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Baby Steps to creating a Makerspace in the Library. Makerspaces in Your Library When I entered Fields Elementary Library, it was traditional in every way.

Baby Steps to creating a Makerspace in the Library

Slowly, I have worked to make it a learning space, one where I can share technology and create a community of shared learning. Gone are the days that the library is just a place to check in and check out books. Since McAllen ISD is a 1:1 district, I am thrilled to see the potential every student has in this space. When I interviewed a month ago for this library position, my principal asked what my vision was for the library. Make that 3D printer materialize along with other tech gadgets.

Makerspaces- Symbaloo Gallery. There is no such thing as the Denver Guardian, despite that Facebook post you saw. The “Denver Guardian” is not a real news source and definitely isn’t Denver’s oldest news source.

There is no such thing as the Denver Guardian, despite that Facebook post you saw

On Nov. 5, a story began circulating on Facebook (at points gaining 100 shares per minute) with the headline “FBI AGENT SUSPECTED IN HILLARY EMAIL LEAKS FOUND DEAD IN APPARENT MURDER-SUICIDE,” and hosted at The only problem is that there is no such thing as “The Denver Guardian” and the news story it “reported” never happened. Let’s run down the list of red flags: The domain was first registered in July 2016 and is hosted by GoDaddy.This story is the only story showing up under the “News” section and all other sections are turning up errors.There is no Walkerville, Maryland.

There is a Walkersville, Maryland, but the city does not have a police department, making the quote from “Walkerville Police Chief Pat Frederick” null and void.The address listed for the newsroom is a tree in a parking lot next to a vacant bank building on Colfax. Episode 739: Finding The Fake-News King : Planet Money. A few days before the election, an extraordinary story popped up in hundreds of thousands of people's Facebook feeds.

Episode 739: Finding The Fake-News King : Planet Money

This story was salacious. It was vivid, filled with intriguing details. There was a photo of a burning house, firemen rushing in. The headline read, "FBI Agent Suspected In Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead In Apparent Murder-Suicide. " It was all fake. - A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center. Fake News, Alternative Facts and Librarians As Dedicated Defenders of Truth. Let's be clear, there's no such thing as "alternative facts.

Fake News, Alternative Facts and Librarians As Dedicated Defenders of Truth

" The same fact can be used by different people to support alternative opinions, but the facts don't change. Different people can use the same facts to emphasize alternative ideas or to inform different theories, but the facts remain the same. Facts are non-partisan. Facts alone are neutral. It's what we do with them that becomes controversial. That said, there's a not so old saying that goes "we are drowning in information, but starving for knowledge. " I don't think it's hyperbolic to say that there's a battle being waged between the truth and those who seek to distort it for personal gain.

Regardless of how you choose to tackle this issue, school librarians have an opportunity and obligation to lead the charge in helping grow a generation of students who: Fake Facebook News Sites to Avoid. As Facebook and now Google face scrutiny for promoting fake news stories, Melissa Zimdars, a communication and media professor from Merrimack College in Massachusetts, has compiled a handy list of websites you should think twice about trusting.

Fake Facebook News Sites to Avoid

“Below is a list of fake, false, regularly misleading, and otherwise questionable ‘news’ organizations that are commonly shared on Facebook and other social media sites,” Zimdars explains. “Many of these websites rely on ‘outrage’ by using distorted headlines and decontextualized or dubious information in order to generate likes, shares, and profits.” Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles". Informed Citizen Toolkit. Media Literacy. News Literacy and Fake News Resources. Check your sources. Fake News. Fake News Lessons. 9: Other Stories From This Source Are Incredulous - 10 Ways to Spot a Fake News Story. Our list of fake websites was by no means exhaustive, and new ones open up every week.

9: Other Stories From This Source Are Incredulous - 10 Ways to Spot a Fake News Story

So how can you tell if a site is reliable if it's not on any list of fake websites? One way is to do a quick scan of some of the headlines and first few paragraphs of other stories on the site. Let's say you're interested in a story with the headline, "President Obama Suffers Heart Attack. " That certainly sounds plausible. But if some of the other headlines on the site read "Grandmother Mates with Croc," "9-Year-Old Accidentally Discovers Cure for Cancer" and "Sky Over Oklahoma City Actually Rains Cats and Dogs," you should be wary.

Of course, the other headlines may not be quite that fantastical. Can You Spot the Liar? Start with a Question: What should educators do about fake news? The fake news phenomenon has been developing alongside the growth of social media for years, but it is getting more attention presently because of the important role accurate and inaccurate information can play in a presidential election.

Start with a Question: What should educators do about fake news?

Since 50% of young adults get their news primarily online, and teachers observe their younger students doing the same, many educators have growing concerns about their students' abilities to identify the real from the fake news on the internet. The most alarming statistics came recently from the Stanford Graduate School of Education. As reported by the Wall Street Journal, 82% of middle schoolers were unable to distinguish between "sponsored content" and a real news story on a website. When these young learners do academic research and find out about the broader world through the internet, are they be able to tell the difference between real and fake? Here are a few resources that educators can use to get started: 1. 2. How to Spot Fake News (and Teach Kids to Be Media-Savvy) How To Spot A Fake News Story. The rise and proliferation of fake news stories has been much discussed lately.

How To Spot A Fake News Story

Some claim the wild and reckless distribution of baseless stories about Hillary Clinton swung the election to her opponent.