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Contents. Create Your Own Trendy Parallax Website Layout. Advertisement Introduction Apart form the pinterest dynamic fluid layout and big background image layout, parallax layout is still one of the trend in web design simply because it's a great technique to showcase product/service through an automated presentation by using scrolling. Take Minicooper Japan as an example, when user scrolls down the website, each slide introduces the car features with seamless, perfectly timed animations which is a really great user experience. In this post, we have a few of javascript plugins that are able to achieve pretty impressive parallax animations.

To spice up your inspiration, we also gathered 10 great examples that implemented parallax scrolling to its full potential. With some creativity and hard work, you too can create one parallax website. Parallax Javascript Plugins It's not easy to make a parallax layout, because parallax layputs usually contain a lot of subtle animations and you really need to plan ahead for this. Inspirations. Computer Arts | Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Flash | Serwis informacyjny - 1. <> Regeln für gutes einfaches Homepage-Webdesign. Beratung zu Usability und Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Auf den folgenden Seiten finden Sie die wichtigsten Regeln für gutes Webdesign. Sie sind die Grundlage unserer Arbeit. Wir wenden sie beim Entwerfen oder Optimieren jeder einzelnen Homepage an. Auch beim Erstellen Ihrer eigenen Homepage werden Sie sicher von den Regeln profitieren können. Die Regeln für gutes Webdesign lassen sich in drei Bereich unterteilen: 1. Gutes Webdesign ist immer einfaches Webdesign. 2. 3.

Die ff-webdesigner bieten gutes Webdesign zu hervorragenden Konditionen. Webdesign-Angebot HUA :Homepage-Usability-Analyse Unser Preis: Gratis Für wen? Wie benutzerfreundlich ist Ihre Homepage? Graphic Design and Typography. Eine kleiner Einblick in die Welt der Piktogramme und Icons. Piktogramme und Icons sind Bildzeichen, die unabhängig von Sprache und Kultur verständlich sind. Daher sind sie im Webdesign auch so wichtig. Denn schließlich ist das Web ja eine recht internationale Welt und Icons sind z.B. im Bereich Onlineshopping, Produkt-Support, Blog-Artikelformate oder Kontakt immer wieder ein bedeutendes Hilfsmittel für Webdesigner.

Aus diesem Grund habe ich mich einmal etwas genauer mit der Entwicklung von Piktogrammen und Icons auseinander gesetzt, um so den wichtigsten Merkmalen für eine erfolgreiche Gestaltung näher zu kommen. 1. Bildzeichen spielen in der Geschichte der Menschen schon sehr lange eine wichtige Rolle. Bildzeichen für die Orientierung auf Flughäfen. Bildzeichen auf Bahnhöfen. Verschiedene Bildzeichen für den Transport von Paketen. Einen richtigen Piktogramm-Kult haben die Olympischen Spiele ausgelöst. Ausschnitt aus der Piktogramm-Kollektion für die olympischen Spiele von Tokyo 1964. Verschiedene Piktogramme von Otl Aicher. 2. 3. 45 Incredibly Useful Web Design Checklists and Questionnaires. Designing websites can be a long and complicated process. Dealing with clients, designing prototypes, coding, programming, and testing – there’s a lot to keep track of and a lot to make sure gets done.

That’s where checklists can make your life a whole lot easier. With lists of points covering multiple areas from content to usability to accessibility to standards, you’re a lot less likely to overlook important parts of a site. Below are 45 checklists to make your design process easier and more organized. Consider using these checklists as a jumping off point for creating your own customized list, based on your own needs. Also consider our previous article: 15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website1 lists some important things to check before you make your sites public. 1. These questionnaires and checklists are focused on making your relationships with your clients better.

Comprehensive Web Design Checklist5 This is another client-focused questionnaire. 2. 3. 4. Dr. 5. 6. 7. 8. Get The Eye. Media Queries. Webdesign-Trends: Fünf responsive Webseiten-Layouts analysiert. Responsive Webdesign bedeutet, dass ein Webseiten-Layout automatisch auf unterschiedliche Bildschirmgrößen reagiert und sich entsprechend dem Bildschirmformat anpasst. Es ist also kein Wunder, dass beim derzeitigen Boom von Tablet PCs und Smartphones (die ja alle ganz unterschiedliche Bildschirmformate haben) responsive Webdesigns immer beliebter werden. Da bei der Umsetzung eines solch flexiblen Webdesigns nicht nur bei der technischen Umsetzung, sondern vor allem auch beim Designkonzept so einiges bedacht werden muss, habe ich mir fünf Webseiten mit responsive Layouts einmal genauer angeschaut und deren Layoutaufbau analysiert. 1.

Five Simple Steps Das Webdesign von Five Simple Steps ist auf einem zwei- bzw. dreispaltigen Raster aufgebaut. Die drei unterschiedlichen Layout-Ansichten vereinfacht im Überblick. Interessant ist bei der Five Simple Steps-Webseite vor allem die flexible Umsetzung des Webseiten-Menüs. Die Menü-Anzeige von Five Simple Steps auf einem Android Smartphone. 2. 4. Empfohlene Webdesign-Firmen aus Deutschland und Österreich. Design Professionalism - by Andy Rutledge. Colors in Web Design: Choosing a right combination for your website. Color is undoubtedly the essential means to touch the emotions of your website visitors. It is a non-verbal communication and creates a physical and emotional reaction of the viewers.

Colors are able to set the right tone and carry a necessary message for visitors. Colors can calm or excite, arouse plenty of feelings and stimulate to actions. Color is extremely powerful. When choosing a color scheme for a website, it is important to do it right, guided by the main principles of the color theory and of course, follow professional advices. So, let’s start discovering the magic of color… Color theory: the main principles. The people, who are not closely familiar with the web design main principles, choose colors for their websites according to their own taste and end up with the colors that just look good in combination with each other. One of the most useful issues to start with is the Color Wheel. A little bit of history: The color wheel was invented by Isaak Newton in 1666. Primary Colors. How do I pick colors for a website?

Colors bring out an emotional response in everyone – and while it may not be the same emotion in all of us, there are some commonly accepted ties to certain colors. Pulling a small segment from a 2004 article written by Naz Kaya, Ph.D. and Helen H. Eppds, Ph.D., professors from the Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors at The University of Georgia: The color red has been associated with excitement, orange has been perceived as distressing and upsetting, purple as dignified and stately, yellow as cheerful, and blue has been associated with comfort and security. Moreover, some colors may be associated with several different emotions and some emotions are associated with more than one color.

Red, symbolically known as a dominant and dynamic color, has an exciting and stimulating hue effect. Before taking on any new web design project, I always follow these three steps to choose the colors for a website: What am I trying to sell? What do you think about colors? Browse color schemes from your Dashboard. [mac]FREEv1.1ColorSchemer Galleria Requires Mac OS X 10.4+ ColorSchemer Galleria is a free Dashboard widget that allows you to browse all of the schemes in the ColorSchemer Gallery without leaving your Dashboard. The Galleria widget displays each color scheme like a fine work of art, putting an endless supply of color ideas & inspiration at your fingertips. Installation Instructions If you're using Safari, click the download link above.

If you're using a browser other than Safari, click the download link. Choosing the Right Colors for Your Web Site. Do colors influence web site visitors? When creating a site, choosing the optimum colors is one of the most difficult tasks that arise in spite of the apparent easiness. Choosing the perfect chromatic palette is important in order to effectively communicate the message, in order to strengthen the idea of a unique entity and to create brand awareness. How to choose colors? Researchers agree that colors greatly influence the human state of mind. I have recently come across two articles on that proposed specific color palettes for specific purposes.

Irrespective of the field of activity, we present you a few tipshere are a few tips that you should consider for any website: 1. They are more pleasing than any of their artificial counterparts. 2. The best combination for readability is black text on white background, but there are also other excellent combination. 3. 4. Make sure that the message of your site reaches such people as well. Old vs. Men vs. Nations and Colors. How To Choose a Great Color Scheme For Your Website. You don’t need to hire a flamboyant interior designer named Ricardo to pick great colors for your website. You just need a a sense of adventure and a basic understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

Luckily for us web folk, choosing colors for your website is a sh*tload easier than choosing colors for your living room. You can make as many mistakes as you need to in the quest for perfection, and the possibilities for experimentation are endless. 3 important considerations when choosing website colors Does your website need to sync with an existing color scheme? This is often the case for business sites that need to reflect the branding that the company already uses.What’s the purpose of the website? How many colors should you use? This is a hugely debatable question, but a good number of designers recommend using only 3 main colors on your website.

The rule specifies that you should pick three different colors and use them in ratios of 60%, 30% and 10% respectively. Find out more Kuler. The Meaning of Colour in Web Design. Blue : good fortune, communication, wisdom, protection, spiritual inspiration, calmness, reassurance, gentleness, fluidity, water, sea, creativity, peace, calming, higher thoughts, mystery, sky, formality, travel, devotion, progress, quiet wisdom, freedom. betterment of humanity, love, trust, loyalty, intelligence, reassurance, artistry, compassion, inner strength, devotion, depression, sadness, tranquility, stability, unity, truth, understanding, confidence, acceptance, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, comfort, cold, technology, devotion, harmony, depth, faith, heaven, piety, sincerity, precision, intellect, sadness, consciousness, speech, messages, ideas, sharing, cooperation, idealism, sincerity, empathy, relaxation, affection, inspiration, friendship, patience, contemplation, infinity, harmony, non-threatening, dependability Some believe blue slows the metabolism and suppresses the appetite.

High impact designs can be created with combinations of blue, red and yellow. Different Methods for Choosing Color Schemes in Web Design. One of the most challenging aspects of design for many web designers is color selection. The color scheme of a site can have a huge impact on the overall look of the site, and it will have an impact on visitors as well. There are a number of different methods that can be used for finding the right color scheme for a particular project, and in this post we will look at several of those methods.

Throughout the post you will find links to helpful resources that you may appreciate. Getting Colors from Existing Marketing Materials In many situations the client will already have an established color scheme from an existing website or from other marketing materials. In some cases they may want a change, but frequently you will need to work from the established color scheme. In situations where you are not working with a client that has an established color scheme, here are some methods that you can try for finding the right one on your own. Online Color Palette Resources Adobe Kuler COLOURlovers.