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Xio's Big Goal. Knowledge Management. The Scientific Method, Science, Research and Experiments. Statistics Tutorial - Help on Statistics and Research. This statistics tutorial is a guide to help you understand key concepts of statistics and how these concepts relate to the scientific method and research.

Statistics Tutorial - Help on Statistics and Research

Scientists frequently use statistics to analyze their results. Why do researchers use statistics? Statistics can help understand a phenomenon by confirming or rejecting a hypothesis. It is vital to how we acquire knowledge to most scientific theories. You don't need to be a scientist though; anyone wanting to learn about how researchers can get help from statistics may want to read this statistics tutorial for the scientific method. What is Statistics? Research Data This section of the statistics tutorial is about understanding how data is acquired and used. The results of a science investigation often contain much more data or information than the researcher needs.

To be able to analyze the data sensibly, the raw data is processed into "output data". Central Tendency and Normal Distribution Other Tools.

Cognitive biases

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky. Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions. A sequence on how to see through the disguises of answers or beliefs or statements, that don't answer or say or mean anything.

Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions

Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions is probably the most important core sequence in Less Wrong. Posts in the sequence are distributed from 28 Jul 07 to 11 Sep 07. Main sequence Making Beliefs Pay Rent (in Anticipated Experiences) Not every belief that we have is directly about sensory experience, but beliefs should pay rent in anticipations of experience.

Belief in Belief Suppose someone claims to have a dragon in their garage, but as soon as you go to look, they say, "It's an invisible dragon! " Bayesian Judo You can have some fun with people whose anticipations get out of sync with what they believe they believe. Professing and Cheering A woman on a panel enthusiastically declared her belief in a pagan creation myth, flaunting its most outrageously improbable elements. Belief as Attire Focus Your Uncertainty The Virtue of Narrowness Your Strength As A Rationalist. Critical Thinking & Argument Mapping. - Alvarez, C., Does Philosophy improve Critical Thinking Skills?

Critical Thinking & Argument Mapping

2007. A meta-analysis of rearch on the effectivity of different methods to develop critical thinking skills. Click here for a map of the conclusions. For the meta-analysis itself click here ( see especially Chapter 5). - Davies, W.M., 'Not quite right' : helping students to make better arguments. . - Davies, W.M., Concept Mapping, Mind Mapping and Argument Mapping: What are the differences and do they matter? - Elsegood, S. - Gelder, T. van, Teaching Critical Thinking: Some Lessons from Cognitive Science. A Dutch translation: Het doceren van kritisch denken. . - Gelder, T. van, Bissett, M., Cumming, G., Cultivating Expertise in Informal Reasoning. . - Mara Harrell (Carnegie Mellon University) is doing research into the influence of argument mapping on the development of critical thinking skills in her own practice as a lecturer philosophy at Carnegie Mellon.

. - The Monash Critical Thinking Study, 2004-2007. Belief and Decision. Critical Thinking On The Web. Top Ten Argument Mapping Tutorials.

Critical Thinking On The Web

Six online tutorials in argument mapping, a core requirement for advanced critical thinking.The Skeptic's Dictionary - over 400 definitions and essays. The Fallacy Files by Gary Curtis. Debates. Debate mapping. The Zeitgeist Movement, Victoria BC Chapter - DynECT Managed DNS - Dyn. The first virtue is curiosity.

DynECT Managed DNS - Dyn

A burning itch to know is higher than a solemn vow to pursue truth. To feel the burning itch of curiosity requires both that you be ignorant, and that you desire to relinquish your ignorance. If in your heart you believe you already know, or if in your heart you do not wish to know, then your questioning will be purposeless and your skills without direction. Curiosity seeks to annihilate itself; there is no curiosity that does not want an answer. The glory of glorious mystery is to be solved, after which it ceases to be mystery. Deliberation « Eight to Late. Wikipedia defines decision analysis as the discipline comprising the philosophy, theory, methodology, and professional practice necessary to address important decisions in a formal manner.

Deliberation « Eight to Late

Standard decision-making techniques generally involve the following steps: Identify available options.Develop criteria for rating options.Rate options according to criteria developed.Select the top-ranked option. This sounds great in theory, but as Tim van Gelder points out in an article entitled the The Wise Delinquency of Decision Makers, formal methods of decision analysis are not used as often as textbooks and decision-theorists would have us believe.

This, he argues, isn’t due to ignorance: even those trained in such methods often do not use them for decisions that really matter. Instead they resort to deliberation - weighing up options in light of the arguments and evidence for and against them. Real-world options often cannot be quantified or rated in a meaningful way. Like this: Like Loading... Visual Learning, Concept Mapping and Visual Deliberation. Structured conversations.