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Multi, inter, Transdisciplinarity...

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Labyrinthe. Auf Deutsch | In English | En español | In Italiano | Em português Labyrinthe est une revue fondée en 1998.


Publiée par les Editions Hermann depuis 2009, elle a pour ambition d’être un lieu de recherche et d’expérimentation dans le domaine des savoirs littéraires, philosophiques, historiques et sociaux. Elle est ouverte à tous les chercheurs, exigeants et curieux, quels que soient leur âge, leur statut et leurs orientations théoriques. Labyrinthe s’efforce en particulier d’accueillir autant de premières publications qu’il est possible. Patrick Loisel, Marie-José Durand, Renée-Louise Franche, Michael JL Sullivan et Pierre Cote : L’enseignement transdisciplinaire d’une problématique multidimensionnelle. Nous assistons présentement à une profonde révolution de la recherche en santé au Canada.

Patrick Loisel, Marie-José Durand, Renée-Louise Franche, Michael JL Sullivan et Pierre Cote : L’enseignement transdisciplinaire d’une problématique multidimensionnelle

En effet, la nécessaire convergence disciplinaire pour répondre aux questions complexes en santé requiert du personnel hautement qualifié apte à aborder cette complexité. Ceci est le cas pour la problématique de l’incapacité au travail ; domaine visant à aider les travailleurs absents du travail en raison d’une incapacité à retourner à leur emploi. Lorsqu’un travailleur s’absente au travail, il y a de nombreuses répercussions sur un vaste système inter-relié impliquant non seulement le travailleur aux prises avec son problème de santé mais également son employeur et ses collègues de travail, sa famille, le système de santé et le système législatif d’assurance.

Toward a literacy of cooperation - How do we understand cooperation? Transdisciplinarité. Planetary Collegium. The Planetary Collegium is an international research platform that promotes the integration of art, science, technology, and consciousness research.

Planetary Collegium

It is based in Plymouth University, with nodes in Kefalonia, Lucerne, Trento, and Zurich. Its president is Roy Ascott. Planetary Collegium logo History[edit] The Planetary Collegium was founded in 1994 at what is now the University of Wales, Newport as the Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts (CAiiA) by Roy Ascott.[1] Together We Have Everything : Discover, Contribute, Replicate  Interdisciplines. CIRET Homepage. Category:Transdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinary studies. Transdisciplinarity connotes a research strategy that crosses many disciplinary boundaries to create a holistic approach.

Transdisciplinary studies

It applies to research efforts focused on problems that cross the boundaries of two or more disciplines, such as research on effective information systems for biomedical research (see bioinformatics), and can refer to concepts or methods that were originally developed by one discipline, but are now used by several others, such as ethnography, a field research method originally developed in anthropology but now widely used by other disciplines.

Usage[edit] Transdisciplinarity has two common meanings: German usage[edit] When the very nature of a problem is under dispute, transdisciplinarity can help determine the most relevant problems and research questions involved.[3] A first type of question concerns the cause of the present problems and their future development (system knowledge). Transdisciplinarity. Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Systems (CIRCS) Home Page. CSID - Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity. There are at least two approaches that can be taken to research into the state of interdisciplinarity.

CSID - Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity

From the perspective of the mid- to late 20th century, societal pressures revealed gaps and inadequacies in the disciplinary structure of the academy: connections not being made, and topics not being examined. Interdisciplinary programs were developed in areas such as women's studies, gay studies, and environmental studies to address these needs. Society for Interdisciplinary Studies - Home Page. Society for Interdisciplinary Studies. Les Metaphores comme Vehicules Transdisciplinaires de l'Avenir.

Paper for the Conference on Science and Tradition: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on the way to the 21st Century (Paris, December 1991) organized with UNESCO by the Union des Ingenieurs et des Techniciens utilisant la Langue Francaise.

Les Metaphores comme Vehicules Transdisciplinaires de l'Avenir

Also appeared in M Cazenave and B Nicolescu (Eds). Interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinarity involves the combining of two or more academic disciplines into one activity (e.g. a research project).


It is about creating something new by crossing boundaries, and thinking across them. It is related to an interdiscipline or an interdisciplinary field, which is an organizational unit that crosses traditional boundaries between academic disciplines or schools of thought, as new needs and professions have emerged. Originally, the term interdisciplinary is applied within education and training pedagogies to describe studies that use methods and insights of several established disciplines or traditional fields of study. Interdisciplinarity involves researchers, students, and teachers in the goals of connecting and integrating several academic schools of thought, professions, or technologies - along with their specific perspectives - in the pursuit of a common task.

XII. Theorizing Interdisciplinarity. This bibliography closes with a brief selection of works that "theorize interdisciplinarity.

XII. Theorizing Interdisciplinarity

" While the rest of this bibliography has consisted of theories useful in doing interdisciplinary analysis, the pieces in this section are ones that reflect on what interdisciplinarity is, and on general problems and possibilities of doing interdisciplinary scholarship. These problems and possibilities include institutional issues regarding the academy's disciplinary structures, as well as abstract and practical dimensions of combining, synthesizing, multiplying or otherwise bringing more than a single disciplinary knowledge base to bear on a topic.

Doty, William G., and Julie Thompson Klein, eds. Interdisciplinary Studies Today: New Directions for Teaching and Learning. Collective Intelligence: The Need for Synthesis. To upgrade our thinking patterns is a beginning step to an upgrade in human consciousness, and is necessary if we are to succeed in adapting to our rapidly and inevitably changing world.

Collective Intelligence: The Need for Synthesis

In other words, if we don’t enact a change, or learn to adapt to the incoming energies of change and transformation, our presence is likely to be no longer required, or needed. It is a sobering thought. The human species has entered a period of profound, fundamental, and unprecedented change. It needs to acquire new skills in order to co-exist with an environment that is itself undergoing profound change within the larger fabric of living systems - planetary, solar, and galactic. We need to upgrade our capacities in order to have the internal resistance to an upgrade in energies. Creating a "Fourth Culture" of Knowledge: Jonah Lehrer on Why Science and Art Need Each Other. Interdisciplinarité. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


Richesse initiale du cloisonnement des disciplines[modifier | modifier le code] Cet auteur souligne combien cette délimitation a permis la phase dite modernité de la recherche scientifique qui succédait à la phase classique où "tout le monde pensait sur tout" avec une grande dispersion de l'attention et de l'énergie. Exemple des disciplines médicales ; motivations politiques[modifier | modifier le code] Le cloisonnement des disciplines est le propre des disciplines médicales, qui se sont individualisées, segmentées, mais aussi hyperspécialisées dans une dynamique comparable de celle des disciplines scientifiques, la subdivision en disciplines comporte des avantages en termes de circonscription du champ de savoir et de production de connaissance, mais elle fournit également une garantie de définition d’intérêts catégoriels pour les professionnels de la discipline en question.

Limites de l’hyperspécialisation[modifier | modifier le code] Home - The Kira Institute. L'approche interdisciplinaire. Quelques notions clés "L'interdisciplinarité, c'est partir d'un projet, d'une problématique, pour faire percevoir, favoriser la recherche des interactions des savoirs et de leur complémentarité, dans un esprit d'ouverture. "(***) "L'interdisciplinarité, c'est une association de compétences en vue d'une réalisation commune (étude ou projet). "(***) "L'interdisciplinarité, c'est travailler ensemble pour reconstruire une réalité morcelée artificiellement par le cloisonnement des disciplines et viser l'acquisition de compétences transversales. "(***) Il ne s'agit pas de rechercher l'interdisciplinarité parce que c'est une valeur en soi.

Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire - CRI PARIS. Université Interdisciplinaire de Paris. Quels dialogues entre chercheurs et consultants ? Social Dynamics of Science. Pluridisciplinarité. Consilience (book) Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge is a 1998 book by biologist E. O. Wilson. In this book, Wilson discusses methods that have been used to unite the sciences and might in the future unite them with the humanities. Wilson prefers and uses the term consilience to describe the synthesis of knowledge from different specialized fields of human endeavor.

"Literally a 'jumping together' of knowledge by the linking of facts and fact-based theory across disciplines to create a common groundwork of explanation. " The "New Synthesis". The Enlightenment. The Greek Atomists. Explaining consciousness and emotion in terms of brain activity. The relationship between genes and culture. Eloge de la transversalité et de l'intelligence collective. MAPS: Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. Serendip Home. World Knowlege Dialogue.