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Self organisation - how networks bring order out of chaos | Dollywagon. My last ‘Network Analytics’ post discussed the power of complexity and tried to prove that stuff like brains and social media are not that different when seen from the perspective of complex network science. I’m going to develop this thought a little further by looking at ‘self organising networks’, a phenomena sometimes described as ‘the Hand of God’. In my last post I said that the human brain *used* to be the most complex entity known to modern science. But recently something else has stolen the crown of being the universe’s number 1 complex network. This new King of Complexity was created just 20 years ago by an Englishman working in Switzerland. In just two short decades it has grown from literally nothing to approximately 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) pages of richly interconnected data, text, images and sound.

The new king of complexity is of course the World Wide Web. There are many things about the Web that one could choose to be amazed by. How can such miracles happen? Strange Attractors - sabook.pdf. Strange Attractors. By Julien C. Sprott My book, Strange Attractors: Creating Patterns in Chaos (ISBN 1-55851-298-5), describes a simple method for generating an endless succession of beautiful fractal patterns by iterating simple maps and ordinary differential equations with coefficients chosen automatically by the computer. It contains over 350 examples of such patterns. Each pattern produces a corresponding piece of fractal music. The book describes methods for visualizing objects in three, four, and higher dimensions and explains how to produce 3-D stereoscopic images on the computer screen using red/blue glasses which are included with the book. Strange Attractors: Creating Patterns in Chaos was published by M&T Books (a subsidiary of Henry Holt and Company), 115 W. 18th Street, New York, NY 10011 (1-800-628-9658).

The book is currently out of print, but it is available in Microsoft Word manuscript form as well as a machine-translated html version and a pdf version (8 MB!). Additional Information. Collective Intelligence and Collective Leadership: Twin Paths to Beyond Chaos. - Sprouts. Présence d'attracteurs dans les systèmes informationnels. « C 'était en été dans une petite et ancienne ville de France, traversée par une rivière large et puissante. Je suis resté longtemps sur le seul pont de la cité à la contempler, fasciné par la beauté et la complexité du mouvement de l'eau. (...) (1) ».

L'image de la rivière, avec ses flux et reflux, sa palette de couleurs chatoyant, ses jeux de lumière et ses scintillements constitue sans doute une étrange entrée en matière pour introduire la présence d'attracteurs dans les systèmes informationnels. Pourtant un système d'information (SI) forme aussi un spectacle vivant, naturellement et profondément différent de la somme des éléments qui le constituent. Un SI naît, évolue, disparaît tout comme d'ailleurs les organisations ou entreprises auxquelles il est intimement lié. Ils sont différents de la somme de leurs composants.

Les sources L'information est un domaine qui nous a toujours passionné. Entreprise, information et grappes informationnelles La matière informationnelle. The Spirit of the Internet - Chapter 4. Technological Singularity "The universe may not only be stranger than we suppose; it may be stranger than we can suppose. " J.B.S. Haldane In mathematics and science, a singularity is a point at which a function takes an infinite value and thus loses meaning in normal terms. In 1993, mathematics professor and award-winning writer Vernor Vinge presented a paper titled "Technological Singularity" at the VISION-21 Symposium sponsored by NASA's Lewis Research Center and the Ohio Aerospace Institute.

Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. A few sentences later, he continued: I argue in this paper that we are on the edge of change comparable to the rise of human life on Earth. It is interesting to note that Vinge uses the phrase "creation by technology. " Vinge went on to propose several alternative ways in which such a technological singularity could come about, which is another reason for having confidence that the event will occur: "STOP! " Order Out of Chaos" Let's return to the world of weather forecasts for a moment, as well as the world of butterflies and hurricanes. You've probably heard of chaos theory, the mathematical field concerned with the seemingly disorganized behavior of highly dynamic systems. The term originates in 1961 with meteorologist Edward N.

Lorenz and his fascination with how the smallest of atmospheric variables can result in drastically different weather models. Yes, it's the butterfly effect, the notion that an insect might flap its wings in Brazil and stir up a tornado in Texas. Due to its many variables, a dynamic system such as Earth's atmosphere is difficult to predict -- and the Living Earth Simulator aims to forecast outcomes in dynamic systems composed of interwoven dynamic systems. Other critics take aim at our ability to predict virtually anything at all. The black swan was an outlier, existing beyond the realm of reasonable expectation. Deterministic Chaos.

Strange Loop

Bring light. The Secret Life Of Chaos - Vìdeo Dailymotion. 7X7 - Yin Yang. Chaos & Complexity Pdf Library > GaianXaos. Order from noise. Chaotic Logic: Language, Thought, and Reality from the Perspective of ... - Ben Goertzel - Google Books. "art in itself is an attempt to bring order out of chaos" Math:Rules - Strange Attractors on Behance. The Chaos Point: The World at the Crossroads - Ervin Laszlo - Google Books. The Four Chaos Attractors - Fractal Wisdom. The Science of Chaos has discovered four basic Cosmos Attractors: Point Attractor | Cycle Attractor | Torus Attractor | Strange Attractor Although known as the four "chaos attractors," they are really the opposite - they are Cosmos Attractors that balance chaos.

The four "Attractors" bring order out of Chaos. They are part of a basic law of four - a "fractal of four. " The Universe has a fundamental pattern of fourfoldness throughout all scales of magnitude. Everywhere we see a hidden order and similarity over scales, such as is that shown geometrically by the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. The four attractors act on all levels of reality to form Cosmos out of Chaos. In the computer the electric current automatically creates the iteration. Ce qu'un attracteur étrange. L’attracteur étrange : cette courbe n’est pas celle du mouvement mais représente les états du système et elle montre que dans des cas où on aurait l’impression du désordre, il y a cependant un certain type d’ordre, des lois, d’où l’expression "chaos déterministe".

Un attracteur signifie que la dynamique a tendance à être attirée par lui. Par exemple, le fleuve est un attracteur du bassin fluvial. Etrange signifie que la forme de cet attracteur n’est pas une courbe ni une surface et n’est même pas continue mais reconstituée point par point de manière discontinue par la dynamique qui, bien qu’apparemment désordonnée, reconstitue ce type spécial d’ordre. C’est un ordre de type chaos déterminsite car il obéit à la sensibilité aux conditions initiales (un petit changement entraîne des possibilités de changements considérables par la suite). Il y a donc à la fois attraction et mélange. Attracteur de Lorentz du climat attracteur étrange attracteur d’un comportement à deux périodes Yakov G. FROM CHAOS TO ORDER: METHODOLOGIES, PERSPECTIVES, AND APPLICATIONS. From Chaos To Order. 10 quotes to help you bring order out of chaos at your company.

Order out of Chaos. Where you place your emphasis determines in large measure the quality and impact of your life. Consider this for a moment. Every situation that comes your way will contain a mixture of orderly and chaotic elements. Fear or react to the chaos and you will tend to perpetuate the chaos, if not add to it. Appreciate the order already there – no matter how small a fraction of the total situation it may be – and you greatly improve the chances of you being part of the solution and not the problem. Human beings are generally driven to bring order out of chaos. Rather than worry, complain about or dwell on the chaotic elements in your life, choose instead to apply your mental, emotional and physical energies in a way that eventually brings order out of the chaos. Those who excel at bringing order out of chaos are those who understand what to emphasize and what to downplay.

Tagged as: bringing order out of chaos, emphasis, greg hake, gregg hake, gregory hake, living, quality of life. Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness. Emergence: From Chaos to Order - John Henry Holland - Google Books. Chaos, Cnn, Memristors and Beyond: Andrew Adamatzky, Guanrong Chen: 9789814434799: Chaos Astrology - Bringing order out of chaos. An exploration into the interconnected nature of the Universe. Chaos+ordre =CHAORD. Chaos Quotes. One man's idea of perfect order is another man's chaos. DEAN KOONTZ, Dark Rivers of the Heart War is the most readily available form of chaos. FRANK HERBERT, God Emperor of Dune Chaos is God's body. Order is the Devil's chains. JOHN UPDIKE, Rabbit Redux Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities — the political, the religious, the educational authorities — who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing — forming in our minds — their view of reality.

TIMOTHY LEARY, How to Operate Your Brain Order generally was a product of human activity. FRANK HERBERT, Chapterhouse: Dune In the space between chaos and shape there was another chance. JEANETTE WINTERSON, The World and Other Places There are men who bloom in chaos. GUILLERMO DEL TORO & CHUCK HOGAN, The Fall They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm.

La linguistique du Chaos. La linguistique du Chaos constitue l’annexe I, pp. 75-77, de T.A.Z. Zone Autonome Temporaire, publié en français aux Éditions de l’Éclat en 1997. Le texte original a paru en 1991 chez Autonomedia sous le titre T.A.Z. The Temporary Autonomous Zone. Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism. Dans T.A.Z., Bey se réfère une fois, p. 67, à cette « linguistique du chaos » : « La linguistique du Chaos » révèle une présence qui échappe continuellement à toutes les prescriptions du langage et des systèmes de sens ; une présence élusive, évanescente, latîf (« subtile », un terme de l’alchimie soufie) - l’Attracteur Étrange autour duquel les mèmes s’accumulent, chaotiquement, en nouveaux ordonnancement spontanés. Ce texte est reproduit ici en accord avec le principe de diffusion publié dans la première édition française : Selon les voeux de l’auteur et de l’éditeur, ce livre peut être librement piraté et reproduit, sous réserves d’information préalable auprès de l’éditeur.

La linguistique du Chaos. Théorie du chaos. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Chaos. La théorie du chaos traite des systèmes dynamiques rigoureusement déterministes, mais qui présentent un phénomène fondamental d'instabilité appelé « sensibilité aux conditions initiales » qui, modulo une propriété supplémentaire de récurrence, les rend non prédictibles en pratique à « long » terme. Introduction[modifier | modifier le code] Définition heuristique d'un système chaotique[modifier | modifier le code] Un système dynamique est dit chaotique si une portion « significative » de son espace des phases présente simultanément les deux caractéristiques suivantes : La présence de ces deux propriétés entraîne un comportement extrêmement désordonné qualifié à juste titre de « chaotique ».

Qu'est-ce que la « théorie du chaos » ? La théorie du chaos est-elle née dans les années 1970 ? Attracteur étrange de Lorenz (1963) La réponse à cette question est : oui et non. un et un seul état final. . . , où Observation : What is Chaos? An Interactive Online Course for Everyone. Théorie du chaos : fiche de lecture du livre de James Gleick. 拨乱反正 | 法汉字典. John Holland, Emergence. The Bactra Review: Occasional and eclectic book reviews by Cosma Shalizi From Chaos to Order John Holland Addison-Wesley, 1997 Game Rules, or, Emergence according to Holland, or, Confessions of a Creative Reductionist John Holland was one of the world's first Ph.D.s in computer science, and even before that one of the first workers in machine learning. He is most famous for the invention of genetic algorithms, which some silly people have described as "teaching computers how to have sex. " It is rather a subtle form of machine learning and optimization, quite consciously based on evolutionary biology.

One of the things Holland has been thinking about for a long time is the puzzle of building blocks, of re-usable categorical parts. The problem of emergence is, roughly speaking --- and half the trouble with it is that everything we say about it is only rough --- the flip side of the problem of building blocks. Emergence is not so broad or ambitious as its title and publicity may suggest. Using mLearning and MOOCs to understand chaos, emergence, and complexity in education | de Waard.

Inge deWaard Athabasca University, Canada Sean Abajian Los Angeles Unified School District, USA Michael Sean Gallagher JSTOR, USA Rebecca Hogue University of Ottawa, Canada Nilgün Keskin Anadolu University, Turkey Apostolos Koutropoulos University of Massachusetts, USA Osvaldo C. Abstract In this paper, we look at how the massive open online course (MOOC) format developed by connectivist researchers and enthusiasts can help analyze the complexity, emergence, and chaos at work in the field of education today.

Keywords: Mobile technology; complexity; mLearning; MobiMOOC; MOOC; collaborative learning; chaos theory; emergence Introduction In December 1972, Edward Lorenz presented a paper to the National Academy of Sciences in New York, titled "Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set off a Tornado in Texas? " In the reality of the 21st century’s second decennium, education is molded by a variety of new factors. Research Methodology The Problem Background: The MobiMOOC. John Holland - Emergence: From Chaos to Order. Reviewed byTony Curzon Price, W3, ESRC Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution, University College London.

Here is one of my favourite illustrations of emergence: ... consider one particular copper atom at the tip of the nose of the statue of Sir Winston Churchill that stands in Parliament Square in London. Let me try to explain why that copper atom is there. It is because Churchill served as Prime Minister in the House of Commons nearby; and because his ideas and leadership contributed to the Allied victory in the Second World War; and because it is customary to honour such people by putting up statues of them; and because bronze is the traditional material for such statues, and so on.

Thus we explain a low-level physical observation - the presence of a copper atom at a particular location - through extremely high level theories about emergent phenomena such as ideas, leadership, war and tradition. (Deutsch 1997, page 22). Much more elusive is the notion of a level. Chaos Quotes.