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Applications pour ANDROID Dictionnaires Oubliez Google traduction et Reverso, qui premièrement traduisent fort mal (voire n’importe comment), qui deuxièmement ne vous permettent pas de progresser et qui troisièmement seront instantanément repérés par votre professeur en cas de tricherie… Soyez malins, installez de vrais bons dictionnaires! Wordreference : la référence des dictionnaires bilingues, avec en plus des forums pour les mots introuvables et les problèmes de traduction.

GRATUIT : la référence des dictionnaires unlilingues anglais. Reverso context : dictionnaire en contexte très utile pour vérifier des expressions (groupes de plusieurs mots), constructions, collocations GRATUIT Dictionnaire français Livio : car on ne maîtrise pas toujours sa langue maternelle… GRATUIT Prononciation Talk : taper votre mot ou votre texte et il sera prononcé pour vous.

Sans titre. The Pagnol English Sweet Shop **: SEQUENCE #1 : Going on a Gap Year. This daily update is on a trial period for 2 weeksSÉQUENCE #1 : Going on a gap yearFINAL TASK: you have decided to go on a gap year.

The Pagnol English Sweet Shop **: SEQUENCE #1 : Going on a Gap Year

Get ready to present your project, your motivations and what exactly you are planning to do. Make sure you explain in what way such entreprise can help you progress in your personal life. Stage #1: what is a gap year? Stage #2: what can a gap year bring you? Stage #3: build your project_________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday 13 November Text comprehension correction : 1.

Friday 14 November Group work: get ready for the role play TASK: enact the conversation. How do you start an informal conversation on the phone ? Ø Hello , it’s me/Jenny. Ø Hello / hi ! List the question the mother could ask : · Was you flight on time · What did you do to shower ? · Have you had time to settle down ? · How is a landscape ? · What did you have for dinner ? · Did someone pick up from the airport ? · Where do you sleep ? · Do you like it ? What is a Gap Year? - Gap Year. Gap year c'est quoi Today, thousands of people are taking gap years all over the world, travelling to destinations such as Australia, New Zealand and Thailand for months on end, travelling with relative comfort and ease.

What is a Gap Year? - Gap Year

Today, a gap year can be anywhere, for any length of time, doing anything you want. You can build an orphanage in Belize, teach English as a foreign language in Israel, trek through the Himalayas in Nepal or travel around the 'banana pancake trail' in South East Asia. A gap year really is whatever you want it to be. A gap year comes under many guises - backpacking, a career gap, a short gap year, travelling, time out, a sabbatical - but they all mean the same thing. Backpacking and travelling is particularly popular among students in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Netherlands, and a number of countries (including the ones stated) offer working holiday visas to improve cultural ties and foreign exchange. Traditional Gap Years. TERMINALES - ESPACE ET ECHANGES - TOPIC 3 - JACOBANGLAIS, le blog d'anglais du Lycée Jacob Holtzer.

What are the different reasons that can encourage people to move abroad?

TERMINALES - ESPACE ET ECHANGES - TOPIC 3 - JACOBANGLAIS, le blog d'anglais du Lycée Jacob Holtzer

Would you like to move abroad? What for? What is a gap year? Vocabulary. Dynamiser l'étude d'un texte.


Thématiques. LELE.