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Guidelines for Reading and Analyzing Literature. Literature is classified by genre (type or kind). Although critics disagree on how to define and label different genres, the three basic forms of literature are prose, drama, and poetry. Most works we read as literature are imaginative (fictional), but some nonimaginative (nonfictional) works are read as literature as well. Nonfiction prose includes history, biography, autobiography, religious and philosophical writing, literary criticism, political tracts, travel literature, and essays on many other subjects. Prose fiction has been divided, since the origins of the modern novel in the eighteenth century, into the novel, the novella or novelette (a story of intermediate length), and the short story.

Predecessors of these genres include fables, parables, and tales of various kinds (including folk tales, fabliaux, and fairy tales). Drama may be written in prose or poetry. Most drama is meant to be performed, but closet drama is designed to be read rather than acted. Shakespeare Insult Kit. Shakespeare Insult Kit Since 1996, the origin of this kit was listed as anonymous. It came to me on a piece of paper in the 90's with no attribution, and I thought it would make a cool web page.

Though I searched for the origin, I could never find it. In 2014, Lara M informed found the originating author. It appears to be an English teacher at Center Grove High School in Greenwood Indiana named Jerry Maguire. Combine one word from each of the three columns below, prefaced with "Thou": My additions: cullionly whoreson knave fusty malmsey-nosed blind-worm caluminous rampallian popinjay wimpled lily-livered scullian burly-boned scurvy-valiant jolt-head misbegotten brazen-faced malcontent odiferous unwash'd devil-monk poisonous bunch-back'd toad fishified leaden-footed rascal Wart-necked muddy-mettled Basket-Cockle pigeon-liver'd scale-sided Back to the insulter. Chris Seidel. PoemHunter.Com - Thousands of poems and poets. Poetry Search Engine. For Better for Verse | Though I Am Young and Cannot Tell. Accent: emphasis given a syllable in ordinary usage, as provided by a pronouncing dictionary. See also stress. accentual-syllabic: the prosodic mode that dominated English-language poetry 1400-1900, and that this tutorial exclusively addresses. Alike distinct from verse that is quantitative (measuring duration, as in classical Greek and Latin), accentual (counting only beats, as in Old English), and syllabic (counting only syllables, as in certain: 20th-cy. experiments), accentual-syllabic verse is based on recurrent units (feet) that combine slacks and stresses in fixed sequence. acephalous line: a “headless” line in iambic or anapestic meter, which omits (a) slack syllable(s) from the first foot.

Alexandrine: iambic hexameter line, usually with a strong midpoint caesura; most familiar in Romance-language poetry but not rare in English. alliteration: repetition of the same initial sound in nearby words. Anapest: metrical foot consisting of two slacks and a stress: υ υ / anaphora: assonance: iamb: All mythologies. - Your Guide To The Gods.