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The Mouthy Housewives » About Us. The Mouthy Housewives, a funny, cheeky and always entertaining advice site, is the next generation’s “Dear Abby.” If Abby were less dear and just a bit more tipsy. Written by a team of five popular humor bloggers, The Mouthy Housewives give hilarious and helpful tips on everything from parenting to relationships to housework to social networking to sex. The Mouthy Housewives have twelve children among them, ranging in age from 2 years old to 17 years old, including a stepchild and a set of twins, five husbands and a terrifying number of in-laws. They have been featured in various prestigious online and print publications across the country, in addition to television and radio programs. The Mouthy Housewives also presented a panel entitled Dear Abby 2.0, on giving advice in the blogosphere at the 2010 BlogHer conference and hosted the Come As You Are Party at BlogHer ’12.

Wendi Aarons is an award winning humor writer who lives in Austin with her husband and two sons. And then I met Neil Gaiman. I’m behind on a deadline but I have to write this now or I will forget all the details so get ready for the most confusing, phoned-in post ever. In fact, it’s almost all copied directly from my journal and the bulleted quotes are straight from my twitter account and so the tenses aren’t even consistent.

If this is your first time here I suggest skipping this post and instead read the one about how the lady on my GPS system is trying to murder me. I should preface this post by saying that Neil Gaiman and Ray Bradbury have been my two living writing idols since I was a school girl and if you comment “Did you mean Neil Diamond?” I will find you and burn your house down. On Tuesday I got to meet Neil Gaiman. Two weeks ago: Just read that Neil Gaiman is going to be in Austin at something called “W00tstock“. Me: OH MY GOD, we have to go. Victor: Meh. Me: I’m going to stab you to death in your sleep. Victor: Yeah, you keep saying that. Me: I don’t know.

Victor: That sounds…terrible. Fine. *cough* There, I Fixed It - Redneck Repairs. HOLLYWOOD: Where HOT Comes To Die ® Check Mate#comment-13566#comment-13566. This weekend Young Ladrinka and I went for a walk and stopped by Washington Square Park. If you’re not a New Yorker, it’s a small park at the bottom of Fifth Avenue, with a magnificent arch, a fountain pit and two sets of playgrounds, for the babies and for the bigger kids, a dog run and what I can only assume a bustling drug trade.

It’s a great place to people watch. There are New York University students, tourists, and the pseudo-homeless. This weekend there was also a demonstration protesting the city’s animal shelters and imploring everyone to adopt a pit bull or ten. And then Young Ladrinka saw the chess men. “Maybe I can win,” Young Ladrinka told me. I approached one of the men. Young Ladrinka is on the near left. But the scene around us was what fascinated me. Of course all the men knew each other. “Hey, where the hell have you been?” A new game started next to Young Ladrinka. After a while, Young Ladrinka told his opponent that he wanted a draw. My baby! Cake Wrecks.