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Nuno Miguel Oliveira - Known for Education, Elearning, Web20 on Wefollow. Free PowerPoint to Flash Converter | #elearning | A Educação no Século XXI. Calaméo – Publique e partilhe documentos. (18) Como Elaborar Um Projeto De Pesquisa. eLearning | Transforming education through technology.

EDUCA 2010 Conference in Lisbon. It is always interesting to get another perspective on my work from another country. I provided the opening keynote for EDUCA 2010 sponsored by the University of Lisbon, Portugal, their First International Meeting devoted to the problems of using ICT for learning. It was literally standing room only during the opening session... the largest group I have addressed in years (including the AAEEBL conference in July). By a show of hands at the beginning of my keynote, about half of the room were K-12 teachers, the other half were from higher education. The meeting had one distinction: the hashtag #ticeduca2010 (ICT and Education Conference) was tweeted more than the Summit Meeting of NATO at Lisbon being held at the same time.

I guess the followers of the NATO conference are not active on Twitter, like these educators are! Their blog points out the highlights of the conference. I left the social dinner prior to the music! I am also getting used to my new tiny MacBook Air. E-Revistas. Plataforma Open Access de Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas. ERIC – World’s largest digital library of education literature.

List-mania: 100+ Web Tools for Editing, Maintaining, Remixing Lists | eLearning Gurus. If you live by your lists, from groceries to important school assignments, then these web tools will be invaluable for you. No matter if you need help creating, editing, organizing, or just maintaining your lists, these tools offer a way to get what you need accomplished. With tools for simple to-do lists, lists of websites, task managers, organizing ideas, and lists available on your mobile phone, you’re sure to find some great tools to help you manage every kind of list in your life. Creating Lists If you need help creating lists, storing lists, or you just want to share some lists, then these tools will help you out.

Google Sets. Google Labs offers to generate lists for you based on words that you supply. To-Do Lists These tools will help you manage and edit your to-do lists online so you will stay on top of all our classes or projects. Website Lists Taking Notes Use these tools to take notes to help create your lists, then edit and organize your notes and lists. MetaCrawler. R21 :: OER Recursos Educativos Abertos. Definição e contextualização dos OER (Open Educational Resources) O movimento Open Educational Resource (OER), que podemos localizar para Recurso Educativo Aberto, é suportado essencialmente na expansão da Internet e na disponibilização de recursos em formato digital. A definição do conceito, inicialmente adoptada pela UNESCO em 2002, apresenta-se como: “Open educational resources (OER) are learning materials that are freely available for use, remixing and redistribution” e “technology-enabled, open provision of educational resources for consultation, use and adaptation by a community of users for non-commercial purposes”.

A disseminação deste formato de conteúdos iniciou-se em 2001 com a criação do MIT´s OpenSourseWare (OCW) que permite o acesso a materiais e módulos de 1700 cursos do MIT. Segundo Johnstone (2005), os OERs podem ser caracterizados em três grandes grupos: Importância da WEB 2.0 na dinamização dos OERs. RCAAP - Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal. Recursos Interactivos : Promethean Planet Portugal. 29 - Diciembre 2011. Innovar en la enseñanza de grado. Crónica de una experiencia de trabajo grupal en entornos virtuales. Analía Chiecher y Danilo Donolo Resumen El artículo describe una experiencia de innovación pedagógica implementada en nivel de grado. Texto completo en formato PDF Abstract The article describes an innovation experience implemented with college students. El componente vivencial como factor central en la integración de tecnologías para la enseñanza y la investigación.

Marcelo Dorfsman Resumen En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar la problemática de la integración de las tecnologías en la enseñanza y en la investigación, entre docentes e investigadores pertenecientes a instituciones de enseñanza superior. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo mediante el seguimiento de dos cursos de capacitación en línea, para docentes de nivel superior de una universidad en la República Argentina, de los cuales participaron 48 docentes e investigadores. Abstract Eloiza da Silva G. Resumo Resumen Abstract Resumen. Revista Sísifo. Tools for the Social Classroom (ages 5-18) The Journal of Distance Education / Revue de l'Éducation à Distance. The Journal of Distance Education is an international publication of the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE). Its aims are to promote and encourage scholarly work in e-learning and distance education and provide a forum for the dissemination of international scholarship. Original material in either English or French is invited in three broad categories: (a) Scholarly articles and research papers that focus on issues related to e-learning and distance education; (b) Reports that highlight unique solutions to critical problems, short descriptions of work underlying new or innovative programs or contemporary events, and brief notes on research in progress; and (c) Dialogues devoted to the discussion or debate of issues in e-learning and distance education that may arouse controversy.

Also included here will be papers written in reply to articles published in earlier issues of the Journal. Vol 28, No 1 (2014) Table of Contents From the Editors Research Articles. Online tools and applications - Go2web20. KnowingKnowledge_LowRes.pdf (Objecto application/pdf) Elearnspace. everything elearning. Beautiful Word Clouds. Welcome | Bamboo DiRT (BETA) eLearn Magazine. Relación de Colecciones en Virtual Educa Fedora Community Display - e-spacio. Ismael Peña-López's personal research portal. Universidade Aberta - Em Qualquer Lugar do Mundo - Notícias. British Journal of Educational Technology. The impact of mobile learning on students' learning behaviours and performance: Report from a large blended classroom Minjuan Wang, Ruimin Shen, Daniel Novak, Xiaoyan Pan Face-to-face versus online tuition: Preference, performance and pass rates in white and ethnic minority students John T.

E. Richardson Supporting social awareness in collaborative e-learning Niki Lambropoulos, Xristine Faulkner, Fintan Culwin The Buddha's distance learning consult Keith B. Hopper Mobile practices in everyday life: Popular digital technologies and schooling revisited Guy Merchant Effective professional development for e-learning: What do the managers think? Using reflection triggers while learning in an online course Dominique Verpoorten, Wim Westera, Marcus Specht Social Networking and Mobile Learning Edited by Norbert Pachler, Maria Ranieri, Stefania Manca and John Cook Volume 43, Issue 5, (September 2012) Learning objects in progressEdited by Michael Klebl and Bernd J. Educational Designer.

Personal Learning Environments and Network. European e-Competence Framework - Home. Lince - conversor para a nova ortografia - Portal da Língua Portuguesa. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. Editorial from Alan Tait. Editorial from Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen, Graínne Conole and Asger Harlung. Exploring OER: Internet Information Literacy, Problem Solving and Analogical Thinking Cinzia Ferranti Open Educational Resources, Internet Information Literacy, creativity, analogical thinking, problem solving, Information retrieval, analogy retrieval YouTube as a Repository: The Creative Practice of Students as Producers of Open Educational Resources Helen Keegan, Frances Bell OERs, Creativity, Mobile, YouTube, Producers, Community Learner Generated Content: Quality Criteria in online Collaborative Learning Maria Pérez-Mateo, Marcelo F.

Learner Generated Content; quality criteria; Collaborative learning; wiki; online learning Framing Creativity. Niels Henrik Helms, Simon B. Creativity, innovation, didactic design, quadruple helix, SME, user-driven innovation, materiality Collaborative Environments to Foster Creativity, Reuse and Sharing of OER Paolo Tosato, Gianluigi Bodi Patrick McAndrew. Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning | Universidade Aberta. A Educação no Século XXI. Publish or Perish on Microsoft Windows. The Windows version of Publish or Perish is available for downloading by using the link below. The download package contains an installer for Microsoft Windows and is digitally signed by Tarma Software Research Pty Ltd. Note: The Publish or Perish software installer does not require administrator rights. You can install the Publish or Perish software on your computer even as a non-privileged user. How to cite the Publish or Perish software If you are using the Publish or Perish software in one of your research articles or otherwise want to refer to it, please use the following format: Harzing, A.W. (2007) Publish or Perish, available from A 15-minute audio & slide presentation on citation analysis and Publish or Perish can be found on slideshare.

A recording of "From publication to impact: Using Google Scholar and Publish or Perish to measure research impact" is available on the website of Centre for Learning & Technology at the London School of Economics. 1. Scholar. À propos de cette page Nos systèmes ont détecté un trafic exceptionnel sur votre réseau informatique. Cette page permet de vérifier que c'est bien vous qui envoyez des requêtes, et non un robot. Que s'est-il passé ? Cette page s'affiche lorsque Google détecte automatiquement des requêtes émanant de votre réseau informatique qui semblent enfreindre les Conditions d'utilisation. Des applications malveillantes, un plug-in de navigateur ou un script qui envoie des requêtes automatiques peuvent être à l'origine de ce trafic.

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