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Bill Roberts on the Web of Data - Public sector open data: big p. We’re in the very early days of the UK government’s new approach to open data.

Bill Roberts on the Web of Data - Public sector open data: big p

While it seems to be going in the right direction and progress has in many respects been remarkably quick (eg this recent announcement on public sector transparency), clearly we still have a lot to learn and many problems to overcome. Chris Taggart and Vicky Sargent’s recentarticle on lessons learned from the Open Election Data project was extremely informative on how far we still have to go.

I strongly recommend that you read it in full. It’s a salutary reminder that although activity around linked data is blooming, it’s very easy to forget that most people have no idea what we are talking about! Gov 2.0 Expo 2010: Danah Boyd, "Connecting with Communities" Why Citizen Participation May Be An Illusion. There are great expectations about how governments will be able to leverage technology in the near future that will finally allow them to re-engage with citizens.

Why Citizen Participation May Be An Illusion

We use different names for this: government 2.0, open government, e-democracy, e-participation. The basic assumption is that as citizen use technologies like social software to connect with each other and gather around issues and topics they care about, they’ll be able to make their voices heard more clearly and more timely by politicians and government officials. When we look at barriers for this to happen, we usually focus on governments as the culprits. “They don’t get it”, we say, “They are risk-averse”, “They are afraid of innovation”, and so it goes. But are we sure that citizen engagement would really work even if governments “got it” and went to great lengths to embrace social networks?

In the town I live in, very close to Milan, local elections took place earlier this year. Observatoire de l'Immatériel. APIE Agence du patrimoine immatériel de l'État: Administration, APIE. : Le Club Parlementaire du N. Opendata Hackday. Main Page - Open Data Network Germany @ mixxt. Are your MPs and Peers working for you in th. NosDéputé : Observatoire citoyen de l'activité parlementaire. Open Data Euskadi, el portal de Apertura de Datos Públicos del G. Regione Piemonte - Portale del riuso - Home.

Proyecto Aporta - Aporta. Licence IP. 5 résultats pour : Licence IP Attention : la liste présentée ci-dessous n’est pas exhaustive. Il s’agit d’échantillons de la production du ministère. Licence simplifiée « information publique librement réutilisable » L’objectif de cette licence est de certifier la qualification juridique information publique au sens du droit français (loi ° 78-753 du 17 juillet 1978) et de simplifier les conditions de réutilisation Cette information est librement et gratuitement réutilisable, commercialement ou non, à condition de respecter les exigences suivantes (article 12 de la loi du 17 juillet [...]

Licence information publique comprenant des données personnelles Les informations publiques comprennent des données à caractère personnel. Simplified licence « conditions of the reuse of public information that is freely reusable Lizenzvereinbarung für die Weiterverwendung öffentlicher Informationen Licencja dotycząca wolnym ponownym wykorzystaniu informacji publicznej. Peut-on diffuser des données publiques sous licences libres et o. Avec un marché estimé à 27 milliards d’euros en Europe (1), la réutilisation des informations publiques représente un enjeu essentiel pour le développement de l’économie numérique et de la connaissance.

Peut-on diffuser des données publiques sous licences libres et o

Les récents développements de nouveaux services pour mobiles ou en matière de systèmes de navigation embarqués réalisés à partir de données publiques soulignent l’intérêt de cette matière première pour le développement de nouvelles activités économiques. Afin de développer de nouveaux produits et services, les opérateurs doivent pouvoir facilement réutiliser les banques de données publiques. Pour favoriser la diffusion et la réutilisation de ce ’’patrimoine immatériel public’’, il est indispensable de s’interroger sur le régime de licence applicable. Alors que le catalogue australien est diffusé sous licence Creative Commons CC-By ( et le catalogue anglais sous licence compatible CC-By, quelles sont les conditions de réutilisation des données publiques françaises ? 1. 2. 1. Mais aussi sur. Pew Research Center's Internet & American Li. The internet gives citizens new paths to government services and information As government agencies at all levels bring their services online, Americans are turning in large numbers to government websites to access information and services.

Pew Research Center's Internet & American Li

Fully 82% of internet users (representing 61% of all American adults) looked for information or completed a transaction on a government website in the twelve months preceding this survey. Some of the specific government website activities in which Americans take part include: Throughout this report, we refer to anyone who did one or more of these activities in the preceding twelve months as an online government user, and most of these online government users exhibit a relatively wide range of behaviors: the typical online government user engaged in four of these activities in the last year.

The way we ask about the use of government services has changed over the years, making direct comparisons to our prior findings difficult. About This Survey. COMMUNIA - The European Thematic Network on the Digital Public D.