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Three Days Grace - Pain. The Guild: I'm the One That's Cool Directed by Jed Whedon, Co-Written By Jed Whedon & Felicia Day. Chinese Manga Fan Creates Striking Perspective Art Where He's The Star. Gaikuo-Captain, a student at Beijing Chemical Engineering University, originally just wanted to make a profile photo for himself and somehow ended up with stuff like the following photos below. He is definitely a manga and anime fan to say the least. He created a set of 21 images, posted them on the internet, and earned 10,000 views in one day. I think this Sai drawing is just so perfectly capturing how it would look if it was real! In an interview by a local newspaper, he said those characters he used in his art are the ones he dearly loves, that he considers them as a part of his life.

He said it brought back many memories while working on them. He explains that he started with imagining a scene in his head then taking a photo of himself in a pose in that scene, then bringing in a photo editing program to draw onto it. Some images took multiple attempts to achieve his satisfaction. Gaikuo-Captain Weibo Source with translation help from Yukie Photos from Hamusoku. Maxistentialism. “Werewolf is a simple game for a large group of people (seven or more.) It requires no equipment besides some bits of paper; you can play it just sitting in a circle. I’d call it a party game, except that it’s a game of accusations, lying, bluffing, second-guessing, assassination, and mob hysteria.” – Andrew Plotkin, creator of Werewolf Werewolf is based on the game Mafia, which was created in 1986 by Dimitry Davidoff, a psychology student in the USSR.

In 1997 Andrew Plotkin added the Werewolf theme and documented the rules. Werewolf has gone on to become a staple of tech conferences and gaming conventions, and many players, including myself, consider it to be one of the most difficult and elegant games ever created. Read more… Most reports credit Dimitry Davidoff with creating Mafia in 1986 as a teaching tool. Mafia become Werewolf after author Andrew Plotkin became fascinated with it at the 1997 National Puzzlers’ League convention. The rules are simple. “Werewolves, open your eyes.” Games. Anime. Men Who Dress Like Men. Essence of Political Science. How To Solve Your Hangover. I’m writing this about 5 PM on December 31st. I know I’ll be hungover when this article goes up. I know you will be, too. Prevention advice is useless: it’s coming as surely as a metaphor coming at the end of this sentence.

So how do you deal with this? Glad you asked. 1. You need liquids. 2. Bacon, eggs and toast will cure you. 3. Get out of your pajamas. I know it sounds paradoxical, but that’s what you’ve gotta do. 4. Watch T.V. 5. If for some reason you are prescribed medical marijuana and/or live in a state where it’s been decriminalized, now might be a good time for a little holistic healing. 6. After all these steps, accept your hangover. Lev Novak is a Junior and English major at Tufts University. Recipe Results: Cooking with Paula Deen. WqiVQ.gif (600×337)


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