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I don't understand the USA. Now I'm riding.. Scumbag Canad. That's what she said: The story of SHE. When chemists die, we Barium. The Hoppiest. Meanwhile, in Vancouver. I don't always drink beer.. TV has never been the same. My roommate's way of keeping me motivated.. Kid ... This Picture Will Haunt You For A Lifetime - Your Parents Will Make Sure Of It. All the single ladies! Seriously? Not giving any fuck is a part of life. Come at me, Sun. This room is brimming with funny. x8VGv.jpg (500×690) The Rise of Reddit: 4chan and Digg Get the Credit While Reddit Booms. Of the three main drivers of internet culture-blogs, social networking sites and forums-most people in the media and in the general Internet-using public only understand two.

The Rise of Reddit: 4chan and Digg Get the Credit While Reddit Booms

Blogs work in a very obvious way: they're like magazines or newspapers, but light. Information spreads from blog to blog up and down the food chain, but it's pretty traceable. Social networks work in a different but equally obvious way: they're like real-world word of mouth, but easier to track, though still much tougher to control or predict than blogs. But forums can be inscrutable to outsiders. And they get far less attention than the other two culture-drivers.

So far, Digg and 4chan have gotten most of the attention. And 4chan is that deep dark site that Makes Things Happen. And I say plenty of them aren't. Reddit got almost 300 million pageviews in July, compared to the 200 million Digg views in July that Digg founder Kevin Rose reported on his blog. But they can also start their own real-world memes. TdJnY.gif (499×374)

Apparently Barack Obama’s signature looks like a penis (and/or a dinosaur) You REALLY fucked up. One of the best ways men get to know each other. She will never forget what her dad wore for her first prom. Fuck Yea. Hipster ariel, on land. fYZFx.jpg (500×377) Found this in a second-hand book shop... posted without further comment. zQYCs.jpg (2140×3427) sRX5f.gif (282×178) Fuck, man. Gyrpd.png (853×429) When visiting Australia, come prepared. Not what I originally expected.. Emo Alpaca...Mood Apathetic. Kidnap? This always makes me sad.. The master arrives home to his loyal AT-AT. MBXWN.jpg (500×349) Bullseye. The Yiddish-language Ultra-Orthodox daily Der Tzitung felt that their policy of keeping photos of women out of their publication (for fear of sexually exciting Hasidic men) took precedence over the presence of Hillary Clinton in the iconic SitRoom photo. Anytime you see a Facebook argument happening, post this .gif. The horrible truth behind whipped cream.

I totally want that doormat! NEVER AGAIN. 긴박한 ‘백악관 작전상황실’ 패러디 사진 화제. [서울신문 나우뉴스]미국 특수부대에 의해 사살된 오사마 빈 라덴은 이제 역사책에서 볼수 있게 됐지만 사후 많은 이야깃거리를 남기고 있다.

긴박한 ‘백악관 작전상황실’ 패러디 사진 화제

미국 인터넷 상에는 최근 언론에 공개된 긴박한 모습의 백악관 작전 상황실을 패러디한 사진이 화제가 되고 있다. 이 사진은 지난 1일 새벽(현지시간) 오사마 빈 라덴 제거작전을 오마바 대통령 등 수뇌부들이 백악관 상황실에 지켜볼 당시 촬영된 것으로 역사적인 순간을 현실감 있게 잘 포착해 걸작으로 평가받고 있다. 당시 이 사진은 미국 신문을 비롯 국내에서도 주요 지면을 장식했으며 온라인 사진사이트인 플리커에서는 한때 최다 조회 수를 기록하기도 했다. 그러나 인터넷으로 넘어온 이 사진은 다양한 패러디를 통해 우스개 거리로 전락했다. 조이스틱을 들고 게임하는 듯한 모습을 담은 오바마 대통령의 모습이나 3D 버전이라고 이름 붙여진 패러디 사진도 웃음을 자아낸다. 한편 CNN 방송은 역사학자의 말을 빌어 "이 사진이 한 시대의 변화를 상징적으로 보여주는 강력하고도 비범한 메시지를 읽을 수 있다. " 박종익 기자 - Copyrights ⓒ서울신문사.

_lksfh6CXKV1qzrlhgo1_400.gif (365×199) 6TL9R.jpg (640×480) Long live the Queen. _lkmlboSkfZ1qzma4ho1_1280.jpg (1280×658) _lkjllj0y6a1qdpdi7o1_500.gif (500×272) _lkjyrrOUEh1qcp395o1_1280.jpg (611×401) AnFGh.png (887×300) Disney Villains. Spot the difference. The Imgur Gallery. NsEDd.jpg (720×540) My Favorite Jam? “Apu-na Matata.” Stages of Procrastination. yDA1d.jpg (458×687) Looks healthy. I think I might have a problem.. Good Friday: BRB. 177D6E454DAD6AB904D864 (474×355) GgiuC.jpg (629×640) Kevin Smith IS confident enough to avoid the hoverhand.. Haters Gonna Hate (one of the best I've ever seen)

A fifth grader attending a sex ed presentation. ) The simple image sharer. '나가수' 박정현 거지설.jpg(풀버전) - Daum 텔존. GyEBC.jpg (1038×3240) Roger Ebert Describes It As “Confusing” Old Men Are the Same in Every Species. Mvbr9.png (640×480) I was strolling through downtown Tacoma, when all of a sudden, I found this. Ed3Qp.jpg (720×511) YTwMB.jpg (800×547) 136768374DA24A4A3CD99F (474×355) This is what you look like right now. You whore! Hold It... DIY Cyclops Of The Day. Chinglish: Enjoy Fresh Air After You Pee in China. IhDhB.jpg (1200×1600) NxSIX.jpg (467×382) Bananaman.. you scare me on so many levels.

Actually pretty creative. Cows on a beach? Classic Metallic. The Imgur Gallery. Forever alone. How guys pee... German Jobsearch website ad. Keanu Reeves. I'm Harry Potter. Keep it real. BEST JUMP EVER. Best Cheatsheet. Selfbicyclekick.