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Hosting Nodejs App on Platform - Codeforgeek. Introduction In this article, we are going to cover the development and deployment of the Nodejs App on the platform.

Hosting Nodejs App on Platform - Codeforgeek is the Cloud VPS service that offers affordable, SSD based virtual private servers to host your application. Why Clouding Platform has affordable virtual private servers with very fast processors, wide bandwidth and SSD for fast processing. aims to be the most efficient virtual private servers provider with cutting edge technology. Some of the eye-catching features are: Affordable price range: You can start using for around 3 Euros ( 3.8 USD ) a month that will give you 1 GB of RAM and 5 GB SSD disk storage. 3X Replica.


Libraries and Frameworks. Ember.js - Getting Started: Installing Ember. Getting started with Ember is easy.

Ember.js - Getting Started: Installing Ember

Ember projects are created and managed through our command line build tool Ember CLI. This tool provides: Modern application asset management (including concatenation, minification, and versioning).Generators to help create components, routes, and more.A conventional project layout, making existing Ember applications easy to approach.Support for ES2015/ES6 JavaScript via the Babel project. This includes support for JavaScript modules, which are used throughout this guide.A complete QUnit test harness.The ability to consume a growing ecosystem of Ember Addons. Dependencies Git Ember requires Git to manage many of its dependencies.

Node.js and npm Ember CLI is built with JavaScript, and requires the most recent LTS version of the Node.js runtime. If you're not sure whether you have Node.js or the right version, run this on your command line: If you get a "command not found" error or an outdated version for Node: Watchman (optional) Installation. Sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs. JavaScript!

JavaScript Ultimate

Exploring JS: JavaScript books for programmers. Finding Improper JavaScript Globals. When I interview web developers, my first JavaScript question is usually the following: What is the difference, in JavaScript, between x = 1 and var x = 1.

Finding Improper JavaScript Globals

Feel free to answer in as much or as little detail as you feel comfortable. Most people would give an answer about how the var keyword makes something a local variable, omitting it makes it a global variable. While I'd love to hear about scope chains, the window object, and hear the term "implied global" in an answer, that basic answer is good enough. It might not show a thorough knowledge of JavaScript, but at least it shows some level of understanding of the most common dangerous feature. There are three basic ways to make a global variable in JavaScript. Var x = 1; // declared global y = 2; // implied global window.z = 3; // window global Implied globals are bad because they're hard to keep track of, and their declarations aren't hoisted. Stop Writing Slow Javascript - I Like Kill Nerds. As Alfred Pennyworth once profoundly said in The Dark Knight Rises: Some front-end developers just want to watch the world burn.Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark Knight Rises As developers we are constantly learning, always growing and sometimes whether we realise it at the time or not, we are always making mistakes.

Stop Writing Slow Javascript - I Like Kill Nerds

Sometimes we make mistakes however small that pile on-top of one another which can result in some interesting consequences for our applications performance. Here are a few tips, most of which you might already have read elsewhere on how to write performant Javascript and just even thinking about some of the things you might be doing in your applications. Getting off the jQuery pony I’ll admit it. Stay home and use jQuery for everything, KipNapoleon Dynamite Are you guilty of doing things like this for the sake of convenience? Don’t feel bad, we have all been there. I am not saying you should abandon jQuery entirely, but you shouldn’t use it for everything. Cache DOM Lookups Switch it up. Issues - v8 - V8 JavaScript Engine. Obfuscation (software)

Creating difficult-to-understand source code Writing and reading obfuscated source code can be a brain teaser.

Obfuscation (software)

A number of programming contests reward the most creatively obfuscated code, such as the International Obfuscated C Code Contest and the Obfuscated Perl Contest. Types of obfuscations include simple keyword substitution, use or non-use of whitespace to create artistic effects, and self-generating or heavily compressed programs. According to Nick Montfort, techniques may include: ANSI-compliant C compilers don't allow constant strings to be overwritten, which can be avoided by changing "*M" to "M[3]" and omitting "M=". An example of a JAPH: A variety of tools exist to perform or assist with code obfuscation. Seyyedhamzeh, Javad, ABCME: A Novel Metamorphic Engine, 17th National Computer Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2012.B.