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10 Meaningful Practices for Every Writer | Here are 10 smart, yet simple ways for every writer—from novelists to journalists to poets—to enrich his or her mind and become better at cultivating ideas and putting them to the page. This guest post is by Melissa Clark. Clark is an author, television writer and college instructor. She is the author of the novels, Bear Witness, Swimming Upstream, Slowly, and Imperfect.

Her essay, “Rachael Ray Saved My Life” is included in the anthology The Cassoulet Saved Our Marriage. She is also the creator of the animated television series, “Braceface,” starring the voice of Alicia Silverstone which aired on the ABC Family Channel. She has written scripts for “Rolie Polie Olie,” “Totally Spies,” “Sweet Valley High,” among others. 1. Old, young, rich, poor, there are many ways to see the world, soak up other cultures, see examples of creativity in art, food, music, architecture. 2. Not just the “My boyfriend broke up with me” kind. [Want to land an agent? 3. 4. 5. [Do you underline book titles? 6. Submit-Publish-Repeat-Edition-2.pdf. Blog | Authonomy Writing Community: What You Should Be Writing.

I recently noticed some discussion on the forums from users who want the blog to provide more advice on the sort of books that you should be writing. I thought about replying directly but felt a blog post would be more fitting and would reach a wider audience. Some comments expressed the desire for inside information regarding our predictions for future trends and successes, so that you could write books with those themes.

The truth is that, while we know dystopian fiction is big now, for example, we don't know what will come along next. Even if I knew that, say, space westerns were going to be the next big thing, I wouldn't recommend that you go write one. Trends usually emerge because a good writer has an original idea and executes it well. Write the book that has yet to be written.Write the book you'd want to read.Write what you want to write. You can see what's selling well simply by looking at bestseller charts and reading industry news. Mindfulness and Writing.

You are probably familiar with an image that has forged its way through social media. It outlines the creative process as follows: This is awesomeThis is trickyThis is shitI am shitThis might be okThis is awesome I am going to walk you through each stage of the process with useful techniques for overcoming blocks. I would add another stage to this because in order to be in a place where creativity flows we have to set ourselves up in a way that allows for creative inspiration.

Getting started: the importance of a routine Having a routine around your craft means your art becomes part of your daily living. The first step is setting yourself a period, a word limit, or a certain number of pages where all you are going to do is create. This is awesome and stream of consciousness writing “Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.”

The creative process begins with an idea. Here’s what it entails: Simply sit down and write whatever comes to your mind. This is shit: do it anyway. Karl Ove Knausgaard, the Author of 'My Struggle,' on the Power of Short Stories. By Heart is a series in which authors share and discuss their all-time favorite passages in literature. See entries from Jonathan Franzen, Amy Tan, Khaled Hosseini, and more. Karl Ove Knausgaard isn’t known for being brief. My Struggle—his celebrated six-volume, 3,600-page autobiographical novel—is an experiment in radical scope, a kind of literary ultra-marathon. How long can a narrator extend a moment? , he seems to ask. How much banality can a story include? How long can a novel digress and still remain compelling? In our conversation for this series, though, Knausgaard chose to examine the biblical story of Cain and Abel—a text he admires for its extreme compression. My Struggle is being serially translated into English, and the latest volume—Book Four—comes out Tuesday.

Knausgaard’s work has been translated into more than 15 languages. Karl Ove Knausgaard: I first heard the Cain and Abel story at school, when I was seven or eight. It burned in Cain and his face fell. Robin Black. How did you become a writer? I took a super circuitous route. Growing up, I wanted to be an actress and a singer, ambitions that I dropped the second I arrived at Sarah Lawrence and saw the theater kids there. They were so sophisticated, so cool, I nearly died of social anxiety, and gave up before I began.

(My decision-making skills are not always the best.) In May, 2001, when I was thirty-nine, my father died. Fall 2001, I entered The Rittenhouse Writers group in Philadelphia, and July 2003, I entered the Warren Wilson MFA Program. Name your writing influences (writers, books, teachers, etc.). Allan Gurganus and Steven Schwartz are without question the teachers who have had the greatest influence on me. Authors who have influenced me include Virginia Woolf (of course!) When and where do you write? All the time and all over the house. What are you working on now? Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? That would be 1982-2001. And then, post 2001, it depends how you define it. How to Get Published | Top Online Writing Resource -

Writer's_Improvement_List_byPaulGreenberg_2014 - Google Sheets. Faster Writing. Rough drafts:: Seven stages of writing assignments. Writers Write. Stories Structure. Creative Writing. Creative Writing Help & Inspiration. Historical Kingdoms/Names. Fiction University. A Case for Singletasking: The One-Task-At-a-Time Method. One man's thoughts - To Do Lists are great when they are not longer than what you can do in a typical day - for the most part, and assuming that at the end of your day you review what has been and has not been accomplished and prepare your Tomorrow's To Do List in advance. As to multi-tasking, the reality is that multi-tasking is just slicing up your time into a string of short periods of concentration on different subjects, and each time your brain moves from one subject to another it is required to refresh histrical data in order to process new input - thus those who are trying to "multi task" are in fact using up some percentage of their processing power in a constant refresh mode - which may be requirement of their environment - not good, not bad, just fact.

Slicing up time and allocating mental resources to various tasks is driven in part by the nature of your day, your work, but also your own definition of accomplishment. Kind Regards, Create the Perfect Daily Routine by Layering Four Types of Activities. 25 Ways To Plot, Plan and Prep Your Story. I’m a panster at heart, plotter by necessity — and I always advocate learning how to plot and plan because inevitably someone on the business side of things is going to poke you with a pointy stick and say, “I want this.”

Thus you will demonstrate your talent. Even so, in choosing to plot on your own, you aren’t limited to a single path. And so it is that we take a look at the myriad plotting techniques (“plotniques?”) You might use as Storyteller Extraordinaire to get the motherfucking job done. Let us begin. The Basic Vanilla Tried-And-True Outline The basic and essential outline. The Reverse Outline Start at the end, instead. Tentpole Moments A story in your head may require certain keystone events to be part of the plot. Beginning, Middle, End A Series Of Sequences Chapter-By-Chapter For novel writers, you can chart your story by its chapters.

Beat Sheet Mind-Maps Happy blocks and bubbles connected to winding bendy spokes connected to a central topical hub. Zero Draft Write A Script Collage. Generators-places, names, items, weapons. Fantasy Place Name Generator for RPG players and authors. Naming Your Geographical Features This name generator generates names for geographical features, town names and village names. Names vary from the amost normal to the downright bizarre. Its good for when you are stuck for an idea. Please note that because this data is based in part upon existing place names you may well find some that already exist. Should you not find the place name you want then you can try again and get a different set. Please select how many names you want to generate,and if you want any dark wierdness, and press submit. Recent NamesGenerated. Story Starters. Looking for story starters and creative writing ideas?

You've just struck gold. Here you'll find an endless supply of inspiration. Bye-bye, Writer's Block. Take a moment to bookmark this page so that you can find it again whenever you need new ideas. Also be sure to check out our free 3-day online creative writing course, Endless Story Ideas, which will show you techniques to come up with new fiction ideas whenever you need them. Do you like this page? Story Starters Not sure what to write about? Or get started with these Ideas for Characters, Ideas for Plots, and "What If" Story Starters. Find out about two magic phrases that make it easy to come up with great story ideas.

Get 20 ideas that answer the question, "What happens next? " Browse Story Prompts About Obsessions, Life Changes, Talents, Travel, Relationships, Secrets and Habits. Use our fun Story Ideas Kit to create mix-and-match story plots. If you're looking for more detailed creative writing ideas, read on.

And... Break it down. The Best TED Talks on Writing, Creativity, and Storytelling | LA Screenwriter. Digital Storytelling Apps per IPAD. Story Maps. 5 Secrets That Will Help You Master Conversation Skills. 3 Little Words You Should Never Say. You’re in a meeting, just wrapping up your status update, and things are going well. The group seems reassured that you’re on top of things. Then, just as you’re about to close your laptop and head for the door, your boss’ peer asks, “How are projections looking for Q2?”

Your boss nods in your direction and suddenly, all eyes in the room are back on you. Blurting out a panicked “I don’t know!” May seem like the path of least resistance in an uncomfortable moment—but if you want to be taken seriously as an emerging leader, you should ditch that phrase and learn what experienced leaders say when they don’t know the answer. Saying “I Don’t Know” Costs You Credibility and Influence I once spoke with a woman who was truly an expert in her field—the only engineer on her software team with a PhD. Just like that, she had inadvertently trained people to go to her boss with their tough technical questions. “I Don’t Know” is Not an Answer—or an Option! Prepare a More Powerful Response. Creative Writing Courses and Ideas: An Online Resource for Writers. Best of the Web Book Marketing Tips for the Week of September 24, 2012 | Author Marketing Experts, Inc.

We’ve collected some of the best book marketing Tweets from the past week, courtesy of bloggers, marketers, authors and others. The topics include Facebook marketing tips to improve engagement, getting credible – not fake – book reviews, making your book pitch stand out, and much more. Happy marketing! * 5 Unbreakable Laws of Self-Publishing (Photo credit: Wikipedia) First, start thinking like a publisher: * 10 Ways to Make Your Book Pitch Stand Out So Your Book Gets Free Publicity It’s all about the WIIFM factor – What’s In It For Me. . * 9 Facebook Marketing Tips to Improve Engagement Be personal, use photos and hold contests – those are three ways to build your following: * Don’t Get Caught With Fake Book Reviews.

Advice from an author who’s been there, done that – and he shares what worked for him:


Online speed reading course | Legentas. Library Collections. Articles. Contributor's Guidelines. Please note the following changes to our guidelines: 1) Instead of 23 articles, currently uses approximately 12 articles per year. This means, unfortunately, that we must be much more selective in our criteria. 2) We now accept "guest editorials. " Please keep in mind that an editorial is not a feature article. We look for pieces that are timely (i.e., relating to a current issue affecting writers) and also for pieces that are timeless. Articles are published first in our e-mail newsletter, then posted on the website. We seek articles on almost every aspect of writing: fiction, nonfiction, business/commercial writing, the business of writing, how to get published, how to promote oneself and one's writing, and so forth. We have a huge collection of "beginner" pieces, so we're far more interested in articles for the more experienced writer.

With more than 600 articles already on the site, it can be difficult to find a topic we haven't covered. Experience is important. WW2 People's War - In the WRNS with Laura Ashley. National Novel Writing Month.