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The Hype Framework / Processing / ProcessingJS / Heaversm/pointcloud_obj. Toxiclibs. Hemesh : a 3D mesh library for Processing | W:Blut. Coded, recoded, lost, recoded and recoded … hemesh , the half-edge mesh library for Processing has slowly accreted to a state that war­rants a release. A release in more than one way. In ret­ro­spect, the cur­rent func­tion­al­ity looks depress­ingly small, espe­cially com­pared to the hun­dreds of hours that already went into cod­ing it. But like a broke home-owner with a base­ment and a half-finished first floor, I com­fort myself with the thought that at least it holds poten­tial for growth. What is hemesh ?

Hemesh is an imple­men­ta­tion of a half-edge datastructure for manip­u­lat­ing 3D meshes in Processing. Basically it’s a toolset to extend my Processing sand­box to a proper playground. Generating and dis­play­ing a mesh requires noth­ing more than a list of ver­tices and a list of faces con­nect­ing them. What can hemesh do? The library is cur­rently focused on the stuff I coded it for: 3D voronoi and ran­dom plane divi­sions. What hemesh can’t do… Getting hemesh Future. Hemesh : a 3D mesh library for Processing | W:Blut. Processing GUI, controlP5. About controlP5 is a library written by Andreas Schlegel for the programming environment processing. Last update, 07/30/2015. Controllers to build a graphical user interface on top of your processing sketch include Sliders, Buttons, Toggles, Knobs, Textfields, RadioButtons, Checkboxes amongst others and can be easily added to a processing sketch. They can be arranged in separate control PGraphics contexts, and can be organized in tabs or groups. → read more.

Installation Unzip and put the extracted controlP5 folder into the libraries folder of your processing sketches. Details Keywords gui, ui, controller, interface, user interface Reference. Source. Platform osx, windows, linux Processing 2.2.1 Dependencies none User interface for the 'vulcano generator'. project synthazards, syntfarm. A complete list of features can be found on controlP5's github page. Features Custom FontsBy default controlP5 uses a bitFont to render text.

Examples. Minim | Compartmental.