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Candelo's Corner - Ancestor, Bakulu, Nfumbe Reverence 10/15 by KDCL Media. Vodou Spirits. Program Fulfillment. Program Fulfillment. 124d91e3c3aab0c8febd1bbf1834da64. Zen To Done (ZTD): The Simple Productivity System : zen habits. By Leo Babauta “It’s about the habits and the doing, not the system or the tools.”

Zen To Done (ZTD): The Simple Productivity System : zen habits

In order to capture the essentials of being productive & organized, while keeping things as simple as possible, I’ve developed my own productivity system: Zen To Done (ZTD). ZTD captures the essential spirit of the new system: that of simplicity, of a focus on doing, in the here and now, instead of on planning and on the system. If you’ve been having trouble with GTD, as great as it is, ZTD might be just for you.

It focuses on the habit changes necessary for GTD, in a more practical way, and it focuses on doing, on simplifying, and on adding a simple structure. Overview ZTD attempts to address five problems that many people have with GTD. ZTD addresses five problems people have with GTD: 1) GTD is a series of habit changes. Solution: ZTD focuses on one habit at a time. 2) GTD doesn’t focus enough on doing. Money Spells - How to get money using spells and magic. Materials Needed: Iron cauldron/potDark rumCinnamonFrankincense resinNon toxic charcoal for incense burningA small iron chainA 9v batteryA magnetA blank check21 cowry shellsTobacco Oil [phpzon asin=”B007WOZEPI” country=”US” trackingid=”saduluhouse-20″ templatename=”asin”] 1.

Money Spells - How to get money using spells and magic

Rub the tobacco oil throughout the inside and outside of the pot. 2. Light the self igniting non-toxic charcoal. 3. Money Spells - How to get money using spells and magic. Program Fulfillment. Congratulations on your order of Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis.

Program Fulfillment

You can access the members area right here. You received a 40-character access code in your email when you completed the order. Copy and paste that into the box below then click the button to sign in. If you have any questions, refer to the Frequently Asked Questions. My Adam And Eve Roots Have Arrived! A few weeks ago I ordered and received two shipments of Adam and Eve roots, a.k.a.

My Adam And Eve Roots Have Arrived!

Putty roots, or Aplectrum hymale. Why Juno? Stability, Health, and yes Money. I have gotten a lot of questions regarding the Juno Global Prosperity Rite this weekend.

Why Juno? Stability, Health, and yes Money

She is not a goddess you see invoked a lot and while it makes total sense to some people to do this, others have been puzzled and even frightened at the prospect. We have done several prosperity rites focusing on Jupiter and if you have read Financial Sorcery you know that old Jove holds a special place in my spiritual court. He does represent a sort of very male perspective on prosperity though , one that I thought should be balanced by his wife/sister – Queen of the Gods – Juno. First and foremost we are calling upon Juno because she is a Queen and the patron Goddess of the Roman Empire.

PRAYERS TO ST. EXPEDITE - GEDE LIMBO - Papa Hector's BlogPapa Hector's Blog. Prayer to Saint Expedite Saint Expedite, you lay in rest.

PRAYERS TO ST. EXPEDITE - GEDE LIMBO - Papa Hector's BlogPapa Hector's Blog

MY SECRET HOODOO. Recently, I was so sick of not being able to easily find a good supply of Jezebel root that I decided to grow my own.


As you may know, what many people are selling as Jezebel root is just bark mulch. This is outrageous because there is absolutely no reason to substitute as Jezebel root is not rare, nor expensive. So I looked online and found a seller offering a lot of 12 Louisiana Iris rhizome cuttings (what Jezebel root is) for relatively cheap. There was only one problem.

The listing was for "Louisiana Walking Iris". You can see the range of Blue Flag at the link below: Judging Success: Magic and Money. A few days ago Stephanie Connolly Reisner posted a great piece on material success and its relationship to magic.

Judging Success: Magic and Money

This was followed up by some musings from Harold Roth in the Alchemists Garden. Since my first two posts this week were about money magic I thought I might chime in on this topic as well, and just make this a Money Magic Week on the blog… Obviously as the guy that wrote Financial Sorcery I have been asked more than a few times if my magic has made me rich. On one radio show I did, the interviewer basically laced into me from the start and just asked if I can do Financial Magic why am I not rich, without even checking to see if I was or wasn’t. Like Stephanie though I am not dripping in wealth. Harold in his piece notes that a wonder filled and satisfying life makes money trivial. When you are young and able to couch surf and eat whatever, the life seems awesome.

Obscure books

5D01EE65 749C 4238 8654 7F76C337C5A4. GAP: a Left-Hand Path approach to Odinism. The-Whisperings-Of-Iblis-Djinn-Deck. The Whisperings Of Iblis; Djinn Deck... 'The Whisperings of Iblis' Djinn Deck Is Designed To Work In Conjunction With "The Book Of Smokeless Fire".


The Deck Contains 72 Djinn Cards Displaying Both The Sigil And Name Of Each Djinn. Each Card Contains A Dark Message That The Sorcerer Must Interpret In Their Own Way. Also Included Are 5 Key Cards Which Portray Ibls, His Son, Daughter, The Gateway And Spiritual Protection For A Total Of 77 Cards Inn All. The Deck Is Tarot Sized And Comes In A High Gloss Black Box Which Can Be Signed Upon Request. Lucky Mojo Herbs, Natural Curios, and Supplies at a Glance. Site Map for Whats Your Sign - Lists of Symbol Meanings. Signs and symbols cultivate their meanings according to culture, context, passage of time in society as well as mass societal opinion.

Site Map for Whats Your Sign - Lists of Symbol Meanings

Personaldowsing709 3. Companionltr 6 1. Programmingforpersonaldowsing complete 12 27 10. Rbn 10 4 english. Taoist Alchemy: Neidan and Waidan. The Golden Elixir ▶ Taoist Alchemy Fabrizio Pregadio Background Liu Haichan, a Taoist immortal associated with several alchemical traditions Taoist alchemy aims to afford an understanding of how the cosmos and the human being are related to the highest principle, the Dao. Practitioners rise through the hierarchy of the constituents of being by "fulfilling" (Chin. jin or liao, two words also denoting "thorough knowledge") the nature and properties of each stage. Historical and literary sources (including poetry) provide many important details on Taoist alchemy, but the majority of sources is found in the Taoist Canon (Daozang), the largest collection of Taoist texts. Modern study of Taoist alchemy began in the twentieth century, after the Canon was reprinted and made widely available. Although the underlying doctrines remained unchanged, Chinese alchemy went through a complex and not yet entirely understood development along its twenty centuries of documented history.

Doctrines History. Daoisim. Foundations for Ritual Success. Liber Nigri Solis.