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RollOver. Module Tabs in Web Design: Best Practices and Solutions | Design Showcase. Advertisement A module tab is a User Interface (UI) design pattern where content is separated into different panes, and each pane is viewable one at a time. The user requests content to be displayed by clicking (or in some instances hovering over) the content’s corresponding tab control. Module tabs are seeing an increase of use as websites and web applications push for optimizing web page screen areas without sacrificing the amount of information presented at once. For example, in weblogs, they are used in secondary content sections (such as the sidebar) to present relevant and interesting information such as a listing of blog posts which users can interact with to get to web pages quicker. This inevitably allows for an unobtrusive and compact manner of presenting content. This article discusses the use of the module tabs design pattern for use in websites and web-based applications.

Anatomy of a Module Tab Area When to Use Module Tabs Information that is related Allow Keyboard Navigation. jQuery Menu Plugin: BubbleUP | AEXT.NET. 50 Really High Quality Photoshop Navigation Menu Tutorials | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials. While waiting our SEO series to come out, I showcased for you pretty huge and comprehensive navigation, menu and button tutorial article. All of those tutorials are selected carefully just featuring here, the most high quality ones. Navigation is very important aspect in every web-design, because it is usually the place where people will click the most as well as notice creative and usable buttons. Really all we need is to get visitor remember our site! To complete and sharpen you need to use Photoshop here, actually version doesn’t matter, I am sure everything can be completed in any of PS previous versions too!

Let’s get started and learn how to create shiny, clean, stylish, glossy or even 3D navigation menus! 1.Content Box With Orange Banner Heading In this tutorial you will learn how to create a content box similar to the ones used on this site, where the corners are rounded and the heading has a 3D effect. 2. 3. 4. Design a beautiful navigation bar in Photoshop. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Showcase Of Modern Navigation Design Trends. Advertisement The navigation menu is perhaps a website’s single most important component.

Navigation gives you a window onto the website designer’s creative ability to produce a functional yet visually impressive element that’s fundamental to most websites. Because of their value to websites, navigation menus are customarily placed in the most visible location of the page, and thus can make a significant impact on the visitor’s first impression. The design of a navigation menu has to be outstanding in order to sustain the user’s interest. You should also read the following related posts: 3-D Navigation Lately, we’ve seen a trend towards design elements that sit on a higher z-plane; that is, they appear closer than other elements on the page. DelibarThe content area on the Delibar website looks like a pile of two pieces of paper, with the navigation items holding them together.

Mystery TinThe Mystery Tin navigation menu is arranged vertically. Speech Balloons Rounded Corners Unusual Shapes. 30 Exceptional CSS Navigation Techniques. We’ve seen innovative ways in which designers and developers have used CSS to innovate upon its shortcomings. Here, you’ll find some of the best ways to use CSS for your website navigation. You’ll find a variety of techniques that truly showcase the capabilities of CSS. In this article, you will find a collection of excellent navigation techniques that use the CSS to provide users with an impressive interface. 1. The Menu menu This another great CSS menu Stu Nicholls that’s unique – hovering over a menu item reveals a submenu. 2. View Demo In this CSS technique, you’ll learn to create a vertically-oriented CSS hover menu that reveals a submenu when a menu item is hovered on. 3.

View Demo Matte is a simple CSS menu with rounded corners using two small images only from 13styles. 4. View Demo This CSS technique shows you a method from creating a menu that blurs sibling menu items when you hover over an item. 5. View Demo 6. View Demo 7. View Demo 8. View Demo Update: this no longer exists. 9. 10. 50 Stylish Navigation Menus for Design Inspiration. Six Revisions Skip site navigation 50 Stylish Navigation Menus for Design Inspiration Apr 10 2009 by Jacob Gube | 39 Comments A site’s navigation menu is one of the most prominent things that users see when they first visit.

In this article, you’ll find a showcase of beautiful, creative, and stylish navigation menus for your inspiration. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. okb 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Related content 39 Comments Alex April 10th, 2009 Here is another one: (top navigation) Kayla April 10th, 2009 Very cool menus. Jamiel Sharief April 10th, 2009 Nice collection. David April 10th, 2009 thx for sharing!

Danny Hinde April 10th, 2009 Caroline April 10th, 2009 Great list – one missing – using tag clouds as part of navigation kayintveen April 10th, 2009 Tony Creamy CSS. 25 Photoshop Tutorials for Web Designers. Adobe Photoshop is the tool of choice for most web designers. From creating a website template to objects and components such as content boxes and buttons, Photoshop doesn’t fail to deliver. In this collection, you’ll find 25 excellent Photoshop tutorials geared towards web designers. You’ll find a variety of tutorials that include creating full web page templates, navigation menus, headers, and content boxes. If you know of a good Photoshop tutorial for web designers – why don’t you share it with all of us in the comments. Navigation Menus: Trends and Examples - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement Navigation is the most significant element in web design. Since web-layouts don’t have any physical representation a user can stick to, consistent navigation menu is one of the few design elements which provide users with some sense of orientation and guide them through the site.

Users should be able to rely on it which is why designers shouldn’t mess around with it. That’s why in most cases it’s where simple, intuitive and conventional solutions are usually the best option. However, it doesn’t mean that they need to be boring. One year ago we’ve presented modern approaches of navigation design1. Let’s take a look at what’s different now, which trends one can observe and what ideas you can develop further in your projects. This article presents recent trends, examples and innovative solutions for design of modern navigation menus. 1. The most significant task a navigation menu has to fulfill is to unambiguously guide the visitors through the different sections of the site.

Paper Strips Menus - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement The beauty of an excellent design lies in designer’s attention to smallest details. Conventions are our friends; however, to stand out, a design needs a creative spin, an elegant play of colors, some unique flavour — a small detail that would make a big difference. Where the boundaries between traditional solutions and unusual approaches become fuzzy, designers tend to get creative. However, to come up with unusual ideas isn’t that easy, particularly if you are dealing with some daily routine-tasks. Still, nothing is impossible. Deb Sofield sticks posts on a paper pile. A menu in the shape of coloured loops. These ties will never hang on the neck of a web-developer. The navigation menu is simple, nice and fits perfectly to the overall design; navigation options appear to stick out of the content area.

It's done. 10 incredible JQuery navigation menus. Animated Drop Down menu with JQuery A DropDrown menu is often a good choice when you have many items to display. In such cases, what about animating it? Source iPod style menu The iPhone is indeed a very good example of minimalistic, but great looking, design. Source Superfish – jQuery menu plugin Superfish is a JQuery plugin especially dedicated to menus. Source Lavalamp for JQuery lovers Lavalamp is a simple, ready to use JQuery plugin which allow you to create a stunning effect over your horizontal navigation bars. Source How to make a smooth animated menu with JQuery A very nice tutorial to learn to create a very nice and artistic effect for your websites.

Source Navigation effect using JQuery Another “Great to read, Simple to implement” JQuery tutorial. Source Animated JQuery menu Among other things, JQuery is very useful for an easy manipulation of the CSS background-position property. Source How to create a vertical sliding JQuery menu Source Apple menu, improved Source Source. 36 Eye-Catching Jquery Navigation Menus | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials. Navigation menus have really important role in any website. For big sites full with a lot of pages and articles, drop down menus and tabs are popular because they can make it a lot more easier to navigate and move through site, also you can save space on website displaying content on dynamic tabs. Also if you want to create a navigation menu, that really stands out of the crowd, jQuery could be the right choice to choose offering bunch of customizable options.

That’s why I present to You 36 really good jquery navigation menu examples for every need. 1.jQuery Tabbed Interface / Tabbed Structure Menu Tutorial Tabbed Interface or Tabbed Structure Menu is getting really famous in web design & development. Preview || Download 2.Animated Menus Using jQuery Learn how to create this amazing animated effect menu just with plain Xhtml,CSS and Javascript help, similar to Dragon Interactive ( Preview || Download 2.1. View Demo 3. Preview || Download 4.jQuery ListNav Plugin 5.1. 8. 30 Creative Javascript Navigation Menu Examples | Graphic and Web Design Blog. 300+ Jquery, CSS, MooTools and JS navigation menus | Graphic and Web Design Blog. If You are web developer great navigation menus always comes handy. I united this list for people like me, who sometimes wants to do job fast and choose from already prepared examples, which are easy to use.

So here are many resources starting from very simple HTML and CSS navigation menus, until very complicated and advanced jQuery, JavaScript and MooTools techniques used to get maximal control with fading, sliding, dragging etc. effects. Be sure to bookmark this site for later use! 1.Fancy menu – very cool navigation menu: 2. Excellent CSS dock menu for MAC lovers made with jQuery: Download dock menu 3. 37 different CSS navigation techniques: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 13 hand-picked Vertical and horizontal CSS Menus ; 9. 10. 11.

I really recommend You to visit this site: 12. 13. 14.Accessible Image-Tab Rollovers; 15. 16. 17. – offers professional CSS menus; 19. 20. 21. jdMenu Hierarchical Menu Plugin for jQuery – vertical multilevel dropdown list; 22. 23. 24. 27. 32. 33. 34. 37. 39. Learning jQuery: Fading Menu – Replacing Content. Update January 2013: Best practice for this kind of this is detailed here. Update May 2010: I'm considering this article deprecated. I have an updated article here, which covers this same type of material only with more features, updated technology, and better practices.

The more I learn about jQuery, the more natural it feels. Probably because of how closely tied to CSS it is. From a design perspective, the syntax for jQuery is: "When I do this, make the CSS do this. " The more common slogan is: Find something, do something. ...which is also awesome. So now instead of thinking about CSS as page layout and a way to style your page when it loads, you can use in animation and change it on-the-fly to react to events that happen on your page. This example page has three menu items and three content areas: home, about, and contact. By default, the other menu items are faded and their content areas are hidden, like so: With jQuery, we can listen for that click event and then act accordingly. Share On. Horizontal JavaScript Accordion 1kb. Horizontal Scroll Menu with jQuery Tutorial.

Introduction Just last week, I came accross to this website Narrow Design. His scroll menu caught a lot of my attentions, I played with it for a while. Yes, unfortunately, it's built in flash. And, Yes, we are going to implement it with jquery - javascript based scroll menu that will do the same thing. Advertisement Best online printing company offers postcards printing, custom greeting cards - So, in this tutorial, we will learn how to create a scroll menu.

Keep html as simple as possible, and let jQuery and CSS do the rest.Scoll up and down according to mouse-Y axisUse jQuery.color plugin to animate the background-color changes - download jQuery.color(Yes, you will need this to animate the background color, I thought it will do it by default, obviously it doesn't!

Just before we start, let me explain 3 important jquery methods we're going to use: 1. The following code will return the X and Y Axis values for your mouse pointer. 2. 3. $('#menu li').length; Graphical Explanation. Tabbed Navigation Using CSS. Introduction The contents of this tutorial – including the images, HTML, JavaScript and CSS – is licensed under an MIT license and is therefore free for you to use. Attribution is appreciated, but not required. Hello, fellow web designer! My name is Andreas Blixt.

This tutorial will teach you how to create low-bandwidth tab navigation on a web page using CSS. Throughout the tutorial, I try to explain most of the things I am showing you, at a somewhat basic level. This tutorial follows a few guidelines of mine, which mostly revolve around the accessibility of the web page. The HTML and CSS should validate against the World Wide Web Consortium's respective validators. If your browser is capable of styling content, you'll notice that the text in some paragraphs stand out more. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get started! Other languages This article is also available in the following languages: Step 1: The structure Cooking up the HTML The title The table of contents Result: The tabs.

Tabs - scriptaculous - GitHub. 41 Ultimate Showcase Of Sites That Uses JavaScript Scrolling Navigation Perfectly | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch. JavaScript has so much possibility and it'll only take any individual developer or designer creativeness to fully utilize this exciting language. We have previously showcased 24 of the best websites that use jQuery Scrolling Effect, they have done well by integrating scrolling effects perfectly. This time round, we decided to showcase another round of sites that use either jQuery, Mootools, Prototype or others JavaScript frameworks to make their sites navigation stunning.

If you are looking for an inspirational navigation design and effects, feel free to examine the following sites. Meanwhile, you can enjoyed this 41 ultimate list of sites that uses JavaScript scroller navigation at the same time. jQuery Framework jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. VisuallSuiepaparude Suiepaparude is formed by a team of musician that is based in Romania. Quintetdesigns Levikoi. 12 Best jQuery Tab Interface Creation Plugins and Tutorials | Freshers Wisdom | Jquery, Tabs, Tab, T. Photoshop Tutorials | Website Navigation I. IzzyMenu - Menu Builder - Build your pro CSS/DHTML Menu! 24 CSS (in some cases with jQuery) Navigation and Menu Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine. The Style Master Blog » Apple’s Navigation bar using only CSS. Web Design Company in Bristol, Artworking Website Design Search Engine Optimisation and Design Services, Golf Club Web Design and web designer.

David Hellmann - Grafikdesign, Webdesign, Screendesign, (X)HTML, CSS, Wordpress. List-O-Matic - Developer Tools. Listutorial: Step by step CSS list tutorial. Best Web Gallery - Flash + CSS Gallery. Design Watercolor Effect Menu.