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PHIDIAS GOLD Paper Toys (x30 !!! Quand je vous disais que le Phidias Gold Paper Toy Show avait donné naissance à une collection de paper toys incroyables, je n’exagérais rien… Pour preuve, voici regroupées les 30 contributions des artistes ayant participé au projet… Pour rappel, nous retrouvons ici les artistes : Alex Carlson, Allison Bamcat, Amy Rauner, Anthony Baez, Chris Piascik, Christopher DeLorenzo, Damion Silver, Dana Woulfe, Dennis Schuster, Evoker, Fish McGill, Grapheart, James Noellert, Jillian Evelyn, Keaton Henson, Maria Filar, Mario Jalbert, Mathieu Beaulieu, Matt Byle, Matt Skiff, Michael Crigler, Nathan Trapnell, Pat Falco, Pulco Mayo, Ryan Eggebrecht, Tougui, Travis Price, et Wesley Eggebrecht !!!

PHIDIAS GOLD Paper Toys (x30 !!!

En prime, vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement toutes ces créations en cliquant sur les previews des templates de chaque modèle ou en vous rendant sur la page Phidias Gold dédiée à l’événement. La grande classe ! Merci Phidias Gold ^^ Partager. Quasimoto And Madvillain Paper Toys. Cubeecraft - Free Papercraft Toys. NaniBird Home. Art. Coming soon! - Foldable.Me. Papiermodelle, 3D Origami Faltanleitungen & mehr. Browse » Originals. Paper craft. S Best Photos of model and papercraft. Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies.

s Best Photos of model and papercraft

All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Because some other search engines (Google, etc.) index parts of Flickr Hive Mind, you may have been led here from one of them. Welcome to Flickr Hive Mind, almost certainly the best search engine for photography on the web. If you are a Flickr user and use Flickr Stats you may have seen people being led to your photos via Flickr Hive Mind (as a Referrer). Nice Paper Toys. Распечатай и склей игрушки из бумаги - паперкрафт! Paper Ponies by Kna on deviantART. Activités manuelles, activités enfants - 3 à 6 ans. Ce bricolage bateau est idéal pour accompagner vos enfants dans le bain, et ainsi transformer une corvée, en un moment de détente ludique ...

Activités manuelles, activités enfants - 3 à 6 ans

Découvrez comment dessiner Dusty, le héros de Planes à travers une vidéo explicative d'un story-boardeur de Disney ! A l'occasion des vacances ou d'une fête, voila un bricolage d'éventail en papier que les enfants pourront faire facilement et offrir à leurs proches ! Vous avez toujours voulu savoir bricoler les accessoires de Fée. Nous vous livrons ici toutes les étapes pour réaliser la baguette magique et la chapeau. C'est parti pour le Carnaval ? How to make a paper model from scratch. The way i design paper toys is to work at them in a 3d modelling program and then export to another program that breaks them down into nets that you can print off and assemble.

How to make a paper model from scratch.

I'm not saying this is the only way, there are people out there that design completely using pen and paper. Props to them, but you have to be precise and i'm a messy kinda guy. The program we are going to use to make the nets is called Pepakura Designer 2 - It's a japanese program and so the documentation for it is a bit squiffy. It's also shareware - you can work on a project and print it out but you can't save. There is a way around this but if you are going to be using this on a regular basis i would reccomend splashing out on the complete version. For the initial modelling software, use what you are comfortable with - Pepakura designer accepts a wide range of filetypes (listed here). You are also going to need something sharp - scalpel/ craft knife (or an "xacto" to be all brand namey).

Pepakura Designer. 動物:工作:手芸:紙工作:ペーパークラフト:自由研究:キッズ@nifty. Untitled. Ozasikiwarasi's fotolife. M E T M A N I A. 消防車のペーパークラフトを作ってみよう ‐ 静岡市. ナビゲーションをスキップ| フッター| 検索のヒント English・その他の言語|携帯サイト トップ > 消防総務課 > 消防車のペーパークラフトを作ってみよう 消防車のペーパークラフトを作ってみよう 静岡市消防局(しずおかししょうぼうきょく)で活躍(かつやく)する消防車(しょうぼうしゃ)や救急車(きゅうきゅうしゃ) のペーパークラフトです。

消防車のペーパークラフトを作ってみよう ‐ 静岡市

【保護者の方へ】 このペーパークラフトは、本市消防職員が作成したものです。 作成の際は、カッターナイフなどを使用しますのでお子様がケガなどをしないよう十分注意してください。 【用意(ようい)するもの】 ・ペーパークラフト用紙(ようし)または厚めの紙 ・カッターナイフ又はデザインナイフなど ・定規(じょうぎ) ・接着剤(せっちゃくざい) ・ピンセット ・針(はり)などの先のとがったもの. 名古屋ダイハツ・三河ダイハツ:おたのしみ:ペーパークラフト. Untitled Document. Untitled Document. Náklaďáci. GmbH - Das andere Kinderkaufhaus. D/L official Little Space Heroes Cubee #papercraft toys:

CatCubeTopia, Unleashed! Paperpokés - Pokémon Papercrafts. 2012-03-04. チワワ:ペット:犬:動物:紙工作:ペーパークラフト:キッズ@nifty. Grumm a moody piece of paper. Meet Grumm, a moody piece of paper… When I started writing about urban papercraft, I got inspired by Brickboy and Spiky Baby (and recently added to this list: e440): I wanted to create my own figure.

Grumm a moody piece of paper

And so I did! Grumm evolved in time, which is documented in a couple of post. To give some highlights of the process: the beginning, prototype pictures, near completion and my first Grumm design Grumm the screamer red. (read everything) In my definition of urban papercraft, there should be a design made by me and a blank version for other to customize… back to the top Grumm The Screamer Red This is my design for Grumm:Grumm The Screamer Red Get the template here (Preview a thumb): (The .ZIP file contains a .PDF) For extracting data from a ZIP file you can use Filzip or 7-zip (both for PC and for free) For reading a PDF you can use Adobe Acrobat Reader (for Apple, PC and for free).

Artist series Get the template here: Little GrummerBoy by Hardy Little GrummerBoy is a Grumm custom by Hardy. . Thanx to: Squealer Paper Toy Tutorial. This Tutorial is how to make the Blank version of the Squealer Paper Toy, I made the template as intuitive as I could so you should have no problems with the assembly. you can also download the: Squealer Tutorial PDF Click to Download.

Squealer Paper Toy Tutorial