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The nummòlt download page. Nummòlt Help files download: (not indispensable) (in catalan language) Download (131 Kb) (nummolt.hlp = 300 Kb)+(nummolt2.hlp = 800 Kb) New: nummòlt help files in video (.swf): Subtraction with borrowing (23-15) Addition (274+162) Subtraction with borrowing (25-18) Multiplication (12*12) Division (324/18) Operations with parenthesis (5+2)*3 Operations with signed parenthesis -(5-10) Creating couples of null value 9998 (+2-2) Strategies with nummòlt (98+(2-2))*(98+(2-2)) Video Help: For to play with: Quadrillion Tower of signed parenthesis.

The nummòlt download page

The nummòlt download page. The nummòlt download page. Nummòlt Help files: video (multiplication) Nummòlt Help files: video (addition) Nummòlt Help files: video (subtraction) Nummòlt Help files: video (creating pairs positive-negative) Nummòlt Help files: video (operations with parenthesis) Nummòlt Help files: video (operations with signed parenthesis) Nummòlt Help files: video (creating pairs positive-negative to simplify operations) Nummòlt Help files: video (playing with nummòlt: quadrillion) Nummòlt Help files: video (example from the download page) Nummòlt Help files: video (inverse of multiplication) Help (8) - Element neutre - Parelles. Help (9) - Estrategies. Help (6) - Parentesi. El parèntesi: El parèntesi expressa l'ordre que s'ha de seguir a l'hora de resoldre les operacions: Primer, el que que hi ha dins del que sigui més profond, i anar resolent cap a fora.

Help (6) - Parentesi

Exemple: ( 5 + 2 ) * 3 Primer es resol la suma interior del parèntesi. El nummòlt no dona cap altre opció. Quan s'ha fet aquesta suma (5+2), el fons de la finestra-parèntesi es torna clar. Aleshores ja es pot fer un doble clic per a fer desaparèixer la finestra. Doble clic sobre finestres: El doble clic sobre finestres, sols funciona quan el fons és clar, i les operacions interiors ja estàn resoltes. Help (7) - Parentesi amb signe. Help (4) - Multiplicacio. Multiplication: Nummòlt represents the multiplication in a continuous process.

Help (4) - Multiplicacio

Each number to multiply is within a parenthesis (represented by a rectangular window) lined to 45º with unique properties. In order to make the multiplication, it is necessary to drag tokens of one in one towards the other term of the multiplication. The transferred token, is annulled instantaneously, and causes the appearance of the result of this one partial operation of multiplication in a normal parenthesis of an inferior level. When the process has finished, (no longer they are left cards in a term) the multiplication parentheses disappear. The process of multiplication in nummòlt, is continuous and reversible. Example: 12 * 12 When raising the operation, are 12 in the parenthesis of the left and 12 in the parenthesis of the right.

Help (5) - 'divisio' 'División' nummòlt does not allow to make divisions in the traditional sense of the word.

Help (5) - 'divisio'

The result of the division goes beyond the scope of the integers. Therefore, it is only spoken here of 'división' in the sense of ' inverse operation of multiplication '. For 'divide' they are due to group the tokens in the amount by which we thought to divide, and to make groups of multiples of this one amount, and to be following the process inverse which we have seen in the multiplication. If in the end, it is left a card surplus that cannot be grouped to form a multiple of the initial amount, it is that the number was not divisible by this one amount, and what we see is the remainder of a integers division. Throughout the process, the program has doubts, and makes questions logics: (to group to the right or the left). Help (1) - Enters. Exemple: 123 Nombres Enters: Aquest és l'exemple inicial del nummòlt: Partim de l'enter 123.

El descomposem per a veure quin és el sistema de funcionament del nummòlt. Primer separem les unitats (3) després les desenes (20) i les centenes (100). Això s'aconsegueix simplement arrossegant les petites fitxetes amb el ratolí. El fet de separar les unitats de la resta, fa que el fons de la pantalla es torni fosc. Aquest és l'estat del fons de la pantalla al llarg de totes les manipulacions, i en tots els estats intermitjos de manipulació. Manipulació de les fitxes: En principi, les fitxetes es poden manipular arrossegant-les amb el ratolí i el botó esquerre apretat. Doble clic sobre Fitxes aïllades: El fet de separar una petita fitxa de les altres, permet fer un doble clic sobre ella, i aleshores s'allibera el seu contingut.

Help (2) - Suma. Help (3) - Resta. ( To nummòltdownload page ) arxius d'ajut del nummòlt (3). nummòlt help files (3). archivos de ayuda del nummòlt (3) [ Enters:Z ][ Suma: + ][Resta: -][ Multiplicació:* ][ "Divisió": / ][ Parentesi:( ) ][ Parèntesi amb signe: ( ) ][ Creant parelles: valor nul: +x -x ][ Estratègies: ] [ Integers:Z ][ Addition: + ][Subtraction: -][ Multiplication:* ][ "Division": / ][ Parenthesis:( ) ][ Signed Parenthesis: ( ) ][ Creating pairs: null value: +x -x ][ Strategies: ] [ Enteros:Z ][ Suma: + ][Resta: -][ Multiplicación:* ][ "División": / ][ Parentesis:( ) ][ Parentesis con signo: ( ) ][ Creando parejas: valor nulo: +x -x ][ Estrategias: ] -

Help (3) - Resta

Jeux de construction. Document Honorifique. Nummòlt : Nummòlt Blog: Concession De La Brique D'Or Honorifique: Aujourd'hui, 21 Mai 2002, à la Ville de Montmorency , France, dans les étonnants jardins de la Ville Locus Solus , prés de la hie ou demoiselle, on a célebré la céremoine de Décoration Honnorifique, la prémiere de cet Siècle.

Document Honorifique

Avec l'assistance du Président Honorifique de nummòlt.Organization et Proprietaire de Locus Solus : Martial Canterel (en esprit), Avec ses actuels associés (en esprit touts): Marcel Duchamp , Alexander Calder , Joan Miró , Hieronymus Bosch , Francis Picabia , Torres -García, A.C. G ., J.G. from E .S.R, Tryphon Tournesol et Raymond Roussel .


ARQLETS. Links Nummòlt. CamStudio - Desktop Screen Recorder. Architecture. Entrevista a Jurjo Torres. Art. Math Tools Online. MATHLETS. Activities. Programming. Math Tools Phone-Tablet. Math videos. Links To Links MATH. Links to nummolt. New links to Nummolt. Nummòlt - construction toys. Juegos de construcción. Jocs de construcció. Nummòlt - arqlets.

Càlcul de biga recolzada i càrrega uniforme. Biga. The mechanism : The green outer ring with 5 primary partitions and and 300 smaller partitions gives 59/300 turns per minute counterclockwise: 11.8 turns per hour.


The planetary gear of the seconds, in green color, is driven by the outer ring and gives 59 rph counterclockwise. And in turn, the axis makes a complete turn clockwise, rolling on the inside of the crown of the minutes, by hour. The hand of the minutes, in blue color, turning on the central axis and linked to the axis of the planetary gear of the seconds, makes a complete turn every hour. The wheel that rotates clockwise integrally with its base and with the hand of the minutes, make to spin counterclockwise two blue planetary wheels. Interaction: Buttons: The buttons are used to toggle the different layers of the watch: -. Tallant. Comprovació i càlcul d'armadures a tallant en bigues de formigó segons EHE:© Maurici Carbó 2002.


Db-su-8. El Codi Tècnic Interactiu: Document Bàsic: Seguretat d'ús SU-8: Seguretat enfront els llamps 1 Procés de verificació 1- Serà necessària la instal·lació d'un sistema de protecció contra el llamp, en els termes que s'estableixen al apartat 2, quan la freqüència esperada de impactes Nesigui major que el risc admissible Na. 2- Als edificis en els que es manipulin substàncies tòxiques, radioactives, altament inflamables o explosives i als edificis més alts 43 m disposaran sempre de sistemes de protecció contra el llamp d'eficiència E superior o igual a 0,98, segons el que s'indica a l'apartat 2.


Dominis de deformació. Arqlets: caixa d'eines per a arquitectes; arqlets: architect's toolbox.

arqlets: caixa d'eines per a arquitectes; arqlets: architect's toolbox

Modulo applet. Modulo applet - Help files. Nummolt Modulo applet. Help 3. Modular arithmetic. Math magic. Nummolt Modulo applet. Help 2. Polygonal Numbers. Nummolt modulo applet Help file 1. Nummolt Modulo applet. Help 0. Base 10 blocks. Nummolt modulo applet. This is a QR code. A QR Code is a 2-dimensional barcode, which has encoded in it a URL (web address), text, or other information. It can be read by a QR code scanner, including QR scanner smartphone apps. Once you have an app installed on your smartphone, open the app and hold your phone’s camera over a QR code to read it.

Most QR codes you’ll come across have a URL encoded, so chances are when you read the QR code it will take you to a web page. Reviewed by members of Editorial board for inclusion in MERLOT. Click to get more information on the MERLOT Editors' Choice Award in a new window. Click to get more information on the MERLOT Classics Award in a new window. Click to get more information on the MERLOT JOLT Award in a new window. Search all MERLOT Click here to go to your profile Click to expand login or register menu Select to go to your workspace Click here to go to your Dashboard Report Click here to go to your Content Builder Click here to log out Search Terms.

Nummolt - Google Play. Calculator in the set of the natural numbers (ℕ). And is able to write all the natural numbers with words.When the result leaves the set of natural numbers, this calculator points to the need of to upgrade to a calculator with more features. ( ℤ calculator or ℚ calculator).Type the numerical operations and results in words. Writing numbers :The app writes correctly from from the one (10^0) until the centillion (10^303).Supports larger numbers, but no one has defined the proper spelling of these huge numbers. Video: How looks a Centillion? : Post of the first publication of this: "Whole Calculator" at Nummolt Double Struck Capital - nummolt apps: Type in the keyboard, and the spelling of the numbers or operations appears in the upper screen converted in words. Based in part on the "Really Big numbers" mathcats application, made in collaboration between Wendy Petti ( ) and Maurici Carbó ( ) in.

Adding apples and oranges. Apples & Oranges - AlgebraAdding Apples and Oranges Version with 1 decimal This new application is a basic tool to learn algebra.Trying solving a system of linear equations with two equations and two unknown variables. (Two purchases)Based on the same problem seen at the free "Adding Apples and Oranges. " ( where only used integers.Now, this new program works externally with a decimal. It contains: . A button that generates new questions ("two new purchases of fruits").. Adding apples and oranges for Android. Ninedigits workshop. Apples & Oranges - AlgebraAdding Apples and Oranges Version with 1 decimal This new application is a basic tool to learn algebra.Trying solving a system of linear equations with two equations and two unknown variables. (Two purchases)Based on the same problem seen at the free "Adding Apples and Oranges.

" ( where only used integers.Now, this new program works externally with a decimal. Ninedigits workshop for Android.