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Parent-Teacher Conference Resources (Printables & Articles) Highlights Earth Day Kids love hearing about the Earth and ways we can be better to our environment!

Parent-Teacher Conference Resources (Printables & Articles)

We've gathered some great resources to help you celebrate Earth Day (April 22) with your class. Integrating Writing and Mathematics. The 2002 and 2007 reports of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) writing as ses sment (National Center for Education Statistics, 2008), administered to 8th and 12th graders, show an increase in writing scores.

Integrating Writing and Mathematics

Applebee and Langer's (2006) analysis of NAEP data as well as other sources published during the decade preceding their review revealed that the more frequently students reported writing one or more paragraphs in science and social studies, the higher their writing achievement. OneNote in class at Pitt Meadows Secondary School. Classroom Design, Classroom Floor Plans, Classroom Layout, Computer Lab Design. Without cost or obligation, our NCIDQ Qualified design team is ready to work with you, anywhere you can access the internet.

Classroom Design, Classroom Floor Plans, Classroom Layout, Computer Lab Design

Look around at the SMARTdesks furniture products and accessories that help integrate technology for the optimum user experience. You can get hands-on in the process with our Do It Yourself Floor Plan tool, save your design and reference it when you get on the cloud with us. But you don't really have to start with the DIY tool. Is handwriting still important? The digital generation skips penmanship. Ken Robinson: 10 talks on education. Why Smartboards are a Dumb Initiative. When you get called to post by “The Innovative Educator,” you post. I roll my eyes every time I hear people talk about putting Smartboards in the classroom. Ugh….

Don’t get me wrong, Smartboards are cool. They are just the I’ve ever seen. (Except for building new physical plant, that’s worse.) Anyways… Discover the all-new Insight 360. Both Insight 360 Standard Edition and Insight 360 Premium Edition work with Mobi 360 and Insight 360's line of clickers.

Discover the all-new Insight 360

Educators use Mobi 360 to manage their desktop, facilitate lessons, and review student progress, while interacting with students from anywhere in the room. Good practice resource - Off to a flying start – assessment in Reception Year: West Hove Infant School. Power of Art: Can music help treat children with attention disorders? Why does France insist school pupils master philosophy? 2 June 2013 Last updated at 20:24 ET By Hugh Schofield BBC News, Paris I have been staring in admiration over the shoulder of my 17-year-old daughter, as she embarks on a last mental rehearsal before a much-dreaded philosophy exam.

My primary thought is: Thank the Lord I was spared the torment. I mean, can you imagine having to sit down one morning in June and spend four hours developing an exhaustive, coherent argument around the subject: Is truth preferable to peace? Or: Does power exist without violence? Or possibly: Can one be right in spite of the facts? Perhaps you would prefer option B, which is to write a commentary on a text. I take these examples from my daughter's revision books. Ruby has chosen to take what they call a Bac Litteraire - the Literature Baccalaureat. There are alternative, more science-biased versions of the Baccalaureat. But in the Bac Litteraire, philosophy is king. It means eight hours a week of classes, and in the exams it has the top coefficient of seven.

Can micro video change how we communicate? Tree swing pictures - tire swing, tire swing, rope swing cartoon pictures. Home » amusement/stress relief » tree swing pictures the tree swing or tire swing funny diagrams - for training, presentations, etc The famous tree swing picture (also known as tyre swing, tire swing, rope swing) depicting tyre (or tire) and rope swing in various states of dysfunctionality, illustrates the pitfalls of poor product design, or poor customer service, and the dangers of failing to properly listen to customers and interpret their needs.

tree swing pictures - tire swing, tire swing, rope swing cartoon pictures

The tree swing also demonstrates the dangers of departmental barriers, and failures of departments to talk to each other, and to talk to customers. As such, the tree swing is perfect for training these areas of quality, communications, customer care and inter-departmental relations. If you are using the tree swing to highlight a training subject most people very readily interpret the pictures into their own organisational situations. MET Project. Designing Teacher Evaluation Systems: New Guidance from the Measures of Effective Teaching Project - Thomas Kane, Kerri Kerr, Robert Pianta. Study will teach algebra with student-authored stories that draw on their own interests. Can students learn algebra from Instagram and video games?

Study will teach algebra with student-authored stories that draw on their own interests

Teaching researcher Candace Walkington, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, thinks so. Walkington's new study, funded by the National Academy of Education, will test that idea. "In previous work, I found that students draw upon rich algebraic ways of reasoning when pursuing their out-of-school interests in areas like sports, social networking and video games," said Walkington, whose research focus is evidence-based effective teaching.

"Making connections to these topics in algebra class can improve long-term understanding of algebraic ideas. " The new study asks pre-algebra students to author their own algebra stories based on their personal interests. Approximately 200 pre-Algebra students in eight classrooms at schools in the Dallas Independent School District are participating in the study. A pilot version of the study begins Spring 2015. Success in School. Skills for Life. Pearson School Canada: Calm, Alert, and Learning: Classroom Strategies for Self-Regulation. Textbooks replaced by iTunes U downloads. 4 March 2014Last updated at 19:22 ET By Sean Coughlan BBC News education correspondent Every pupil at the school has an iPad The exam revision season is approaching.

Textbooks replaced by iTunes U downloads

It's when students want as much information as possible at their fingertips. So how about if you could touch a screen and download all the lesson materials you need? Not just broadly relevant, generic materials, but the actual classes you've studied, video and text, put together specifically by your own teachers. These are the equivalent of digital textbooks supporting lessons for each subject, including the days missed or forgotten.



Nicenet. WEBSITE. Customer Service Training - Maxine Kamin. Google Image Result for. 1562863304. IBtv » Blog Archive » IB Learner Profile 2011. The 20 most-watched TEDTalks (so far) Today, on the fifth birthday of TEDTalks video, we’re releasing a new list of the 20 most-watched TEDTalks over the past five years — as watched on all the platforms we track:, YouTube, iTunes, embed and download, Hulu and more … What a great, mixed-up group this is!

The 20 most-watched TEDTalks (so far)

Talks about education and creativity, sex and fish, whizzy tech demos and big questions about the universe … it’s a cool snapshot of what we find interesting. The 2012 list of the most popular TEDtalks this far is now online. Learning and Instruction - Variables affecting students' intrinsic motivation for school mathematics: Two empirical studies based on Deci and Ryan's theory on motivation. The self-determination theory of Deci and Ryan, developed in order to explain the intrinsic motivation of human behavior, was tested empirically by a cross-sectional and longitudinal study related to a school subject (mathematics).

Learning and Instruction - Variables affecting students' intrinsic motivation for school mathematics: Two empirical studies based on Deci and Ryan's theory on motivation

The studies were conducted to examine the effects of the mathematics teacher's controlling strategies (as perceived by the students) on students' intrinsic interests for mathematics, their achievements, and their self-concept in mathematics.


Study: Teacher PD Needs More on Emotions - Teaching Now. Calm, Alert and Learning – Stuart Shanker Resources. Calm, Alert and Learning – Stuart Shanker Resources “Self-regulation is a system for dealing with stress.”

Calm, Alert and Learning – Stuart Shanker Resources

A few of my takeaways: Our ability to self-regulate is compromised when we are sleep-deprived. We are all sleeping less — average hours of sleep has decreased across all ages.Physical activity helps with self-regulation.Negative emotions are a BIG DRAIN. Some recommended resources Some other items that may be related: How We Learn: Teaching to Your Child’s StrengthsNew Kinds of Smart (subsumes the work of Gardiner & others) Classroom management - Week 1, Day 1. Classroom Management Strategies To Take Control Of Noisy Students.