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I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.

The Melanie Iglesias Flip Book. Pared on the Behance Network. 10 Key Facts, Stats and Findings about the State of Social Media in 2011. Social media has evolved rapidly and we have seen the emergence of social networks that 12 months ago did not exist.

10 Key Facts, Stats and Findings about the State of Social Media in 2011

Some surprises this year included the launch of Google+ (which acquired 25 million users in less than 30 days), Pinterest which grew at more than 512% and Tumblr (the microblogging platform) which is now approaching 50 million unique users a month Mobile social networking and geo-location services such as Foursquare continue to make their impact felt and have not gone away despite the threat of Facebook “places” Today 1.2 billion people worldwide access social networks and it is redefining the web.

Social Networks “were” Superficial but are Now Serious Business Social networks that emerged from seemingly superficial motivations and activities driven by teenage hormones and dating and flirting are now becoming mainstream and are rapidly being adopted by business. Brands have realized its marketing power and are rushing to learn how to harness its leverage. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How Dell Gets Its Social Media Strategy Right. A beautiful but creepy vision of the "smart glass" future. Two things: First, considering the touchscreen maps at my local shopping centres ae almost always down or only half work, and smeared with public finger goop, the maintenance factor would be huge in this kind of world.

A beautiful but creepy vision of the "smart glass" future

They'd always need constant repairs, cleaning, and upgrading. And the other thing is, though the touchscreen concept works okay at a small handheld level, if every single button you push has no tactile response, that satisfaction of a physical reaction to pressing a button, it can get quite exhausting for the fingers. Typing, which would be slowed down on a vertical or flat horizontal surface anyway, would be very painful to tap away at, with your fingertips repeatedly hitting solid glass with no give.

I can see the small scale, and informative aspect, like temperature gauges on mirrors and windows, or dashboard info on car windscreens, but this kind of epic interactivity just wouldn't work. - STREET ART UTOPIA. Fm. How does the world's population reaching 7 billion affect you? Story Behind Those Stunning Cinematic Gifs. Here at theMET, we're always looking for creative projects that catch our eye.

Story Behind Those Stunning Cinematic Gifs

More than anything, we love posting about work that pushes boundaries, showing our audience something that has been changed, flipped or spinned into something magically different. Then, we see it as our job to find out the story behind such projects. What inspired the artist or photographer to start down that path? What do they hope others get out of their work? A few days ago, when Met member Mark Huckabee put up a post called Astounding Animated Gifs, we knew we had to dig deeper.

Before we go into that more, enjoy these lovely cinemagraphs that they sent directly to us. What's been the response like, so far, on your animated gifs? Which of them is your favorite piece and why? What do you hope others get out of these works? Which gif has been the most popular and why do you think that is? Were you inspired by other gifs or anyone else before you started this more artistic ones?

From Me to You website. Visualize your favourite tunes online. How Projects Really Truly Work. Created on 2007-01-13 How Projects Really Truly Work How the customer explained it How the project leader understood it How the analyst designed it How the programmer wrote it What the alpha testers received What the beta testers received How the business consultant described it How the marketing department advertised it What was shipped When it was delivered What the digg effect can do to your site How the project was documented How it was supported The disaster recover plan How the customer was billed The open source version What the digg effect did to the site The competitor's product.

How Projects Really Truly Work

Zoomquilt2.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash nesnesi) Projection animation test. Upload and share unlimited files up to 11GB each, for FREE. Coheper. Free Nature Sounds Mixer. Ekremsiseci.

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Jaqlipearl. Videolar.