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South America Hx. Ancient Hx. North America. Baby Boomer HeadQuarters: WWW.BBHQ.COM. Boomer Statistics. A Special Feature of Baby Boomer HeadQuarters: WWW.BBHQ.COM The United States experienced an “explosion” of births after American soldiers returned home from World War II. The sociologists define those born between (and including) 1946 and 1964 as “baby boomers.” To be fair, some people born on the fringes of this time period do not think of themselves as boomers. When we think of the baby boomer generation, we often think of the 60s. That is the decade that seems to have defined the boomers. So you may argue the fine points a bit, but there is no doubt that there was indeed a population explosion in the years after the war. One can easily see a “boom” in 1946, when births went from 2.8 to 3.4 million. “Every 7 Seconds” I believe it was Bill Geist who noted first (in 1997) in his book “The Big 5-Oh” that another boomer turns 50 every 7 seconds. And 7.1 per minute amounts to one every 8.5 seconds.

So, according to our statistics, Bill Geist is off by a bit. Summary: The Maritime History Virtual Archives. Please note that these documents have been thoroughly indexed by e.g. the Alta Vista: or Google catalogues as well as other catalogues. If you are trying to locate specific information, searching the indices might be the easiest way. Please respect the copyright, I grant you the right to read what you find interesting, but please refrain from downloading entire folders of files.

These documents have not been placed in the public domain. If I find that this service is being misused I will first bar the offender from my server, or ultimately reduce or close down this service entirely. Thanks to all of you who have patience with empty hyper-text links and other errors. Smarthistory. The History Place. Eyewitness to History.

History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web.