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3D. 3Dbuzz. CreativeLive: Free Live Online Classes. Concept Art Tutorials. Photography. Fábrica de Texturas. ESDIP Madrid - Escuela Superior de Dibujo Profesional. Infographic Tutorials. How to Make a State Grid Map in R Something of a cross between a reference table and a map, the state grid provides equal space to each state and a semblance of the country to quickly pick out individual states.

Infographic Tutorials

How to Make Animated Line Charts in R Sometimes it's useful to animate the multiple lines instead of showing them all at once. How to Make a Multi-line Step Chart in R For the times your data represents immediate changes in value. Symbols-based Charts to Show Counts in R Add visual weight by using individual items to show counts.

Home Page - CGMA 2D Academy. Before & After. Designers on Youtube! Share your favorites. : graphic_design. DesignOptimal - DIY Graphic Tutorials, Digital Arts. Blog.SpoonGraphics. How To Create Digital Particle Waves in Adobe Illustrator The blend tool in Adobe Illustrator is often used to create abstract wave graphics, but I’ve been experimenting with some additional adjustments and discovered some handy tricks to create sci-fi inspired digital particle waves.


This kind of imagery perfectly complements hi-tech interface designs with colourful data visualisation effects, or it could be used to create abstract art in its own right. We’ll create the initial effect in Adobe Illustrator, where I’ll show you a few options for randomising the result, then switch over to Adobe Photoshop for some extra colour enhancements to really boost the vibrancy. How To Create an Editable Retro Text Style in Illustrator Many of the text effect tutorials I produce for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop tend to require the text to be permanently set, which means if the wording needs changing, the effect would have to be created all over again from scratch. Lettering for Designers: One Drop Cap Letterform at a Time. Cinco webs de cursos y tutoriales que debes conocer. Con la revolución de la fotografía digital a mediados de la década pasada y el nacimiento de redes sociales como Deviantart y Flickr, donde cada vez más aficionados y artistas podían interactuar de manera rápida entre ellos, es normal que el crecimiento de las webs didácticas y de distintos resources para fotógrafos, como por ejemplo las páginas de donde descargar presets de Lightroom gratuitos de las que te hablamos hace poco, fuese igual de rápido que el desarrollo de la disciplina en sí.

Cinco webs de cursos y tutoriales que debes conocer

Como fotógrafa amateur que soy, y completamente autodidacta, tengo probablemente más que agradecer a Youtube y sus partners que a cualquier otra persona. Desde tutoriales de iluminación básica para mejorar tus fotos de la manera más sencilla hasta complicados tutoriales fantasía para crear efectos digitales completamente increíbles. Hay de todo, para todos los gustos y para todos los bolsillos. Eso sí, ¡espero que hayáis desempolvado vuestro inglés porque todos son angloparlantes! Phlearn Lynda Tuts+ How to create mood boards: 40 pro tips and tools. When trying to convey a design idea to win pitches and get an early sign-off, moods, feelings and visions can be difficult to communicate verbally.

How to create mood boards: 40 pro tips and tools

So designers will often use mood boards: a collection of textures, images and text related to a design theme as a reference point. Mood boards help others to 'get inside our heads' as they show what you're thinking and feeling about a creative idea and your intended vision for a piece of work. Get Adobe Creative Cloud now. Learning Center. The freelancer's guide to cash flow management. An ex-freelance writer, I appreciate how infuriating the financial side of freelancing can be.

The freelancer's guide to cash flow management

At times your flush, at others you’re crushed, forced to turn over settees and flail around for cash. 90 top-class typography tutorials. The web is brimming with typography tutorials, but many are low quality and others are very out of date.

90 top-class typography tutorials

So we’ve trawled the internet to uncover the diamonds in the rough, in the form of 50 top-quality typography tutorials, to bring your knowledge and skills up to speed. Get Creative Cloud Perhaps you’re looking for a good introduction to the fundamentals of typography? Or perhaps you want to develop and push your type abilities further? 85 amazing typography tutorials. Scott Kelby's Crush the Composition - Google+ Photographers Conference.

Motion Graphics

Drawing Class. 45 Rules for Creating a Great Logo Design. Posted September 30, 2008 / Reading time: 3 minutes This list is an exploration of design principles used in some of the world’s most famous logos.

45 Rules for Creating a Great Logo Design

At the same time, the list was created as a way for designers to question themselves and the creative techniques they use when creating a logo design. Forcing the reader to reflect not only on the actual list, but also on their reaction to each listed insight, the last rule is the most important. 50 Totally Free Lessons in Graphic Design Theory - Psdtuts+ 1,200+ courses and ebooks Design, code, video editing, business, and much more. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesignGraphic, Logo and Print DesignSketch, Adobe XD & FigmaWordPressJavascript, PHP & PythonAdobe After Effects & Premiere ProMuch More Millions of creative assets Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. Graphic TemplatesStock PhotosMusic TracksVideo TemplatesWeb TemplatesDesign AssetsWordpress Themes & PluginsMuch More 1,200+ courses and ebooks.