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The 6 Most Disturbingly Evil Birds. Birds are the most majestic creatures on Earth -- we plaster them on our cars, flags and coins.

The 6 Most Disturbingly Evil Birds

You see them soaring up there, and think they're above all the petty savagery down here on the ground. Well, it turns out they're dicks. Golden Eagles Will Drop Your Ass. 5 Eerily Sophisticated Ways Animals Communicate. Everyone knows that animals can communicate with one another, but they don't talk.

5 Eerily Sophisticated Ways Animals Communicate

If you hooked some language interpreter to a dog or monkey, every phrase would translate to "I'm scared! " or "I'm going to kill you! " or "Hey baby, let's have some bear sex! " It's not like animals lie, or gossip, or argue. The 6 Real and Terrifying Spider Superpowers. It's hard to be scared of spiders, because no matter how many legs they have, at the end of the day, look at how much bigger you are.

The 6 Real and Terrifying Spider Superpowers

The size of your feet will always trump the amount of poison they may have stored up in their tiny bodies. They're not superheroes or anything. In reality, spiders are more like Spider-Man than we think. Though they have yet to master the make-out session, they have racked up some other pretty crazy abilities. Such as ... #6. h3_six.

The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Animal Senses. You probably already know that when it comes to everything but intellectual pursuits and wearing cardigans in a knot over one's shoulders, animals have humans beat.

The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Animal Senses

All of your senses together can't match what a dog can pick up with its nose, for instance. But every now and then, an animal's sensory superiority goes above and beyond the usual and takes a turn for the bizarre and/or terrifying. #6. Vampire Bats Have a Map of Your Veins Wikipedia. The 5 Most Nightmarish Worms on the Planet. You probably think you know everything you need to about worms.

The 5 Most Nightmarish Worms on the Planet

They're just wiggling tubes of flesh with indistinguishable asses and faces that commit suicide on sidewalks during rainstorms. All caught up. But the benign worms you're used to seeing speared on fishhooks and fried up in children's literature are only a tiny percent of all the species of worm out there. And when we say "out there," we mean "crawling free of the bowels of hell as we speak. " #6. 6 Terrifying Spiders That Will Haunt Your Dreams. They're bite-sized and terrified of us, and they keep the mosquito population from obliterating mankind.

6 Terrifying Spiders That Will Haunt Your Dreams

In return, we rank them somewhere between bears and serial killers on the list of things you don't want to see in your home. We're speaking, of course, about spiders. The 6 Biggest Assholes in the Animal Kingdom. Hippy types will often quote the famous line that "man is the only species that kills its own.

The 6 Biggest Assholes in the Animal Kingdom

" Of course, any cursory glance at Animal Planet will tell you this is complete bullshit. The 8 Most Terrifying Diets in the Animal Kingdom. Animals eat insects, their own poop and sometimes their own children.

The 8 Most Terrifying Diets in the Animal Kingdom

So what in the hell could qualify as a weird diet in the animal kingdom? Trust us -- when you think you've seen it all, Mother Nature only takes that as a challenge. Killer Whale: Biggest Badass in the Animal Kingdom [CHART] The 9 Most Mind-blowing Disguises in the Animal Kingdom. There are few things freakier than animals or insects who learn to imitate their surroundings in such a way that one of them could be on your damned pillow before you'd notice it.

The 9 Most Mind-blowing Disguises in the Animal Kingdom

So let's look at a bunch of them right now. NOTE: Many of the below pictures look fake as hell. Unfortunately, these are real photos of disguises so weird and utterly convincing, you won't believe you're looking at real animals until they're right behind you. We swear we are not making this up. 6 Mind-Blowing Animal Infestations Straight Out of the Bible. #3.

6 Mind-Blowing Animal Infestations Straight Out of the Bible

Angry Wild Turkeys theepochtimes. The 8 Most Disgusting Animal Defenses. The Spanish Ribbed Newt Takes Shanking to Another Level Via David Perez Found in the Iberian Peninsula as well as Morocco, the Spanish ribbed newt is 12 inches of slime-covered terror. They spend their day in cold water, under rocks or in crevices feeding on whatever invertebrate wanders close enough. They could be mistaken for any run-of-the-mill lizard, in fact, until somebody threatens it. At that point, they respond by inflating their ribcage so the poison-tipped ends of the ribs spike through their skin. The 5 Most Horrifyingly Bad Mothers in the Animal Kingdom. Moms are heroes in any species. In many, they do not only the birthing and nursing, but also the hunting and fighting and protecting.

And while human mothers certainly deserve all of the flowers and phone calls they get on Mother's Day, we dare say that there are other species where motherhood is an even more trying and/or terrifying ordeal. For instance ... #5. 6 Terrifying Creatures That Keep Going After They're Dead. #3. Headless Fruit Flies Are Actually More Responsible Than Headfull Fruit Flies. 6 Animals That Kill Nature's Scariest Creatures For Fun. We have made it our mission to celebrate the underrated badasses of the animal kingdom because in general, Hollywood has taught us to be afraid of the wrong creatures. For instance, for every animal you'd be terrified to run across in the wild, the odds are there is at least one other beast who sees it as a tasty snack.

6 Terrifying Bats You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped. #3. Maclaud's Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus maclaudi) Via Natalie Weber What the fuck are we even looking at there? 8 Species That Are Threatening to Swarm the Globe. 8 Ingenious Ways Animals Outsmart Predators. The Hagfish is a Slime Machine. The 7 Most Terrifying Mouths in Nature. The natural world is full of horrors, and if you've spent enough time on this website, you know that many of these horrors exist just behind the tenuous cloak of sanity that keeps us from screaming every time we leave the house.

And sure, a lot of nature's creatures seem harmless, but then they open their mouths ... #7. Hagfish Have Alien Jaws naturefilmsnetwork. 5 Sci-Fi Dystopias We've Actually Created (For Animals) 10 Real Sea Creatures Lifted Directly from Your Nightmares. The Truth Behind 5 'Real Monsters' That Fooled the Internet. Why do we love monsters? Nature's 6 Most Diabolical Predators. 8 Prehistoric Creatures Ripped Directly from Your Nightmares.

Prehistory had no shortage of terrifying monsters, with everything from the more well-known Raptors and Rexes to super rats and three-eyed shrimp. The 6 Most Terrifying Pets Humanity Has Bred Into Existence. It's common knowledge that, through selective breeding, humanity can artificially encourage certain traits in animals and plants over very long periods of time. What is less common knowledge is that there are absolutely no qualifications needed to start screwin' with the very foundation of an entire species, and the chief motivator for many selective breeders is apparently "I thought it would be funny. " #6. Munchkin Cats Atomic YetiMeet the feline equivalent of Hank Hill's dad. Cats are synonymous with agility and skill. Cat ImagesOne that was permanently crouching, for some reason. The genetic anomaly that causes adorable stump legs in felines is nothing new. 5 Bizarre Dinosaurs You Didn't Know Existed.

Admit it, everything you know about dinosaurs you learned from watching Jurassic Park.