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589217_scale_of_universe_enhanced.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) Riusuke Fukahori Paints Three-Dimensional Goldfish Embedded in Layers of Resin. First: watch the video. Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori paints three-dimensional goldfish using a complex process of poured resin. The fish are painted meticulously, layer by layer, the sandwiched slices revealing slightly more about each creature, similar to the function of a 3D printer. I really enjoy the rich depth of the pieces and the optical illusion aspect, it’s such an odd process that results in something that’s both a painting and sculptural. Wonderful. Image Mosaic Generator. CanYouRememberMyDreambyJuliaHepburn2.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x900 pixels) Neurotic Poets - Edgar Allan Poe. Personal tragedy was, unfortunately, a recurring theme throughout Edgar Allan Poe's life.

Born in Boston in 1809 to actor parents, he never knew his father David Poe, who left his mother and disappeared soon after Edgar was born, then died in Virginia in 1810. His mother, who suffered from tuberculosis (then called consumption), died in Richmond, Virginia in late 1811, orphaning Edgar, his older brother William Henry, and half-sister Rosalie. Frances Allan of Richmond convinced her wealthy merchant husband John to take the child Edgar into their home. It was here that Edgar was to be raised, with his early influences being the stories of house slaves and the tales told by skippers and sea merchants. . “ From childhood's hour I have not been As others were; I have not seen As others saw; I could not bring My passions from a common spring. ” ~ Poe in 'Alone' ~ Once back in Richmond, Edgar began writing poetry regularly when he was in his early teens.

By the end of the year, Mr. Pink_rose.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x399 pixels) Young_artist_5.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x842 pixels) - Scaled (73%) Starryrhone_vangogh.jpg (JPEG Image, 900x600 pixels) Poetree: A Funeral Urn That Lets You Plant A Tree From Ashes. Images: Margaux Ruyant Though conventional 'deathcare' is hardly green, thanks to the use of embalming chemicals, concrete vaults and non-biodegradable caskets, burials are getting greener each year with various eco-friendly options and smarter approaches. But what about keeping it simple, yet also tying death back into nature's cycle of renewal? That's what French designer Margaux Ruyant does with Poetree, a funeral urn that infuses a poetic spirit into the mourning process. Poetree is a funeral urn that evolves over time, allowing loved ones to plant a tree in the ashes, while also providing a simple but elegant monument.

The Poetree is made out of a ceramic ring with the deceased's details, plus a cork container and stopper. After giving the boxwood tree some time to grow, the urn can then be planted outside, where the cork container can biodegrade, leaving only the ceramic ring as a marker and a living, growing tree to commemorate those who have passed on. Like this? Diode, v2n3, contents. Emerald River. A Singular Creation Art Community • Tutorial: Painting Realistic Eyes. We would like to ing you this feature tutorial by Linda Bergkvist, renowned in the digital arts community for her gorgeous portrayal of characters. In this tutorial, Linda shows us step by step how she paints realistic eyes. About Linda Bergkvist Linda Bergkvist is a renowned digital artist who currently lives in Sweden. Linda Bergkvist's website can be found at

Art Project, powered by Google. Nick Gentry | Social art from the obsolete. Anka Zhuravleva | Designcollector™ Moscow raised and StPete based awesome artist and photographer Anka Zhuravleva invites you to be mesmerized by her latest photo-artwork series “Distorted Gravity”. The history and language of FLOWERS and herbs - origins and meanings! Depth_perception.png (PNG Image, 740x946 pixels) How To Do Easy Mehndi Designs (Tattoos) Learn how to create simple mehndi henna designs. The big bold floral patterns shown in this VideoJug tutorial are exotic yet perfect for beginners. Hi, my name's Reena. I'm from This is Prianka and Krishma. Today, we're going to show you how to create henna designs. Hello. Today, I'd like to show you how to do simple henna designs. We will combine three same flowers, but in a different length.

You can do Arabic henna, which is more flowers. It's very important to pick up the way you do particular shading, as it gives an amazing effect once the henna's true color is enhanced. Stellar by Ignacio Torres. Beautifully executed animations by Texas photographer Ignacio Torres from his series Stellar. Via his website: This project began from the theory that humans are made of cosmic matter as a result of a stars death. I created imagery that showcased this cosmic birth through the use of dust and reflective confetti to create galaxies.

The models organic bodily expressions as they are frozen in time between the particles suggest their celestial creation. In addition, space and time is heightened by the use of three-dimensional animated gifs. These are just a selection of the series, click through to see the entire project. Untitled. _lqag2lD7aL1qe9hnqo1_r3_500.jpg (JPEG Image, 278x640 pixels) Rune Guneriussen. These dream-like installations are assembled, and then photographed by Norwegian artist Rune Guneriussen. Just imagine being out for a walk in Norway’s countryside, turning a corner and discovering a magical forest of lamps, a tangle of chairs, or a river of books. Sadly, once the photograph is taken, Rune removes the installation, the only proof of it’s existence being these images… sort of like waking up from an amazing dream that you could have sworn was real. As an artist, I believe strongly that art itself should be questioning and bewildering as opposed to patronising and restricting.

As opposed to the current fashion I do not want to dictate a way to the understanding of my art, but rather indicate a path to understanding a story. Rune Guneriussen’s site. Drake Brodahl Illustration. Flow_lion.jpg (JPEG Image, 1285x912 pixels) - Scaled (66%) Famous Oscar Wild quotation | Our Funny Planet. No man is rich enough to buy back his past The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast I don`t like principles. I prefer prejudices One should always be in love. Life is never fair… An perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not I can believe anything, provided that it is quite incredible Experience is the name everyone gives to his mistakes Humanity takes itself too seriously.

Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood I am not young enough to know everything We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell I can resist anything but temptation Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them as much A kiss may ruin a human life I am always astonishing myself. ShareThis. Paper Cuts.

Izziyana Suhaimi We’ve been seeing a lot of embroidered art as of late but I must say that so far, I’ve been most impressed by Singaporean artist Izziyana Suhaimi‘s work. I can’t get over how skillfully she is able […] A Due Colore I still can’t get over how Alberto Seveso can make something as simple as ink in water look so captivating. Each photo, in his latest series, captures duos of vibrant pigments, entwining in the most breathtaking […]

Matthew Cusick : Paintings & Collage : Map Works.