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IE9 & HTML5. IE9 is definitely better than IE8 and a step in the right direction, but I don't believe it to be a truly modern browser, and let me tell you why. By Paul Rouget -- 15 February 2011 Microsoft is bragging a lot about HTML5. They are also suggesting that their HTML5 support is exceptionally good compared to other vendors. How well does IE9 support HTML5 In this article, Microsoft explains that tests like caniuse and html5tests are not good because they just check for the existence of features, so it's better to use W3C tests.

No. Oh look! Does IE9 support 99% of the HTML5 specification as insinuated by Microsoft? Let's be clear here. These tests are not here to give you an overview of how well your browser supports web standards. IE9: More modern, but not really modern. Microsoft keeps talking about real-world tests. Let's see the results. And what about (beta)? The reality is that IE9 is 2 years late. Let's be brutally pragmatic. Not convinced yet? HTML5 accessibility. Windows Browsers Summary - Firefox has the best HTML5 Accessibility Support Score HTML5 Accessibility Support Score Overview This site is a resource to provide information about which new HTML5 user interface features are accessibility supported in browsers, making them usable by people who rely upon assistive technology (AT) to use the web. Note: Browser's may not have practical accessibility support for HTML features on particular operating systems.

It is not intended to dissuade developers from using new HTML5 features. The information in the support table is updated on a semi-regular basis, to keep up with support improvements made in browsers as new versions are released. Support Tables - Legend & notes NOTE: Safari on Windows is no longer included as there is no active effort to implement accessibility support in this browser. Windows browsers - Details. <html5> par l'exemple - D monstrations live. Old School Color Cycling with HTML5 | Anyone remember Color cycling from the 90s? This was a technology often used in 8-bit video games of the era, to achieve interesting visual effects by cycling (shifting) the color palette. Back then video cards could only render 256 colors at a time, so a palette of selected colors was used.

But the programmer could change this palette at will, and all the onscreen colors would instantly change to match. It was fast, and took virtually no memory. Most games used the technique to animate water, fire or other environmental effects. Unfortunately the art of color cycling died out in the late 90s, giving way to newer technologies like 3D rendering and full 32-bit "true color" games. This demo is an implementation of a full 8-bit color cycling engine, rendered into an HTML5 Canvas in real-time. Hey everyone! Those of you familiar with color cycling may notice something a little "different" about the palette animation in this engine. Download Source Code. Untitled. The encoding used for an HTML page that contains a form should support all the characters needed to enter data into that form.

This is particularly important if users are likely to enter information in multiple languages. Databases and scripts that receive data from forms on pages in multiple languages must also be able to support the characters for all those languages simultaneously. The simplest way to enable this is to use Unicode for both pages containing forms and all back-end processing and storage.

In such a scenario the user can fill in data in whatever language and script they need to. You should also try to avoid making assumptions that things such as the user's name and address will follow the same formatting rules as your own. If you are gathering information from people in more than one country, it is important to develop a strategy for addressing the different formats people will expect to be able to use. So, how do I do this?


Editor. Css. The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5? The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5? HTML 5 Elements. What does GPU acceleration mean? The just released Adobe® Flash® Player 10 beta version includes two new window modes (wmode) which control how the Flash Player pushes its graphics to the screen. Traditionally there have been 3 modes: transparent: This mode tries to do alpha blending on top of the HTML page, i.e. whatever is below the SWF will show through. The alpha blending is usually fairly expensive CPU resource wise so it is advised not to use this mode in normal cases. In Internet Explorer this code path does actually not going through BitBlt, it is using a DirectDraw context provided by the browser into which we composite the SWF. opaque: Somewhat esoteric, but it is essentially like transparent, i.e. it is using DirectDraw in Internet Explorer.

Now to the new modes: direct: This mode tries to use the fastest path to screen, or direct path if you will. Gpu: This is fully fledged compositing (+some extras) using some functionality of the graphics card. 1. Confused yet? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Comparison of layout engines (HTML 5) - Wikipedia, the free ency. The following tables compare support of HTML5 differences from HTML for a number of layout engines. Explanation of the tables[edit] Engine nomenclature[edit] Rather than the names of web browsers, the names of the underlying engines are used. The browsers that use the various engines are listed below.

Values[edit] Values indicate the level of support in the most recent version of the layout engine, or (if a version number is given) in the specified version. While many of these elements, such as section, have not been implemented natively in layout engines, support may be very easy to emulate using CSS or JavaScript. Many of these features can be emulated with third-party libraries. The WHATWG version of HTML also includes additional features that are not technically HTML5, which are described as "next-generation additions still in development" in the specification.[16] HTML5 se dévoile - Alsacréations. Le brouillon officiel (working draft) de HTML5 a été publié officiellement le 23 avril 2009 et depuis de nombreuses avancées ont été accomplies, les navigateurs supportant toujours plus de fonctionnalités et de nouveautés.

La nouvelle génération du langage de balisage HTML remplacera à long terme HTML 4, XHTML 1.x et XHTML 2 qui a été abandonné. Profitons de cette occasion pour faire un tour d'horizon de cette nouvelle version de HTML. Consultez également toutes nos autres ressources HTML5 Qu'est-ce que c'est HTML5 ? Comme son nom l'indique, HTML 5 est le successeur de HTML 4. Le travail sur HTML 5 a commencé fin 2003 grâce à un groupe de travail indépendant qui préconisait une approche pragmatique, le WhatWG, contrairement au W3C qui misait tous ses efforts sur XHTML 2. Ce n'est qu'en 2007 que le W3C accepte la vision HTML5 en intégrant en son sein ce groupe de travail. Le W3C c'est quoi déjà ? Quelles sont les nouveautés ? <aside> Welcome! Les balises principales Doctype Section Article Aside.

Introduction au HTML 5. Si vous le souhaitez, allez lire le tutoriel complet sur le HTML 5 et le CSS 3 que j’ai écrit. Le HTML 5 est la prochaine version importante du HTML. Bien qu’étant en compétition avec le XHTML 2, le HTML 5 fait davantage parler de lui parce qu’étant plus facilement implémentable et plus pragmatique dans l’utilisation des nouvelles balises qu’il introduit. Quoi de neuf chez les balises ? J’avais déjà parlé du HTML 5 l’an dernier, en parlant notamment des balises visant à structurer le contenu. <canvas> Une balise dans laquelle on peut dessiner avec du JS. Tous les exemples proviennent de la Google Keynote. Qui s’y intéresse ? Google Google, le plus grand acteur chez les applications web, mise gros sur le HTML 5. We knew then that the web had won. La sortie de Google Chrome est un signe important. Il y a aussi la sortie récente des Google Web Elements qui introduit l’idée de widgets exportables où l’on veut. La version Chrome d’Android supportera aussi le HTML 5.

Mozilla Palm Apple Conclusion. An Unnofficial Q&amp;A about the Discontinuation of the XHTML2 W. So the W3C finally announced that the XHTML2 WG will be taken off life support at the end of 2009. I’m annoyed that Zeldman used the F-laden TLA “ WTF ” instead of “ AFT ” in title of his post about the announcement. Moreover, many of the comments on Zeldman’s post indicate that there are people who are badly misinformed about the matters surrounding this announcement.

To help remedy that, here’s some quick Q&A for getting informed. First off, is there anything to disclose? I’ve been working on HTML5—the main competition of XHTML2—for a long time. I get paid for it. I wrote this Q&A on my own time and it wasn’t vetted by anyone prior to publication. What was announced?

The W3C management has decided to allow the charter of the XHTML2 Working Group to expire at the end of 2009 and not to renew it. What’s XHTML? There are two meanings to XHTML: technical and marketing. What’s XHTML2? XHTML2 was a new language similar to XHTML but incompatible with it. Was XHTML2 being implemented? RDFa No. No. HTML 5 - Media Element. 1.1.1 How do the WHATWG and W3C specifications differ? 1.10.3 Restrictions on content models and on attribute values 2.7.2 Encrypted HTTP and related security concerns 2.8.1 Reflecting content attributes in IDL attributes Embedding custom non-visible data with the data-* attributes 3.2.6 Requirements relating to bidirectional-algorithm formatting characters 3 Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents Specifying the document's character encoding Restrictions for contents of script elements 4.4.6 The h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , and h6 elements A link or button containing nothing but the image A phrase or paragraph with an alternative graphical representation: charts, diagrams, graphs, maps, illustrations A short phrase or label with an alternative graphical representation: icons, logos Text that has been rendered to a graphic for typographical effect A graphical representation of some of the surrounding text.