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Priyanka Chopra Shares 3 DIY, Natural Skin-Care Recipes. “This has been taught to us by our mums and our grand-mums,” Priyanka Chopra explained, wielding a wooden spoon in one hand, a lemon in the other.

Priyanka Chopra Shares 3 DIY, Natural Skin-Care Recipes

The Quantico actress and Indian superstar recently stopped by the Standard High Line hotel in downtown Manhattan to reveal a few of her best beauty secrets—a series of simple DIY scrubs, learned from her mother, that are completely natural and deeply rooted in her heritage. First, a bowl of sea salt lip treatment, into which Chopra delicately dropped a bit of pink rose water for added hydration. After a yogurt and honey hair mask came the ubtan, a traditional gram flour body scrub that she started using as a teenager to calm her dry skin.

13 Ancient Beauty Secrets That Are Useful Even Today. Women have strived for beauty since time immemorial.

13 Ancient Beauty Secrets That Are Useful Even Today

Today Bright Side brings you several of the secrets that have proved their usefulness over the ages. Olive oil Ancients called this product "golden," and with good reason: olive oil is now a base for numerous skin and hair care creams, shampoos, and balms. Baths. 9 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads and Whiteheads Fast. Clear and beautiful skin is one of the main elements of a person’s beauty.

9 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads and Whiteheads Fast

One sure way to have healthy and picture-perfect skin is to take care of it every day. We here at Bright Side have compiled a list of some of the best remedies that will help you to naturally remove blackheads and whiteheads from your nose and face. Lemon + honey + sugar Cut a lemon in half and pour enough honey to cover the cut surface of the lemon. Then sprinkle the lemon half with two pinches of sugar (it is better to use cane sugar), and gently massage the problem areas with this natural ’sponge’ in a circular motion.

3 DIY Dry Shampoo Recipes. Everyone knows second-day hair is the best hair—but sometimes it needs a little touch-up (thank you, dry shampoo!)

3 DIY Dry Shampoo Recipes

To make it do what you want it to. When researching dry shampoo, I kept coming across the same ingredients over and over again: cornstarch, baking soda and cinnamon. How to Make Your Own Easy, All Natural Shampoo. 15 Minute Whipped Body Butter. To someone who has never made a batch, making a luscious, creamy whipped body butter might seem a bit intimidating.

15 Minute Whipped Body Butter

DIY: Stinky Feet Scrub. After a hard day’s work you might come home to find that your once pretty feet have turned into sweaty appendages that are keen on assaulting your nostrils with pungent stinkiness.

DIY: Stinky Feet Scrub

DIY NATURAL SCRUB – Cocorrina. Earlier this week, we paid a visit to my mother in law, and we never leave with empty hands.


This time, she gave us like 20 lemons from her garden. You know, those are the best ones that truly smell amazing. When life give you so many lemons, you have to come up with us to make before they go bad! I started baking lemon tarts, lemon chewy cookies and my favourite scrub that i’ve been using since i was like 14. The brilliant thing about this scrub is that you need only 4 ingredients to make it, plus it’s everything you already have in your fridge. Olive Oil Suitable for oily, and dry skin. Honey Honey is naturally antibacterial, so it’s great for acne treatment and prevention. Sugar If you use a scrub of brown sugar and olive oil, is it very helpful in keeping the skin soft and supple. Lemon Using lemon juice on blackheads has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of blackheads. DIY beauty recipes that use only 2 ingredients. These are the easiest, quickest, and cheapest homemade cosmetics you'll ever make.

DIY beauty recipes that use only 2 ingredients

Better yet, they work wonderfully! There have been so many times when I’ve opened a DIY beauty book with excitement, only to find that I don’t have most of the ingredients on the list. Then there are the times when I head to the health food store to buy some or all of those ingredients, only to find that the cost is exorbitant. Was hilft gegen unreine Haut,Pickel,Mitesser. FutureMag - Tuto des Makers : Stelle dir deine eigene Gesichtscreme her. Weihnachtsgeschenke selber machen: So schenken Sie DIY-Kosmetik   - Wunderweib. Weihnachten steht vor der Tür.

Weihnachtsgeschenke selber machen: So schenken Sie DIY-Kosmetik   - Wunderweib

Wer für wenig Geld etwas Tolles schenken möchte, macht Geschenke am besten selbst. Und das geht auch super mit selbst gemachten Peelings, Lipbalm oder Tagescremes. Und das Praktische daran: Fast alle Zutaten hat man sowieso schon im Regal. Um dem Geschenk das gewisse Etwas zu geben, fehlt dann nur noch die richtige Verpackung. Kosmetik: Die schlimmsten Inhaltsstoffe. 32 Creativas campañas gráficas que te harán querer dejar de fumar. Te digo la verdad, no creo que ni siquiera el anuncio antitabaco más creativo te puede hacer dejar de fumar después de que lo veas.

32 Creativas campañas gráficas que te harán querer dejar de fumar

Así no es cómo funcionan las cosas. Cuando un fumador se encuentra con un anuncio anti-tabaco, a menudo la reacción es “sí tal vez es bueno, pero no va a hacer que me dejé, es una pérdida de tiempo y dinero”. Bueno, por supuesto, un solo anuncio no va a cambiar tu mente en un segundo, pero sí puede crear conciencia de que fumar es una cosa mala, y cuando se repite el mensaje una y otra vez, se logra instalar en algún lugar profundo dentro de tu mente. ¡Comparte esto con todos tus amigos fumadores! Map. Groceryships. CODECHECK.INFO – Test, Bewertung und Preisvergleich. ToxFox-Kosmetikcheck online. Lebensmittel verdienen Respekt - Respect Food Portal. Forward the (R)evolution - in Harmonie mit der Erde: geht bald online und hier das letzte Update über alles zu den LebensmittelretterInnen.

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