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What is Harper Afraid Of? To My Local MP, What is Stephen Harper afraid of? Rivers that turn black and run into the sea? Birds falling from the sky? People fleeing a toxic land? Or maybe Harper is most afraid of this... Tar Sands Oil being labeled dirty. I am writing to you because I am afraid of the Harper Government's plans to build the Northern Gateway pipeline straight through the Rocky Mountains. With all the changes that Harper is making... Gutting the fisheries act Trashing the environmental assessment act Overruling the National Energy Board Barring environmental groups from hearings Barring Canadian citizens from hearings (unless they live or work in the area) Speeding up environmental reviews Slashing Environment Canada's budget Silencing the Scientists (and anyone who disagrees with the Harper Government) Lifting the 40 year ban on tankers on B.C.' ...

The Harper Government claims they are doing "responsible resource development". Why is the government looking the other way? Please stand up for Canada. Rank Comix - 2011 | Windspeaker - AMMSA: Aboriginal news, issues and culture. This Modern World » Comics. Wrong Hands. Site officiel de Jean Giraud Moebius Official website. Pickup Artist. David Mack Portfolio. The Art Of Dave McKean. Comics. Neil's Work > Comics. Graphic Novels - Cloudscape Comics.