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Lightroom | Tutorial | Ritratti. Lightroom è un programma di fotoritocco molto apprezzato dai fotografi, permette di fare le principali correzioni, tagli, colore, luce ma è ottimo anche come sistema di archivio delle nostre fotografie. Lightroom è un po’ come Photoshop, non si finisce mai di conoscerlo, quindi cerchiamo di approfondire la questione. Vediamo insieme 5 tutorial di Lightroom per migliorare i volti umani, tecniche facili che si possono utilizzare anche in altri tipi di immagini. Guarda anche: Come creare le doppie esposizioni creative con Photoshop Rimuovere le macchie del viso Quando si apre su Lightroom la foto di un ritratto improvvisamente compaiono una quantità incredibile di difetti, macchie, brufoli, punti neri ecc.

Illuminazione per volti La luce è fondamentale in fotografia e lo è quindi anche nei ritratti. Correzione colori Bilanciamento del bianco Imparare a bilanciare il bianco è basilare nella fotografia digitale, è utile nei ritratti così come in ogni immagine.Link tutorial. Lightroom Presets. Lightroom 2014 Calendar Template Presets Hey everyone. Later this week I’m heading to teach my Lightroom seminar in Seattle. We’ve got almost 500 people signed up so it’s getting full but you can still probably grab a seat if you’re in the area. Now for some presets. The past few years I’ve featured some killer Lightroom Calendar Preset templates from blog reader, Ed Weaver. A few years ago, Ed contacted me with some calendar graphics that he... Read More Lightroom Presets – Fall Color A couple of weeks ago I was out in the Colorado mountains photographing fall color (I posted some photos on my personal blog here). Lightroom 5 Beta Presets For The New Radial Filter Yesterday Adobe released the free public beta of Lightroom 5.

Lightroom Presets – Black and White Tonal Contrast Effect A while back I released some presets that simulated one of my favorite effects in Photoshop plug-ins – the Tonal Contrast effect. onOne Software’s Perfect Effects has it, and Nik has it as well. Hey everyone! Free Lightroom Presets. Lightroom Archives - Free Lightroom and Aperture Presets - Instant Downloads. Pannello diffusore | Fai da te. Tutorial | Post produzione. Create a Dark, Cinematic Effect in Photoshop | Polished Picture.

Today’s before & after Photoshop tutorial comes to us from Marc Andre. He will be showing us how to create a dark, cinematic effect. Near the end of the tutorial, he provides the link to a free action you can download in order to apply this effect to your photos! Photoshop allows you to create all kinds of different effects for your photos, and in this tutorial we’ll go through the process of creating a dark, cinema-inspired look. If you’re looking to add a dramatic touch to a photo, this approach can work quite well. And here is a preview of how the photo will look at the end of this tutorial: We’ll go through the process of creating this effect step-by-step. When you click on that icon it will open a list of the different types of adjustment layers that you can add. Step 1: Create a Black & White Adjustment Layer Click on the icon to create a new adjustment layer and select “Black & White” from the list.

Step 2: Create a Curves Adjustment Layer Step 4: Exposure Adjustment Final Results. Tutorial Photoshop | effetto vintage. Photoshop è una fonte inesauribile di sapere, per ogni cosa che conosciamo e apprendiamo ce ne sono altre mille tutte da scoprire, se da un lato questo può scoraggiare dall’altro è anche molto stimolante perché ci spinge a cercare sempre di più, ad essere curiosi e a provare cose nuove. Dopo aver visto una raccolta di tutorial dedicati alla fotografia di ritratto oggi giochiamo un po’ con una raccolta dedicata agli effetti retrò e vintage che vanno molto di moda.

Scopri 5 tutorial di Photoshop dedicati al ritratto Invecchiare le foto con i programmi di fotoritocco non è certo una novità, qualche anno fa quando ancora non c’erano Instagram & Co. si usavano moltissimo il seppia e l’effetto cross processing, adesso invece esiste una quantità infinita di filtri vintage che in alcuni casi ci permettono di rendere le foto originali e più interessanti. Leggi anche: Restauro fotografico, la moda del vintage fa la fortuna degli esperti che rispolverano l'anima delle foto d'epoca.

Photoshop tutorial | Ritratto. Lightroom Killer Tips | Lightroom Presets, Videos, Tips and News. Photoshop Tutorials. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create an emotional scene using photo-manipulation skills. You’ll learn how to play with color, blend using adjustment layers and brush, add texture, work with lighting effect and more. Read More In this tutorial I’ll show you how to paint a woman portrait from scratch. You’ll learn some basic rules to form your painting, the tips to paint effectively, how to use brush and take care of the details. A graphic tablet is highly recommended for this tutorial. Read More Get ready to create an epic battle between a sea creature and a courageous pirate girl.

Read More When was the last time you went to an airport? Read More Today we’re going to be taking a look at a few basic techniques to get you started using Photoshop’s blending options to give you some very nice looking results fairly quickly! 7 trucchi in 3 minuti, video e considerazioni. Color Thief. 7 Cool Night Photography Tutorials For 7 Different Situations. Ritesh is a professional photographer and image retoucher. By Ritesh Saini on in Photography Websites Heading indoors after the sun sets deprives you of some wonderful photographic opportunities.

From shooting the starry sky and the milky way to capturing cityscapes and fireworks, the possibilities can be plenty. As the saying goes, “luck is when preparation meets opportunity”. This post aims at keeping you prepared by providing you with links to tutorials that cover almost all night photography situations. 1. Star Photography Tutorial In this tutorial, photographer Dave Morrow tells everything you need to know about photographing the night sky. Northern Lights obove the Faroe Islands by Ehrenberg Kommunikation, on Flickr 2. Cities at night can offer plentiful chances to capture stunning images. ¿Oootra vez?

3. Although challenging, photographing fireworks can provide you with some spectacular results. Fireworks by Terry Grealey, on Flickr 4. Brisbane Lightening by stevoarnold, on Flickr 5. Blog / Tutorial: Time Stack. Today I’d like to introduce the brilliant Matt Molloy, photography enthusiast and budding professional. He’s the author of those amazing impressionist inspired photos. So many people have asked how to do this technique, and he’s been gracious enough to share it here with us! Please enjoy this Time Stack Tutorial. I've always been amazed by timelapse photography and the unique perspective of time it gives you. Once I got into photography, it was a natural direction for me to go. The more I explored timelapse photography, the more I realized how versatile it is. You can get so much out of a timelapse; an interesting video; the perfect shot (selected from several hundred photos of the same scene), enhanced details and distortion correction (often done in astrophotography); or removing elements from a scene (like cars or people).

Here is an example of a "star trail" image I created from a series of 305 photos. Here is my very first attempt at a daylight "timestack". 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3.