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Postcard from Provence | Daily Painting #1862 | A painting a day by Julian Merrow-Smith. Home, Thomas, Thomas Andrew, Paintings, Artwork. Karim rashid. How I learned to become a failure • Digitalmash. Amsterdam kunstbeurs, antiekbeurs en designbeurs in één. Wee See. Part art installation, part pacifier, Wee See is a collection of black-and-white animations built from basic shapes to delight both child and parent. As vision develops slowly over the first months of life, Wee See provides surfaces of bold, well-defined artwork to engage your baby’s curious mind and bring the screen to vibrant life. With great sensitivity to the delicate nature of the audience, Wee See’s animations move methodically slow and maintain an extraordinary simplicity yet remain endlessly inventive. With both DVDs containing an original score by Tim DeLaughter, each moment has extra meaning.

The same level of playfulness and care at the heart of the imagery also shines through in the music. 14 animations (each 2-4 minutes in length) Running time approx. 30 min. + flashcardsNTSC / STEREO / ALL REGION 18 animations (each 2-4 minutes in length) Mind design.

Art and design blogs

The Dieline: The World's #1 Package Design Website - 10 Web Typography Rules Every Designer Should Know. When someone visits a website you’ve designed, the odds are that they don’t care much about the colors, images or sounds, they’re immediately looking at the text.

No matter how many bells and whistles you’ve built into a website, everyone relies on text to accomplish whatever they’re visiting the site to do. That alone should make typography, the art of arranging type, a priority for any web designer. In this article we take a look at 10 easy rules to keep in mind when designing your next web project. 1. Read through the text yourself With a design like JonesingFor a designer without a great grasp of the text would have struggled to put together the typography that makes this site really work.

Some web designers think that just copying and pasting out of a text file constitutes the total of their textual duties. You can kick your typography up yet another notch, if you can read through the text once it’s in place in your design. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A final comment. The Sketchbook Project. Dezeen Space. Dezeen relocates to Shoreditch for a month during London Design Festival, London Fashion Week and Frieze Art Fair. From 17 September to 16 October, Dezeen Space at 54 Rivington Street - in the heart of Shoreditch Design Triangle - will be a multi-functional, experimental space, hosting a pop-up gallery, store, video studio and micro-event space. See all our stories about Dezeen Space here. Dezeen Book of Ideas Our first book, Dezeen Book of Ideas, will be launched and sold in the space. For more details, including a preview of the book, click here.

Dezeen Platform 30 days, 30 upcoming designers - Dezeen Platform is a one metre by one metre exhibition space that will be given over to a different designer each day. For more details on Dezeen Platform, including the full line-up, click here. Dezeen Watch Store pop-up Les Cages aux Folles by Plumen Dezeen Space will feature a unique installation of low-energy bulbs by Plumen, winners of the 2011 Brit Insurance Design of the Year award. Dezeen Space. Birmingham Art Walk : Su Abbott : Artist Gallery.

Magic City Art Connection, presented by BBVA Compass. Claire cormany | The Cobalt Club. Artwork by Lulie Wallace. Holly Hollon | Design& Calligraphy. Lindsay Letters - Welcome.