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Stargate SG-1 (TV Series 1997–2007. Meditation Course, Spiritual Course, Meditation, Course, UMS Meditation Courses. Technology Review: The Authority on the Future of Technology. Divine Cosmos Books Online. Self made scholar. The best way to understand the world you live in now is to read the Western canon. By reading these classic books, you’ll develop a deep understanding of why our society is the way it is, why our government operates the way it does, and how the great ideas of history have come to shape our beliefs. You cannot truly think for yourself if you cannot recognize where your ideas and beliefs originate from.

By studying the works of Western history, you’ll see that even the “modern” belief sets have been developing for hundreds of years. Once you can recognize where your preconceived beliefs come from, you become free – free to accept the knowledge that has been passed on to you or free to reject these ideas. Each Monday I plan to post a new overview of one of the Great Books of the Western World and show you where to find it for free. What is the Great Books of the Western World Series?

Upon publication, Hutchins proclaimed: “This is more than a set of books, and more than a liberal education. Principia Discordia | the book of Chaos, Discord and Confusion | Fnord! Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine. The future of everything.