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About | LEAP Motion. 5 Reasons Why Our Students Are Writing Blogs and Creating ePortfolios. I work in an Independent School in Melbourne, Australia, and this year we have made a commitment to help our students (grades 7-12) create ePortfolios, using an Edublogs campus as the platform. Here are 5 reasons why we are making student blogging and portfolio development a high priority. 1. Positive digital footprints These kids need to establish a positive digital footprint. 2. We want our students to have a handle on how you use digital tools for communication purposes, and not just through networks like Facebook. 3. Our curriculum is becoming more transparent for our parent population. Just think, these students will have a digital archive of their learning, but not only that, they will have comments from friends and family members that they can revisit in years to come. 4.

We need a digital space to demonstrate new methods of learning using Web tools. 5. The ePortfolios support our commitment to assist our students with the skills they need for effective digital citizenship. Professional Development Part 2- Last week I posted about my first session of Professional Development, Using Google Reader and Pinterest. Be sure to check it out HERE if you missed it! I got such a great response, I decided to make it a weekly thing, Tech Savvy Tuesdays! Yep, I have a theme day. I'm in the big leagues now! Well, my second session of Professional Development was about using in the classroom. Does anyone else use blogging with your students? Here are my top 5 reasons why I love using it: 1.

During my Professional Development on Kidblog, I gave my staff the chance to check out my classroom blog. Then I let them create their own blog, showed them how to add students, write a new post and approve comments. The Professional Development with my staff went really well. I've heard from most of the staff who attended the training, they have used Kidblog with their kiddos and they loved Not to mention their kiddos loved it too! iPad StoryTelling APPS. Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles. 10 Great ways to use Audacity with your Students.