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10 California Road Trips You Gotta Take Before They’re 10. Turn those California Dreams into weekend warrior reality! California is not only the most populous state in the country, it’s the most geographically diverse. Hop in the car and you can drive to any of these spots (some may take more than a weekend, if you’re driving) and explore castles, wine country, majestic mountains, ski vacations, apple picking, desert delights and more. These are our top ten picks for family road trips you’ve simple got to take while the kids are little. The Redwood Forest From the Redwood Forest…this land was made for you and me!

Kids must see our most famous tree sometime before you head off to college. Find our more about visiting the redwoods with your kids in our family guide. photo: Tony Webster via Creative Commons What’s your favorite California adventure? —Beth Shea, Erin Feher & Meghan Rose. The Best Kid-Friendly Camping in LA. There’s nothing like the great outdoors—fresh air, flora, fauna, and of course a gaggle of little ones that just can’t wait to sleep outside. If you’re ready to trade in screen time for some serious nature time, these Los Angeles area campsites are perfect everyone from beginning to experienced campers. Grab your tents and sleeping bags, because these sites will have you roasting s’mores, hiking trails and all-out adventuring in no time. photo: Analise Dubner Mojave National Preserve There are several magnificent camping options out in the desert.

Hole-In-The-Wall campground is a first-come-first-served, developed campground. No matter where you set up camp, the Mojave is a climber’s paradise, sans the crowds of Joshua Tree, but is also home to jaw-dropping vistas and natural wonders like the Lava Tube, which is an actual tube-shaped air pocket formed by lava that you can climb down and explore; and the Kelso Dunes, where kiddos can cartwheel and tumble down pillow-soft sand dunes. Untitled. 先查表再看內容喔! 請對照您出生的西元年月日時間,即可迅速找出您北交點所座落的星座。 #‎北交點牡羊座‬你必須勇敢開創自我的完整性,這是你此生的成長之路。 前世所帶來的習性容易讓你沒有辦法堅定自己的立場,並且有太多親屬對你產生依賴或是你過度迎合別人的需求而不自知,包括自我的妥協、太過顧慮別人的態度、看法和價值觀,如此一來就會讓你倍受折磨。 你這一生會強烈感覺需要發展自我肯定(I am that I am)的力量,因此你絕不能輕易放棄你的自我與個性,直接表達出自己的需要、情感和主張,並永遠保持對別人的權威。

但是另一方面來說,也正因為需要發展獨立自我的部分,不少人會落入「自私」的窘境,因此如何成為「不自私」的自我,這才是北交點牡羊座的真正意函。 ‪ #‎北交點金牛座‬你必須評估並真實瞭解了自身的價值,找到內心的安全感,並靠著自己的努力擁有自己的資源(Tangible assets), 這就是你這一生的重要課題。 但是如果你花很多時間在內心和安全感之外的領域探求,或是覬覦別人的資產或是資源而產生忌妒心的話,就會讓你一再落空。 ‪‪ #‎北交點雙子座‬‬你必須多方面學習收集知識,瞭解這其中的邏輯性並與人分享,這是你此生的成長之路。 ‪‪ #‎北交點巨蟹座‬‬你理解內心真實的感受,情感的滋養和恐懼無非都是渴望有歸屬感,因此再物質界中可藉由建立自己家庭、溫暖的家人關係來確立自己的根基和內心的安定性。 ‪‪ #‎北交點獅子座‬‬代表你必須賦予自己生命的創造力與增強自我表現的能力,這是你此生的成長之路。 ‪‪ #‎北交點處女座‬‬代表你必須學習分析各種細節以求完美與關注萬物規律性的人生道途。 ‪‪ #‎北交點天秤座‬‬你此生必須學習在人際關係中如何公平地與他人建立協調協商的關係,這是你此生的成長之路。 ‪‪ #‎北交點天蠍座‬‬你學習轉化與重生的人生之路。 ‪‪ #‎北交點射手座‬‬代表你必須培養中心思想與信仰,真理的追求和信任直覺,而不是浪費很多時間跟不必要的人交往,或是過度瑣碎閒聊(例如講手機)、猜測別人的想 法,寧願相信別人的觀點而不願相信自己的直覺。 ‪‪ #‎北交點摩羯座‬‬你試圖建立一個自己早已規劃好的人生目標,並經由自己不斷奮鬥力爭上游的出人頭地之路。 ‪‪ #‎北交點雙魚座‬‬代表你實現自我卓越的人生成長之路。 文章來源. Canus Goat's Milk US Official Online Store – Canus USA.

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電視、餐桌、沙發,所有東西一應俱全! 廚房雖小也基本東西都齊全了,冰箱、微波爐、烤箱,還有各種廚具。 房子裡還有廁所,馬桶、洗手台、鏡子都有,完全滿足了一個房子的需求。 這還沒完,參觀完一樓後,順著樓梯上去的話…就是臥室啦! 而且還是雙人床! 然而,當夜幕降臨的時候,房子亮起燈光的時候,卻是另一種溫馨。 這個公司同時設計了其他很多的房子,每個都小小的,但都非常可愛。 裡面也是五臟俱全! 所需要的不多,一個溫暖的小小的家就行。 來源. Draxe. Chia seeds have become one of the most popular superfoods in the health community. They are easy to digest when prepared properly, and are a very versatile ingredient that adds easily to recipes. Originally grown in Mexico, the seeds were highly valued for their medicinal properties and nutritional value. In fact, they were even used as currency! The chia seed is nutrient dense and packs a punch of energy boosting power. Aztec warriors ate chia seeds to give them high energy and endurance. They said just 1 spoonful of chia could sustain them for 24 hours. Not only that, but recent research has found that the chia seed benefits are even greater than we realized. Chia Seed Nutrition Profile The reason Chia seeds are so beneficial is due to them being rich in fiber, omega-3 fats, protein, vitamins and minerals such as (1): Being rich in so many key nutrients, research has uncovered that regularly eating chia seed can improve your health in numerous ways. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Raw vs. 想在金融机构工作, 如何让你的简历在30秒内脱颖而出? 为什么有时资历相仿的两个人,一个投出简历后轻而易举便能斩获面试机会,而另一个即使投了数十封简历都如石沉大海,杳无音讯? 为此,CCC特别转发了来自华美银行资深招聘专员Deborah为有意投身金融行业的社会新鲜人解说简历筛选背后的“秘密”。 Deborah现为华美银行人力资源部门资深招聘专员,目前主要负责为洛杉矶县(Los Angeles County)、橙县(Orange County)、圣地亚哥县(San Diego County)、内华达州(Nevada)以及华盛顿州(Washington)地区的分行招聘文员、银行专员等初级职位。 每天收到逾百份简历,但从中只有20位左右的职位申请人会有幸接到Deborah的电话。 面对大量的简历,Deborah坦言她平均只会花30秒“过滤”一份简历。 秘密一针对银行业的前线工作人员,简历上的“兴趣爱好”往往是判断求职者是否和企业文化相匹配的重要因素之一 每当撰写简历的时候,我们总在“学术表现”和“工作经历”的部分精益求精,力求给招聘专员留下深刻印象,却鲜少想到自己的“兴趣爱好”或许也会成为你进入理想公司的敲门砖。

小贴士:如果你拥有健康的兴趣爱好(如跑步、阅读、旅行等),不妨大胆地将它们写在你的简历上,说不定可以为你的求职加分。 秘密二把你最引以为傲的部分放在简历最显眼的地方 尽管网上有各式各样的简历模板可供使用,但始终适合你的才是最好的。 小贴士:针对重要信息,可以适度地使用加粗或其它颜色的字体突出内容,以快速吸引招聘专员的注意力。 秘密三需要招聘人员花时间整理信息的简历不是一份好简历 Deborah拿出手边的两份简历:一份结构明确、条理清晰,不费吹灰之力便能找到需要的相关信息;另一份文字密密麻麻地堆积在一起,需要凝神定睛地查找才能发现学历、工作经历等“隐藏”信息。 小贴士:避免大段叙述性文字的堆积。 秘密四 重要的不是你曾经的工作经历,而是你是否具备团队合作精神 针对正在寻找人生第一份全职工作的大学生,Deborah给出的建议是,如果工作经验匮乏,可以将实习、打工甚至参加社团的经历写入简历内。 小贴士:如果没有正式的工作经验,可详细描述你在校期间参加社团或其他集体活动时所扮演的角色以及取得的成就。 秘密五学历和技能哪个更重要? 每家公司的商业发展战略不尽相同,对于不同职位的员工期望也自然不同。 Recommended Sites. 28 simple changes to help you become a different person. It's well known that you only need 30 days to establish a new habit. The hardest part is starting. The following list contains just 28 ideas, all of which can be done by pretty much anyone within a month.

The best approach is to pick 2-5 out and try to do them every day for the next 30 days. Once you've assimilated them into your life, pick another selection and do them during the following month. Use words that encourage happiness. Photo credit: psychomedia Based on material from: marcandangel. 15 clever psychological tricks that everyone should know. The following psychological tricks will make your life easier and help you cope with stressful situations. They’re well worth reading. When a group of people laughs, people instinctively look toward the group members they feel closest to (or want to feel closest to).Chew gum or eat food if you’re doing something that would normally make you feel nervous.

It tricks a primal part of your brain into thinking you couldn’t be in danger because you’re eating.If somebody is angry at you and you stay calm, they’ll probably get angrier, but they’ll be ashamed at themselves later.If you ask someone a question and they only give you a partial answer, maintain eye-contact and stay silent. The person answering will usually assume that the original answer wasn’t good enough, and they’ll keep talking.Emotional expressions are one way to cause emotions. If you want to feel happy, smile as wide as you can.Don’t say or write, “I think“ or ”I believe". Will Your Child be Rich or Poor? 15 Poverty Habits Parents Teach Their Children. This is so true. I could tell my own story, but I won’t. A-someone will simply say I’m laying blame or am lazy or any other blame they wish to lay on me to make themselves feel validated or better.

B-because each person is different. Following a blanket of “tools” is foolish and unpredictable. For example, even though I know others have done this, I simply can’t help myself. 1- 72% of the wealthy know their credit score vs. 5% of the poor-This is mainly because the poor does not have a credit score to begin with. 2- 6% of the wealthy play the lottery vs. 77% of the poor-yes, that one dollar a week is wasteful as someone so eloquently pointed out, but we have to have some fun, right? 3- 80% of the wealthy are focused on at least one goal vs. 12% of the poor-While it is good advice to have goals, and they can be beneficial and even allow you to succeed, there comes a times when you give up.

To apply these silly statistics is to claim we are all the same. 4 Tips to Improve Your Pinterest Exposure : Social Media Examiner. Is the Pinterest algorithm burying your pins? Looking for tips to get better exposure in the Pinterest Smart Feed? Pinning more isn’t always the answer to increasing your visibility on Pinterest. In this article you’ll discover four ways to improve the quality of your pins and boards on Pinterest. Discover four ways to improve your exposure on Pinterest. Listen to this article: Listen now: Play in new window | Download #1: Clean Up Your Account Every Month For Pinterest’s algorithm to view your account as high-quality, you’ll want to focus on curating the best of the best. Not all popular pins are created equal and many of your account’s pins won’t get substantial repins from your followers.

Here’s an easy way to delete underperforming pins from a board: Click on the board and then click on the Move Pins button at the top right corner of the board. Click on the red Delete button to remove any pins that aren’t performing well. Select the checkmark on each pin that has fewer than five repins. 10 Tools That Amplify Your Content Reach. Want more people to see your content? Have you considered new methods of sharing content?

Look beyond the big social networks to expand your influence, increase exposure and grow your following. In this article I’ll share 10 platforms, sites and tools to use to increase your reach and get your content noticed. Discover how to amplify your content reach. Listen to this article: Listen now: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 11:05 — 10.3MB) Subscribe: Android | You can also subscribe via RSS, Stitcher and iTunes. . #1: Post Articles to BizSugar BizSugar is a community site that allows entrepreneurs, small business owners, publishers and bloggers to share, discover and comment on small-business content. Bloggers can increase the visibility of their content, drive additional traffic back to their sites and network with entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Post small business–related articles on BizSugar for entrepreneurs and small business owners to find. Price: Free #2: Publish on LinkedIn. How to Target Local Customers With Facebook Ads : Social Media Examiner. Do you want to connect with local customers on Facebook? Have you considered targeting them with Facebook ads? Facebook ads offer a quick, easy, cost-effective way to reach consumers in your local area. In this article, you’ll discover how to get your business in front of local customers using Facebook ads. Discover how to target your local customers with Facebook Ads. #1: Choose Your Ad Type You can target any type of Facebook ad to a local audience, including four designed specifically for local marketers; you just need to pinpoint your desired geographic area for the audience in your targeting options.

From here, you’ll need to select the objective of your ad. Choose from these objectives/ad types to begin creating your Facebook ad. Facebook has added a couple of ads designed specifically for businesses looking to target users in their area: Reach People Near Your Business and Raise Attendance at Your Event. Facebook’s map tool makes targeting ads according to location really easy. 姿勢不對等於白練!百分之90的人都會做錯的健身動作 - HONEY99. 健身效果好不好,除了鍛鍊量要夠、飲食要合理之外,動作標準與否就是重中之重了。 很多人在健身的時候,本身的動作就不規範,不僅肌肉練不起來,而且容易受傷,要麼就是練出的肌肉會變形。 今天我們就帶大家來認識下健身者最容易做錯的9個動作,大家來自檢一下 (PS:動圖中,黑白色是錯誤示範,彩色是正確動作) 01 / 槓鈴深蹲 下蹲時要儘量保持上身直立 不要向前彎腰 否則槓鈴重量都在脖子上 要蹲深一些 蹲到大腿與小腿呈90度為宜 02 / 卷腹 人們最容易做錯的動作 不要抱頭用力往起拉 而是儘量保持頭脖子和上身在一條直線 腹部用力帶動上身往上起 脖子不要用力 03 / 聳肩 手提槓鈴片讓肩部上下垂直運動 不要前後轉動 04 / 硬拉 背部不要彎不要彎不要彎 上半身要保持一條直線 臀部用力前挺 而不是腰部用力提拉槓鈴 05 / 腿舉 類似於深蹲 大小腿呈90度為宜 06 / 槓鈴彎舉 這個太多人做錯 彎舉時上臂儘量保持不動 肘部保持位置固定 不要前後跟著晃動 那樣是沒效果的 07 / 懸垂舉腿 腹部用力帶動腿上舉時 儘量保持上半身不前後晃動 不要利用腿部慣性來抬腿 08 / 啞鈴頸後臂屈伸 雙手托住啞鈴 前臂向上挺伸至手臂完全伸直 挺伸前臂時切勿擺動上臂 09 / 坐姿啞鈴彎舉 坐在凳上腰部挺直保持坐姿 彎舉時上臂不要晃動 只彎曲前臂 上半身也不要晃動 不要利用慣性來舉啞鈴 要一下一下慢慢做 動作標準規範 是健身的基礎 你要練對才行 原文網站: mensuno 原文網址: 「圖文內容所有權皆屬原網站所有,如果您不希望您的內容出現在本網站請來信告知,我們必在第一時間處理。」

文章來源: 7 Skills You Need to Learn, Regardless of Your Profession. Free Market Research Tool. 26 Ways To Be More Positive At Work - Page 2 of 4 - How To Think Positive.