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Cultural Innovation

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La Fabrique - Laboratoire(s) artistique(s) - Centre culturel à Nantes. Collectif - conception et réalisation de dispositifs interactifs. Expériences en événements participatifs et insémination culturelle. Réseau arts numériques - Digital arts network. Designers interactifs - Magazine. Général - Lalya Gaye » About. Newcastle University. Général - FFF » DOMINI PÚBLIC – 2008. Duration : 60 min “Domini Públic is (like) a life-size board game in which the spectator is more than just a pawn.

Général - FFF » DOMINI PÚBLIC – 2008

Theatre-maker Roger Bernat assembles a group of people – the audience – on a square. Who are they, where do they come from and what is their relationship to each other? They walk across the square while listening to a series of questions and instructions on their headphones. Some are more innocent than others. The main part of the show takes place in the public space. The play is adapted to local context and languages. Once the technical equipment of the festival has been assembled, the Company needs 120 min before beginning the play. Minimum age: 14 years old. ONE MIGHT THINK (Roberto Fratini on Domini Públic): The spiral is the figure of every descent and recurrence, the figure of the womb, the question that hoards all the answers.

Photos: Blenda, Brasilia, 2013. A cooproduction by La Mekànica / APAP, Teatre Lliure, Centro Párraga and Elèctrica Produccions. Creative technologies & mobile contents. Général - STUDIO for Creative Inquiry. Général - On the Move. Mobility opportunities with travel costs paid.

Général - On the Move

Find out more in our NEWS section! In January-May 2014, we're working on... Find out what we're working on in January-May 2014, which meetings we're organising, what researches we're carrying out... regular updates about what On the Move does - apart from publishing mobility opportunities, of course! Read more More flexible Schengen visa rules: new proposal from the EC On April 1st, 2014 the European Commission released a new proposal on More flexible visa rules to boost growth and job creation, which includes proposals to shorten and simplify the current Schengen visa procedures and the creation of a new "touring visa", particularly interesting for live performing artists.

Read more Arts and Science in Motion - call for scholars, scientists and artists (Berlin, Germany) Général - ON-AiR. Général - Culture & Médias 2030 Prospective de politique culturelle. Innovation Culturelle - Compagnie ZIGZAG. Recherche emploi. Général - Digital art international: the international portal & community dedicated to digital art. A *Lab to create new things. Commune Image. Mal au Pixel. Tako, propagande culturelle. Actions collectives. Pour terminer « This Week Will Change Your Life » en beauté, une semaine d’actions collectives… chaque jour !!!!

ATTENTION : Inscrivez-vous à l’Evénement TWWCYL sur Facebook pour obtenir toutes les infos dès quelles paraîtront : LUNDI 24 MAI : BLIND RACE ( ) Course à travers le parc des Bastions… yeux bandés. 500 bandeaux à dispositions! Rdv : entrée du parc des Bastions côté place Neuve Heure : 18h30 précise MARDI 25 MAI : FLASHMOB BULLES DE SAVON ( ) Venez avec vos armes à bulles les plus folles et préparez-vous pour l’envol de millions de bulles durant 10 minutes ! Rdv : place du Molard Heure : 18h20 précise !!! MERCREDI 26 MAI : 80′S AEROBIQUE URBAIN ( ) Séance d’aérobique 80’s urbain décalée… Habits fluos indispensables ! Rdv : devant l’entrée des Bains des Paquis Heure : 18h10 précise JEUDI 27 MAI : JEU URBAIN «CRUELLE BONTE» ( ) ATTENTION : le jeu « Cruelle Bonté » est annulé, le nombre d’inscriptions ne permettant pas de le faire de manière optimale.