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How to be Creative

Try these 7 research-based techniques for increasing creativity. Everyone is creative: we can all innovate given time, freedom, autonomy, experience to draw on, perhaps a role model to emulate and the motivation to get on with it. But there are times when even the most creative person gets bored, starts going round in circles, or hits a cul-de-sac. So here are 7 unusual creativity boosters that research has shown will increase creativity: 1. People often recommend physical separation from creative impasses by taking a break, but psychological distance can be just as useful. Participants in one study who were primed to think about the source of a task as distant, solved twice as many insight problems as those primed with proximity to the task (Jia et al., 2009). ◊ For insight: Try imagining your creative task as distant and disconnected from your current location.

Care2 Healthy & Green Living. Whether you are creating an original work of art, a new piece of music, a unique software program, or a healing response to an illness, creativity requires a leap in awareness.

Care2 Healthy & Green Living

If you are improving on something that already exists, that is innovation. Creativity brings something into existence that has never been there before. There are eight basic steps to the creative response. Become conscious of these steps and use the creative response whenever you are facing an issue or challenge in your life. 6 Powerful Tools for Generating Ideas. Have you ever experienced having no idea come to your mind when you need them?

6 Powerful Tools for Generating Ideas

Such moments can be frustrating, especially if you have spent quite a lot of time to think and still get nothing. In such situations, getting external inputs to stimulate your mind is a good solution. 29 ways to stay creative by Huub Koch (therealhuubkoch. 8chapter8enhancing.pdf (Obiekt application/pdf) Ten Steps for Boosting Your Creativity. Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way. The three dumbest guys I can think of: Charles Lindbergh, Steve Jobs, Winston Churchill.

Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way

Why? Because any smart person who understood how impossibly arduous were the tasks they had set themselves would have pulled the plug before he even began. Ignorance and arrogance are the artist and entrepreneur’s indispensable allies. She must be clueless enough to have no idea how difficult her enterprise is going to be—and cocky enough to believe she can pull it off anyway.How do we achieve this state of mind?

By staying stupid. A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. Don’t think. We can always revise and revisit once we’ve acted. Be Stubborn Once we commit to action, the worst thing we can do is to stop.What will keep us from stopping? We’re in till the finish. We will sink our junkyard-dog teeth into Resistance’s ass and not let go, no matter how hard he kicks. Blind Faith. Developing Your Creative Practice: Tips from Brian Eno. Current neuroscience research confirms what creatives intuitively know about being innovative: that it usually happens in the shower.

Developing Your Creative Practice: Tips from Brian Eno

After focusing intently on a project or problem, the brain needs to fully disengage and relax in order for a “Eureka!” Moment to arise. It’s often the mundane activities like taking a shower, driving, or taking a walk that lure great ideas to the surface. Composer Steve Reich, for instance, would ride the subway around New York when he was stuck. Science journalist Jonah Lehrer, referencing a landmark neuroscience study on brain activity during innovation, writes: “The relaxation phase is crucial. How to Exercise an Open Mind. Edit Article Edited by Sam Rawlins, Krystle C., Richd, Erika Altek and 105 others One hour of increased brain activity via innovative thinking or experiencing new stimuli can make you smarter, more energetic, more creative, more sociable, and more open to new experiences and ways of thinking.

How to Exercise an Open Mind

The key ingredients are to be open to new experiences and to make changes in previous ways of thinking about these experiences. Here are some of the endless numbers of activities that can stimulate your brain. Ad Steps 1Don’t allow yourself any dead time. 20Browse something that you are not familiar with the internet. An Easy Way to Increase Creativity. Creativity is commonly thought of as a personality trait that resides within the individual.

An Easy Way to Increase Creativity

We count on creative people to produce the songs, movies, and books we love; to invent the new gadgets that can change our lives; and to discover the new scientific theories and philosophies that can change the way we view the world. Over the past several years, however, social psychologists have discovered that creativity is not only a characteristic of the individual, but may also change depending on the situation and context. The question, of course, is what those situations are: what makes us more creative at times and less creative at others?

One answer is psychological distance. EDWARD DE BONO'S AUTHORISED WEBSITE - HOME PAGE. How to be creative. Thinkertoys’ 10 Tips to Become an Idea Person. In an age where new ideas quickly becomes commodity, creativity is a must.

Thinkertoys’ 10 Tips to Become an Idea Person

It is creativity that continuously give us new ideas to keep us ahead in the competition. Regarding this, I recently found an interesting book: Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko. This book contains a lot of actionable ideas on how to become an idea person and get our creative juice flow. In chapter 2 of the book, Michalko gives us 10 tips to become an idea person which I find very useful and thought-provoking. CreatingMinds - tools, techniques, methods, quotes and quotation.