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Pan-Fried Honey and Lemon Chicken. Honey and lemon go hand in hand and this recipe combines both ingredients into one delicious, sweet-sour sticky sauce and without deep-frying the chicken. By Shannon Lim Honey chicken is apparently a very popular Chinese restaurant dish in the West, as well as a popular take-out meal. Another similar chicken recipe created by the West is Lemon Chicken. Both dishes are deep fried and coated with delicious sticky sauce. However both dishes did not originate from China, as honey or lemon ingredient is not common in traditional Chinese cooking, but they are nonetheless delicious. I love both honey and lemon, so I combined both ingredients into one delicious sweet-sourish sticky sauce and without deep-frying the chicken. Pan-Fried Honey and Lemon Chicken Author: Shannon Lim Recipe Type: Main Cut chicken into 1 inch strips, place into a mixing bowl and mix well with soy sauce and shao hsing wine.

Shannon Lim Shannon is a foodie living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Frittata Recipes - How to Make Frittata. Pakistani Curry - One Recipe, Two Meals. Mother's Day Brunch Recipes. Roasted Chicken Recipes - Chicken Dinners - Delish. Gratin de chou fleur au chorizo en mini cocottes. Gratin de chou fleur au chorizo en mini cocottes Mini cocotte de gratin de chorizo Le gratin de chou fleur au chorizo, je crois que je l’ai décliné sous toutes les formes sur ce blog, mais on ne s’en lasse pas.

Ici je vous le propose en version mini cocottes, c’est sympa aussi, plus chic que le plat familial quand vous recevez des amis. Il vous faut pour 6/8 personnes 1 chou fleur500ml de sauce béchamel (cliquez pour avoir la recette)1 morceau d’environ 15 cm de chorizo (j’aime le piquant)1 sachet de 75g de gruyère râpé Détaillez le chou fleur en bouquet. Pendant ce temps, préparez la béchamel en suivant cette recette : Sauce béchamel facile (clic). Enlevez la peau du chorizo, coupez le en petits cubes.

Répartissez les fleurs de chou fleur dans les mini cocottes. Servez immédiatement. Chicken Dinners with Under 500 Calories - Low Calorie Chicken Recipes. Fish cakes (Eomuk. Hi everybody! Today I’m very happy to show you my recipe for homemade fish cake, called eomuk in Korean. I had never made eomuk before I started working on this recipe. All my life I was satisfied to buy it premade or from a street cart in Korea. I always chose the most expensive kind I could find, figuring it would be the highest quality. But many of my readers asked me how to make it at home because they didn’t live near Korean grocery store and couldn’t find it.

So many of my readers tell me I’m their inspiration, but in reality they are the ones inspiring me to develop better recipes and always try my best. I went through many variations of this recipe. And as you see in the video, I shape the fish cakes into a roll before frying them: this is the shape preferred by Korean street vendors, but it takes some skill to do. Ingredients: Directions: Inspect the fish fillet and remove any remaining fish bones. Serve hot as a snack right away. Chicken Pasta Recipes - Pasta with Chicken. Very Easy Meals - Recipes for Easy Meals. Ballotin de volaille à la marjolaine, espuma de pomme de terre et tuile à la Fleur de sel La Baleine. Grilled Fish Recipes - How to Grill Fish. THE EVERYTHING + SOAP BLOG: Easy + Clean Crab Soufflé. I am a big fan of soufflé. I love savory and sweet dessert soufflés. Some of my faves are this crab recipe, spinach, cheese, escargot and spinach, grand marnier and chocolate.

This recipe is really awesome and creates 2 large dinner soufflés, or you can even split them up and make 4 - 5 ounce soufflés to serve with salad and other accompaniments. Even more fun you can split this into 8 - 2 ounce ramekins and create stunning appetizers! 6 egg yolks 4 egg whites Juice of 1 lemon 1 teaspoon creole seasoning 2 teaspoons spicy brown mustard 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour + extra for dusting 8 ounce container crab meat 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chive 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix together the egg yolks, lemon juice, mustard and Worcestershire and whip for 2 minutes with either an electric mixer on medium speed or by hand with a whisk.

Immediately split the recipe in half into the ramekins... Breakfast Quiche Recipes - Martha Stewart Recipes for Breakfast Quiche. Poulet au citron vert et gingembre. 1 Mettre les cuisses de poulet dans un saladier. Presser le citron vert et râper le gingembre sur les cuisses de poulet. Saler et poivrer. Malaxer les cuisses de poulet afin de bien faire pénétrer le mélange citron/gingembre. 2 Laisser macérer 1 heure en pensant à tourner les cuisses régulièrement pour que les deux faces soient imprégnées de jus.

Pour finir Préchauffer le four à 180°C. Cuisinez, savourez… puis si vous le souhaitez, partagez / déposez (ci-dessous) votre avis sur cette recette. One-Pot Wonders: 23 Quick Dinners with Fewer Dishes. BBC Good Food - Photos du journal. Photos du journal - Eat Yourself Well.