rules too binding for us.

We made huge efforts to launch our mobile app for all the platforms out there, but, reluctantly, we cancelled those projects. We want to thank warmly those of you who were supportive towards us in this wonderful adventure called Twimbow. Ciao The Twimbow Team. When you talk too much for Twitter. 6 Tools That Allow You To Write Longer Twitter Tweets. So for those times when you want to stay within the Twitterverse without posting a dozen tweets, there are several options available to do just that.

Here are 6 possibilities you should check out, which allow you to write longer Tweets on Twitter. TwitLonger Topsy’s is the site I use via the Twitter desktop client, Tweetie, when I need to get beyond 140 characters. When you go over the character limit, a pop-up message asks if you want to post your “too long” tweet to TwitLonger. You can also of course write a longer tweet directly on the TwitLonger site, signing in with your existing Twitter account. The site points out that your Twitter privacy settings are not reflected in Twitlonger, but it does recommend that you not use its services for sending direct messages.

There are several Twitter-related web and mobile applications that support TwitLonger, including TweetList, Twizzle (iPhone/iPod Touch), Twitepad (iPad), and Touiteur (Android). JumboTweet ezTweets TinyPaste XLTweet. 50 Best Twitter Tools & Services. Sometimes it’s not that easy to manage your friends and followers on Twitter. So if you want to be in the swim, you’ll have to know many things; e.g. do your followers retweet your tweets, and whether those whom you are following are following you or not. In this post we are glad to offer you the handiest tools that might definitely simplify the process. Archivist Visualizations are graphic representations of the data your archives. Visualizations generated by The Archivist may not represent a complete historical record. Use The Archivist to help you understand trends such as the number of Tweets over time, top users and words, sentiment, and more.

Check out our handy visualizations page for more info or see what types of visualizations The Archivist creates below.. Backtweets Twitter analytics to help you understand how people interact with you and your content. Birdherd BirdHerd makes it easy for groups, teams and brands to update a single Twitter account. Buffer Chirpstats Digitweet Dlvr.

10 Top Twitter Tools Suggested By the Pros. Yes, there are a ton of great Twitter Tools out there for you, but which ones should you pick? I thought one of the best ways to narrow your choice down is to get in touch with the real Social Media experts. I sent them an email and asked them about their recommended Tools for you. So here are the top 10 responses from the Twitter Pros out there. I hope some of these tools will be useful for you too: Mari Smith's Top Tool: ManageFlitter Mari Smith is a one of the top Social Media speakers out there and she mentioned to me that “Manageflitter has a beautiful interface and is a terrific tool for managing your followers and following.” With this tool you can clean up and manage whom you are following within just a few clicks.

Jay Baer's Top Tool: Buffer Jay Baer is one of the smartest Social Media and content marketing minds I have ever met and ranked in the #3 in the world for it. With Buffer you can post Tweets in a more efficient way. Aaron Lee's Top Tool: CoTweet. Twitter = Instant Memories. Now you can send your tweets directly into Evernote. Why is this cool? Because Twitter is chock-full of great stuff. Your ideas, thoughts, and experiences mixed together with all of the content from the people you follow: journalism, storytelling, commentary, activism, even comedy –to quote Rob Corddry, “It’s the perfect joke-writing medium. If you need more than 140 characters then it’s not worth it.”

Thanks to the Evernote-Twitter integration, you can easily capture the tweets you like: your own or those showing up in your stream. Plus, as an added bonus, you can now send yourself a quick note right from Twitter –no need to do any of that pesky app switching. Here’s how… Say ‘Hello’ to @myEN Evernote now lets you send public Twitter messages, and private Direct Messages, right into your Evernote account for searchable, permanent safekeeping. Setting up myEN First, you’ll need an Evernote account. How to use myEN For Public tweets: Add @myEN to the body of any public tweet SMS notes.