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My love for you… / sfgirlbybay. Posted by my illustrious guest blogger //// 25 Comments hello everyone!

my love for you… / sfgirlbybay

It’s meighan from ml4u. this week i got a bit of a terrarium bug! They’ve been the rage for awhile, and i’ll admit i have totally bought into the little microcosm eco-world. i have always wanted to make one, but never found the time. so over the weekend my good friend, rae and i took a terrarium workshop class at workshop. it was all rae’s idea, and i am so glad she signed me up. it was so much fun and surprisingly calming and easy! I am fully addicted to making terrariums now, full stop. if you aren’t in the bay area and can’t make it to workshop. here are a bunch of images and links to help you with your terrarium needs. along with my final product. also, if you know of other faves, feel free to comment!

Wendilands minimalist terrarium kits are both beautiful and pretty funny. perfect for your black thumb and ‘serenity now’ moments. Free murder mystery games - murder mystery dinner parties, murder mystery team building events. Two Free murder mystery games - Murder on the Disorientated Express and Fete Accompli. If you are unsure of the quality of our murder mystery games- these free games are available to allow you to try before you buy. Instantly downloadable and with NO gratuitous advertising, please feel free to use Murder on the Disorientated Express for a 6 player dinner party with your friends, or if you are planning a fundraising event, our free fundraising game Fete Accompli. To access these free murder mystery games you will need to create an account with us but rest assured we don't spam people and your details NEVER get passed to any third party.

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