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Scipione Borghese

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Colosseum :Maps over the centuries. Prehistory Before man made his appearance in the site of Rome, the valley where now stands the Colosseum collected the waters from the hills, thus creating a small lake. In these maps you can see the geography of the city before human settlement. The Tiber river would flood the area of the Circus Maximus, and part of the Campus Martius was a marsh, the Palus Caprae, or Capreae (the goats' marsh) The first walls of Rome VII century BC When people of Latin, Sabine and Etruscan origin settled on the hills, Rome was born. The first walls were built around the Palatine by Romulus, first king of Rome. According to legend Romulus disappeared near the Palus Caprae, where he was reviewing the army Republican times I Century BC Centuries go by, Rome grows and the site of the Colosseum is improved. Start of construction 71-72 AD After the famous fire in 64 b.C.

The site during the Empire II-III century The place is now packed with monuments, palaces, statues, public buildings etc. Middle Ages 800. Roma di Sisto V. La pianta di Antonio Tempesta. 1593. by Borsi, Stefano.: NEW (1986) | Webster -

Borghese Rome Books

Struttura della città. The 1593 Antonio Tempesta Map of Rome. Sixteenth Century Journal on JSTOR. JSTOR: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 71, No. 3 (September 2012), pp. 278-305. Scipione Borghese als Kardinalprotektor: Studien zur römischen Mikropolitik in der frühen Neuzeit. Find using OpenURL Scipione Borghese als Kardinalprotektor: Studien zur römischen Mikropolitik in der frühen Neuzeit (review) In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: This valuable volume belongs to the series of studies of the "micropolitics" of the early modern papacy undertaken by Wolfgang Reinhard and his students over the past thirty years. Many of them center around Cardinal Scipione Borghese (1579-1633), papal nephew of Pope Paul V, because of the rich documentation surrounding him that survives. The author shows the difficulty that one encounters in attempting to define the role of the cardinal-protector; it varied greatly from instance to instance but nearly always was associated with a form of patronage and the exercise of influence.

The protectorate over pious works also offered opportunities to exercise patronage, though it would be a mistake to attribute Borghese's activity solely to... Incorrect username or password. Coat of arms of Cardinal Scipione Borghese (1579-1633) The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Biographical Dictionary - Consistory of July 18, 1605. Protestant Reformation. Although the core motivation behind these changes was theological, many other factors played a part, including the rise of nationalism, the Western Schism which eroded people's faith in the Papacy, the corruption of the Curia, and the new learning of the Renaissance which questioned much traditional thought. On a technological level the invention of the printing press proved extremely significant in that it provided the means for the rapid dissemination of new ideas. The Roman Catholic Church responded with a Counter-Reformation initiated by the Council of Trent and spearheaded by the new order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) specifically organized to counter the Protestant movement.

In general, Northern Europe, with the exception of most of Ireland, turned Protestant. Southern Europe remained Roman Catholic, while Central Europe was a site of fierce conflict, escalating to full-scale war. Religious situation in Europe[edit] History and origins[edit] Earlier schisms[edit] Literacy[edit] Scipione Borghese – Puppetmaster of Caravaggio | This write life. Caravaggio, Ottavio Leoni, 1621 Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610) created a world of darkness and light through his paintings.

What may appear as just another expression of art to the casual viewer is in actuality a true reproduction of his world. I have returned to the well of Caravaggio for another story from the artist’s short life, the influence of his patron, Cardinal Scipione Borghese (1577-1633). Drawing from Andrew Graham-Dixon’s book, Caravaggio, A Life Sacred and Profane, and M, the Man who became Caravaggio by Peter Robb, a portrait of sorts has appeared, detailing the obsession of the Cardinal and his ruthless collecting of the artist’s works. No accidents of fate can be attributed to their relationship, only a hot- headed painter and one of the many who manipulated him to their own rewards.

Scipione Borghese, Ottavio Leoni, 1610 Saint Jerome Writing, 1605 Camillo Borghese, Pope Paul V, 1552-1621, Caravaggio, 1605-6 Madonna of the Grooms, 1605-6 Picture Links. Counter-Reformation. A copy of the Vulgate (the Latin edition of the Catholic Bible) printed in 1590, after many of the Council's reforms had begun to take place in Catholic worship. The Counter-Reformation (also the Catholic Revival[1] or Catholic Reformation) was the period of Catholic revival beginning with the Council of Trent (1545–1563) and ending at the close of the Thirty Years' War (1648), and was initiated in response to the Protestant Reformation.

The Counter-Reformation was a comprehensive effort composed of four major elements: Ecclesiastical or structural reconfigurationReligious ordersSpiritual movementsPolitical dimensions Council of Trent[edit] A session of the Council of Trent, from an engraving. Pope Paul III (1534–1549) initiated the Council of Trent (1545–1563), a commission of cardinals tasked with institutional reform, addressing contentious issues such as corrupt bishops and priests, indulgences, and other financial abuses. Religious orders[edit] Politics: The Netherlands[edit] Pope Urban VIII. Caravaggio: Realism, Rebellion, Reception - Genevieve Warwick, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.

Art and Love in Renaissance Italy - Andrea Bayer, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) My Laocoön: Alternative Claims in the Interpretation of Artworks - Richard Brilliant. Honour, love and truth, an alternative reading of Titian's Sacred and Profane Love - Robertson - 2008 - Renaissance Studies. Performativity and Performance in Baroque Rome - Peter Gillgren, Mårten Snickare. Bernini’s Statues in the Villa Borghese « Ben Drum’s Rome Summer Blog.

The Borghese were one of the most influential families in early 17th century Rome. Originating in Siena, where the Borghese gained power through appointments to communes, the family moved to Rome under the guidance of Marcantonio in 1541. The family rose to power in 1605, when Marcantonio’s son Camillo Borghese was picked as the compromise candidate between two front-runner cardinals in a surprising papal election. Camillo, taking the name Pope Paul V, used the papacy as a throne of power, exercising nepotism by giving several of his family members prominent positions. Perhaps the most power was given to Scipione Borghese, nephew to the pope. Original Layout of the Borghese Gallery By initially putting the viewer at a non-dominant viewing angle, the movement of the sculpture can dictate the movement of the viewer, who would be forced to walk around the statue as it gradually unfolded. Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius (1618-9) Pluto Abducting Persephone (1621-2) Apollo and Daphne (1622-5)

Arts >> Borghese, Scipione Caffarelli. Scipione Caffarelli Borghese, a seventeenth-century Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, was a bold and influential patron and collector of the visual arts. As is the case with many other famous Europeans of the early modern period, we are dependent primarily upon derogatory sources for documentation of his homosexuality.

However, Borghese's art collection also provides clues about his personal life. <a href="/glossary.php? Word=homoerotic&part=" target="_blank">homoerotic</a> <a href="/glossary.php? Word=androgyny&part=" target="_blank">androgyny</a> and the fusion of genders. As a patron and collector, Borghese revealed wide-ranging tastes, but he consistently demonstrated a willingness to challenge conventional standards, as he may have done as well in his personal life. Life and Career As Cardinal Nephew (an official post until it was abolished in 1692), Borghese was placed in charge of both the internal and external political affairs of the Papal States. Rumors of Homosexuality. How the Borghese family acquired their titles. The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Biographical Dictionary - Consistory of July 18, 1605.

Scipione Caffarelli-Borghese. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Scipione Caffarelli-Borghese (Roma, 1º settembre 1577 – Roma, 2 ottobre 1633) è stato un cardinale, arcivescovo cattolico e collezionista d'arte italiano, nipote di papa Paolo V. Biografia[modifica | modifica sorgente] Nel 1603 divenne Abate Commendatario del Monastero di San Pietro all'Olmo, carica che tenne per trent'anni. Il 25 ottobre 1610 venne nominato arcivescovo di Bologna per poi essere consacrato l'8 dicembre successivo nella Cappella Sistina a Roma, per mano del papa Paolo V, assistito dal cardinale Maffeo Barberini, vescovo di Spoleto, e dal cardinale Giovanni Garzia Mellini, vescovo di Imola. Scipione ad ogni modo non fece mai un ingresso nella propria diocesi, limitandosi a governarla da Roma attraverso un vescovo suffraganeo per poi rinunciarvi definitivamente dopo appena due anni, nel 1612.

Famoso il suo mecenatismo a favore dei suoi collaboratori, compresa la servitù, di cui si cita Genesio Cerone che gli salvo la vita in un incidente. Scipione Borghese. Biography[edit] Birth and elevation[edit] Originally named Scipione Caffarelli, he was born in Artena, the son of Francisco Caffarelli and Ortensia Borghese. In the classic pattern of papal nepotism, Cardinal Borghese wielded enormous power as the Pope's secretary and effective head of the Vatican government. On his own and the Pope's behalf he amassed an enormous fortune through papal fees and taxes, and acquired vast land holdings for the Borghese family. Cardinal[edit] Scipione received many honours from his uncle. As Cardinal Nephew (an official post until it was abolished in 1692), Borghese was placed in charge of both the internal and external political affairs of the Papal States. The Villa Borghese Borghese aroused a great deal of controversy and resentment by utilizing numerous "gifts" from the papal government to fund Borghese family investments.

Cardinal Scipione Borghese died in Rome in 1633 and is buried in the Borghese chapel in Santa Maria Maggiore. Private life[edit]