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Create a Sliding Storage System On the Garage Ceiling - Step by Step. If you don't have unused space above the garage door, you can install this system just about anywhere.

Create a Sliding Storage System On the Garage Ceiling - Step by Step

However, keep the totes at least 2 ft. from light fixtures, door springs and garage door openers. The special reinforced totes we used (available from internet suppliers like, and others) are a bit stronger than those you'll find at home centers or department stores. The reinforced rims on these containers will support weights of 35 lbs. or more, which is perfect for lightweight storage. And the totes will be easy enough to lift into place while you're standing on a ladder. To be on the safe side, the total weight of all the totes shouldn't exceed 210 lbs., so find a different place to store books and heavy hardware. If you use other types of containers, measure the rims carefully and adjust the bottom flange width to assure full support. Before you order your totes, measure the height above your garage door and find totes that'll work. Pottery Barn Knockoff: Summer Buckets - My Life and Kids.

When my friend Cara emailed me a link to these adorable Pottery Barn Buckets, I knew I could make them myself.

Pottery Barn Knockoff: Summer Buckets - My Life and Kids

This is the Summer Printed Bucket from Pottery Barn Kids. It originally retailed for $24.99 – it’s now on sale for $9.99. Pottery Barn Wall. This is my debut Pottery Barn knock off project.

Pottery Barn Wall

The inspiration for the project actually came from Starbucks Via instant coffee cartons. Lined Canvas Diaper Box. You can find almost anything on Pinterest…it’s true.

Lined Canvas Diaper Box

Upon wasting my time searching the other day, I found a fantastic tutorial on upcycling diaper boxes. Hmmm…what could I do with this? Oh, yes – toys scattered all about our living room floor: check, a desire to get said toys put away when not in use: check, cute fabric laying there staring at me: check! Wii Game Storage. Weaved Fabric Basket *TUTORIAL* My mom made this adorable basket by weaving strips of fabric up like a basket, and she is sharing a tutorial with you guys!

Weaved Fabric Basket *TUTORIAL*

Enjoy! Supplies-- 3 Different Fabrics (Half a yard of each.) Bias Tape, Fabric Stabilizer or interfacing (to keep it stiff) Sewing Machine, Rotary Cutter or Scissors. 1. 2. 3. No-interfacing Storage Basket Tutorial. As promised, a recipe for making washable stand-up storage baskets: You'll need to cut 2 of each of these pieces (click on the pic to enlarge it to a readable size).

No-interfacing Storage Basket Tutorial

Stylish Baby Nursery: Collapsible Storage Baskets - Sew4Home. These clever storage baskets are not only cute and handy, they're also a secret recycling project.

Stylish Baby Nursery: Collapsible Storage Baskets - Sew4Home

The sides and bottoms of each basket are stiffened with recycled cardboard! But wait ... they have another hidden talent: they collapse and fold flat to store. In the nursery, use them for creams, diapers, wash cloths and other diaper changing accessories. Fabric basket and bin tutorials. Flashback: Woven Map Basket. Maps can be amazing design elements, with all their intricately drawn lines and minute details.

Flashback: Woven Map Basket

But what do you do with a regular paper map that is starting to fall apart from use? In CRAFT Volume 05, crafter Jane Patrick suggested we weave maps into baskets, a fun and interesting way to reuse castoffs and weave a little memory into a functional item. Check out her full tutorial here and pick up a back issue of CRAFT Volume 05, the Paper issue, in the Maker Shed.Woven Memory Basket Weave your vacation road maps into an attractive souvenir.

By Jane Patrick Think of basketry as three-dimensional weaving. Category: 1 - Welcome to GoJindy. Going to a wedding soon?

Category: 1 - Welcome to GoJindy

Projects on WKOW TV - stampTV. Recycling The News. At least twice a day I promise myself I will no longer watch or read the news, it's just too upsetting.

Recycling The News

I stopped buying the paper.... Homemade Wooden Crates. Recycled Wrapping Paper Basket. We had a ton of wrapping paper after our Christmas festivities. It filled up a huge trash bag and was sitting at the back door ready to go out for recycling. I kept looking at it, thinking that there must be something we could do with all that nice looking paper (besides recycling it). A Nest for All Seasons. I am a big fan of using fabric that has already had some of the work completed for you. I will often buy flat sheet or single curtain panels or any number of other premade fabric items on clearance. Then I cut them up and use them for other projects, taking advantage or all those finished edges. I just recently cut up this tapestry to use all over my kitchen and the adjoining room with the kid's table. Once I added that fabric to the room, the black of my pocket organizers stuck out like a sore thumb, so I decided to replace them with white organizers. Baby Week: Memory Box.

I am the only one of The Polka-Dot Umbrella ladies that doesn't have children. So the extent of my knowledge is giving gifts. A couple years ago, one of my friends was expecting. For the first little while she had to be on bedrest. The House of Smiths - Home DIY Blog - Interior Decorating Blog - Decorating on a Budget Blog. DIY Magnetic Organizational Board I don't know about your house, but ours is filled with lists, coupons and receipts floating around here all the time. It's almost enough to drive me nuts, so I wanted to come up with an easy, accessible, stylish way to keep track of all of those little papers. We don't have a ton of wall space in our kitchen to add much of an organizing system, so I decided to makeover a thrifted large frame into a functional magnetic organizational board that we could hang on the inside of our pantry door.