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EVE Online - BattleClinic - MMO guides - tools - advice - forums. EVE Online Market Data - EVE Markets. Advanced mining. This guide was originally written by Halada and has been modified to reflect current server settings, prices, etc. The formatting has also been updated to work with the wiki. Guide is under update process to reflect Retribution 1.1 patch changes ( mainly ship bonuses and prices ) WARNING!

This article is now outdated as massive mining ship rebalancing invalidated most of the information related to ship choice. Mining 101 The basics of mining in EVE are quite simple: almost every system has asteroid belts, in those asteroids are various kinds of ore to be mined, and that ore can then be refined into minerals which are then used by manufacturers to build all sorts of things in the EVE universe. In Empire (regions which have a security status of 0.5 to 1.0), the most common types of asteroids are Veldspar, Scordite and Pyroxeres.

EVE offers a wide array of mining ships and equipment, some of which are much more efficient than others. Asteroid Belts & Ores Now, on to mining. Minerals. Mission Reports. EVE Online - a massive multiplayer online roleplaying space game - MMORPG.