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Facebook Twitter The Journal of Academic Librarianship : Linking course web sites to library collections and services. Information Literacy Makes All the Wrong Assumptions - The Chronicle Review. Nurturing Innovation. I’ve spoken to library staff from libraries all over North America and have heard countless stories about innovative new services that failed. I always ask people why they think the initiative didn’t work at their library and the answer has always been about the culture—whether it was because of controlling IT staff, managers who wouldn’t give staff time to experiment with new technologies, or administrators who were deathly risk-averse. While there are many things a staff member without authority can do to ensure the success of a project, institutional culture is a barrier that can only be fixed by people in charge.

Here are some things managers can do to support staff in building successful and innovative services: Encourage staff to learn and play. I’ve always felt that “keeping up with trends in technology and the profession” should be included in every library staff member’s job description. Give staff time to experiment with potential new initiatives. Don’t get attached. When librarians are obstacles | Molly Kleinman. Heading into the Open Ed Conference and especially the Mozilla Drumbeat Festival, I expected to be one of only a handful of librarians participating. Librarians haven’t been terribly involved or engaged with the open education movement, but our values and missions align so well that I expected to be welcomed by the professors and the edupunks as a peer and fellow traveller. Well, I got the first part right – I met only a couple of librarians all week – but the second, not so much. Imagine my surprise when the other two speakers in the session on libraries and the future of OER spent much of their time criticizing the ways in which librarians have engaged with open education, and lamenting the possibility of librarians being anything other than a liability.

R. In a word: Blergh! Okay, I know why. It probably says something about the job I’ve had for the last year and a half that I see this primarily as a failure of management. Innovation and progress can’t happen without failure. Technology, or Lack Thereof, at the Podium. I do a lot of public speaking. My usual format is to speak off the cuff, without notes or script, and use a Keynote or PowerPoint slide show to guide me. (No, not bullet points — ugh! — but videos, funny visuals or other scenic elements.) I like to have the laptop on the podium with me, for two reasons. First, by tapping the space bar, I can control the slides with split-second accuracy, which is sometimes essential in making a joke land. The Times’s technology columnist, David Pogue, keeps you on top of the industry in his free, weekly e-mail newsletter.Sign up | See Sample Second, it means that I can see notes and cues that my audience can’t see.

When I’m giving a talk I give often, I can get away without those notes and slide previews; I’ve had enough practice. At every auditorium, I show up early for the technical setup. It’s hilarious, at this point, to see the look of panic on their faces when I pull out the MacBook laptop I use for these presentations. “Oh,” I responded. Why Are We Still Consuming News Like It’s 1899? | benhuh!com. We’ve witness a torrent of nature- and man-made news in 2011.

And if I were a betting man, the range and impact of the events to come will make news even more essential to all of us. But reading all this news started to bother me, not only because of what was happening in the world, but because the experience of consuming news sucks. For the past new months, I’ve been thinking about this problem (unconnected to Cheezburger). As my friend Dan Sinker said: “We’re still delivering the news in the same way since the Civil War.” He’s right. The pace of news may have gotten almost real-time (radio, TV, social media), but we still consume the same basic product. News Sites Are Limiting Themselves Currently, news sites have many problems. The traditional methods of news-writing, such as the reverse pyramid, the various “editions” of news pose big limitation on how news is reported and consumed. The Problem With News 2) News, Not Front Pages The front-page of a newspaper is an iconic symbol. 12 — When it comes to technology, you definitely “act your age”.

Let’s start with full disclosure: I’m a baby boomer. Ok, I’ve gotten that out of the way. I do have two millenial children (now young adults), and most of the people I work with are Gen Xers. How did people get together before cell phones? — My son (age 20) recently asked me how people ever got together when I was growing up.

Generational definitions — I’ve done some of my own exploratory research on generational differences in the last few years. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What do you think? Did you find this post interesting? Digital Literacies for Writing in Social Media. The following is a shortened version of a talk I gave at the "Engaging the Public" symposium held at Washington & Jefferson College on Oct. 1. According to Cathy Davidson's Now You See It, 65 percent of students entering school today will have careers in fields that haven't been invented yet.

While #IDontHaveFactsToBackThisUp, I'm willing to make the following prediction about writing: a full 100% of these students, at some point in their lives, will be required to use writing technologies that haven't been invented yet. Consider this: as recently as four years ago, who would have imagined that major companies would have employees whose jobs were to interact with customers on Twitter, or that someone could make a career out of writing for Facebook? Four years before that, not only did those jobs not exist, Twitter and Facebook didn't exist, and the types of writing that they represent were only in their nascent form.

Kairos of Digital Media * accessibility* searchability* persistence. 21st-Century Campus Culture - Do Your Job Better. By James M. Lang Almost every academic I know has fond memories of late-night dorm-room bull sessions about the meaning of life. Sometimes fueled by various legal and illegal substances, and sometimes simply the accidental product of everyone coming home from libraries and study lounges at the same time on a Tuesday at midnight, those sessions constitute, for many of us in the profession, a conversational ideal that becomes harder and harder to replicate in our adult lives. I certainly cling to my memories of those conversations, and sometimes I think I went into graduate school hoping to become the kind of faculty member who could recreate such profound dialogues in my classroom. After a dozen years of full-time teaching, I've discovered that most of my classroom time has to be spent helping students become more careful readers, better researchers, and clearer writers.

Small counts that as one of the most surprising realizations of her freshman-year experiment. "Absolutely! " James M. RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms. A Store With Only 3 Products And Other Cases For Simplicity. There's a jewellery store in Old Town in Zurich, Switzerland. It specializes in finely crafted rings, bracelets, and necklaces adorned with the most precious of stones.

The shopfront window is huge--measuring about 15 feet wide and 4 feet deep. You'd imagine there'd be a range of dazzling wares on display, but think again. This vast shopfront area displays just one small item at any given time. This single object of beauty is an antidote to our world of cluttered inboxes, texts, Tweets, and Facebook updates. I recently interviewed a leading executive at a major sports channel. According to a study the network had carried out, men are feeling increasingly emasculated, and exciting graphics helps reassert their masculinity. These surprising discoveries were made when the channel attempted to remove all the peripheral graphics from the screen. So: is more ... more? During the first round, the volunteers were offered a box with 30 different flavours of chocolate. Scientists on Trial for What They Said - Global.

By Francis X. Rocca Rome When Italy's National Commission for Forecasting and Predicting Great Risks held a special meeting in the central Italian city of L'Aquila on March 31, 2009, the earthquake-prone area had been shaking with low-level tremors, as frequently as three or four a day, for the previous six months. Just one day earlier, the country's Department of Civil Protection had censured an amateur scientist in the city, who claimed that he could predict earthquakes by measuring levels of radon gas. The officials accused him of instigating a public panic. On that Tuesday evening in L'Aquila, prominent Italian geophysicists met with national and local officials for about an hour to discuss the "seismic swarms" that had so alarmed the populace.

Six days later, L'Aquila was hit by a strong earthquake that left 309 people dead, injured more than 1,500, and destroyed some 20,000 buildings. Not Making Sense Thomas H. Mr. Mr. Taking Control Southern California's Mr. Connecting Expertise.