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Salad Dressing Recipes. Surgical Examples | UW Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, Seattle. The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottingham. 25 Napping Facts Every College Student Should Know. Written By: Angelita Williams It's almost cruel the way adults ease children into life outside of the house. They got us on board with the whole going to school thing by letting us take naps in pre-school.

But then, come kindergarten, no more naps! Nothing but 12 more grades of trying to focus all day without a siesta. But now, friends, it's a new day. In college you have two-hour chunks of free time between classes, just aching to be filled with some snooze action. And every now and then, a nap might take priority over going to class. It makes you smarter According to Dr. If it was good enough for them… Presidents JFK and Bill Clinton used to nap every day to help ease the heavy burden of ruling the free world. FREE medical Video Courses, FREE medical online tests. Dynamic Periodic Table.