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Le Devoir des écrivains sur le Web. Depuis ce matin, une trentaine d’écrivains québécois ont pris le contrôle du Devoir! Car le journal prépare pour demain une édition exceptionnelle: Le Devoir des écrivains. Articles d’information, éditoriaux, chroniques: toutes les signatures habituelles seront remplacées par des écrivains invités, qui devront couvrir les informations du jour. Une initiative qui s’inscrit dans les célébrations du centenaire du Devoir, et qui veut marquer, demain, l’ouverture du Salon du livre de Montréal. Aujourd’hui, la journaliste Isabelle Paré rendra compte, sur notre site Web, du déroulement de la journée. 15h30 Une mouche vole dans la salle de rédaction. 14h30 Avis aux lecteurs compulsifs, Wajdi Mouawad se livrera demain, dans nos pages, à une psychanalyse approfondie des différents types de lecteurs, à commencer par le lecteur resté au stade anal (oui, vous avez bien lu, a-nal), qui pourrait vous laisser pantois. 14h15 Bon, cette fois, c’est Fred. 12h15 Enfin, le chat sort du sac!

Le journal "En marche" en images. En direct du monde.

Journos vs rp

Études relations de presse. Communiqué de presse. REP2300. Vocabulaire des relations publiques - Certificat de relations publiques. 20 quotes to inspire PR professionals. Editor's note: This story first appeared on PR Daily in April. I’m a bit of a word nerd. I jot down every good media-training quote I hear. I occasionally get to use one of the witty quotes in a speech or training session. Too many of the quotes just sit, unused, in a computer file, but they shall remain unused no longer. Media interview quotes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Message development quotes 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Public speaking 15. 16. 17. 18. Body language and delivery 19. 20. For 10 more quotes about media training and public speaking, visit the Mr. (Image via, via, & via) Public Relations, History. As a student of public relations, you should understand that the profession has a history and a heritage. It has been shaped by men and women whose actions and ideas have made the difference.

Following are notes about some of these figures important to an understanding of the contemporary development of public relations. Uptated Summer 2011 as a supplement to Proessor Ron Smith's textbooks, Strategic Planning for Public Relations and Becoming a Public Relations Writer, (Routledge/Taylor and Francis). H. SAMUEL ADAMS (right) orchestrated public relations for the Revolutionary War.

JOSEPH VARNEY BAKER left his job as city editor with the Philadelphia Tribune in 1934 to become public relations consultant with the Pennsylvania Railroad. PHINEAS T. LEONE BAXTER and her husband CLEM WHITAKER in 1933 founded the first public relations agency for political campaign management. PENDLETON DUDLEY, a pioneer public relations consultant, opened an agency on Wall Street in 1909. JOHN W. ARTHUR W.

Am. QQOQCCP. Cinq W QQOQCCP (pour « Qui ? Quoi ? Où ? Quand ? Comment ? Ce concept est notamment utilisé en journalisme. Les cinq W sont particulièrement utilisés en agence de presse[3], qui exige que les réponses aux cinq questions soient données dès le début de la dépêche, ce qui permet un découpage de l'information par priorité. Cette méthode est également utilisée de façon courante dans l'éducation pour l'étude de documents, ainsi qu'en gestion de la qualité, comme première étape d'une analyse de cause racine de problèmes.

Origine et histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Chez Aristote et les scolastiques[modifier | modifier le code] Le sigle a pour origine un moyen mnémotechnique latin (« Quis, Quid, Ubi, Quibus auxiliis, Cur, Quomodo, Quando ») utilisé par les savants scolastiques pour la mémorisation des particularités d'un acte telles que définies par Aristote[4],[5]. Plusieurs autres utilisations ont ensuite assuré la persistance de l'expression jusqu'à aujourd'hui : Le français et le baseball. Les acteurs du monde du baseball québécois ont toujours eu un rôle important à jouer dans la traduction du vocabulaire du baseball dans la langue de Molière.

C'est aussi un vocabulaire qui évolue, un examen rapide des jounaux des années 30 révélera des termes disparus comme par exemple des hirondelles (faibles ballons au champ intérieur). Des journalistes, mais surtout des commentateurs comme Jacques Doucet et avant lui Jean-Pierre Roy ont contribué fortement au langage québécois du baseball.

Avec le départ des Expos, il n'y a plus ce personnage central pour définir le langage. Le baseball et son vocabulaire anglais continue à évoluer, alors il faudra faire en sorte que le langage francophone suive et ne s'anglicise pas graduellement. OPS : Cet acronyme venant du monde de la statistique signifie On-base percentage Plus Slugging average et a gagné en popularité, même dans les médias traditionnels, comme mesure rapide assez efficace de l'efficacité d'un frappeur. List of Canadians by net worth. The following is a list of Canadians by net worth: Richest Canadians (2013 statistics)[edit] Updated November 23, 2013.[1] Richest Canadians (2012 statistics)[edit] Updated November 22, 2012.[2] Richest Canadians (2011 statistics)[edit] Updated October 6, 2011.[3] A list of the 100 richest people in Canada as of October 2011 is available at Canadian Business.

Richest Canadians (2010 statistics)[edit] Updated December 6, 2010.[4] A list of the 100 richest people in Canada as of December 2010 is available at Canadian Business. Estimated net worth of the richest Canadians was measured by Canadian Business magazine using the following criteria: Richest Canadians (2009 statistics)[edit] References[edit] Canadian Business magazine External links[edit] Infographics as press releases: 3 beautiful examples. Infographics are all the rage these days. (There’s even an infographic to explain the phenomenon.) It makes sense. After all, we’re a visual species. Since our earliest days, images have captured our attention. Infographics, which are more detailed than photos and convey information more quickly than videos, tap into this visual learning style.

Plus, they’re inviting. According to a recent analysis of press releases by PR Newswire, the inclusion of multimedia assets significantly improves the number of views a message generates. Infographics cut straight to the point, simplify complex information, and can wow the reader in an instant. What I enjoy most about an infographic is the creative flexibility it affords PR professionals. Infographics, on the other hand, help us to detour from our usual template and color outside the lines. Although infographics have a place in almost any message, they are most useful when presenting: SG_guide_planif_activites_comm.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Lesson 23: Selecting the Right Spokesperson | Braud Communications.

By Gerard Braud Picking the right spokesperson really depends upon the situation. Many organizations tend to have two extremes in selecting spokespeople. Some organizations always send out their top PR person while other organizations insist that only the CEO speak. I endorse neither of these approaches as perfect and will suggest that sometimes the top PR person is a great choice and likewise in some cases the CEO is a great choice. But in many cases, neither of these people is a good choice. In fact, if you think back to lesson 12 in which we talk about passing the cynic test, many reporters cynically will think that the PR spokesperson will be too polished, slick and rehearsed, and is therefore serving as a buffer to protect executives who are afraid to talk and who are vulnerable to difficult questions. As a reporter, I generally wanted to talk to the person closest to the story or issue I was covering.

10 ways to build strong relationships with reporters and bloggers. Last week, I wrote a story detailing common habits among public relations professionals that make journalists’ eyes roll. Now that you know what not to do, I want to point out what you should be doing. Good PR delivers real news and develops real relationships. Sometimes we all need to dial back the hyperbole, tone down the spin, and get back to the basics of media relations. Here are 10 tips that will keep your pitches out of journalists’ digital trash cans and will help you become a journalist’s ally, not an annoyance. Start with a strong pitch. Make a localized national pitch.

Deliver a pitch that’s full of facts. Read a journalist’s work. “I read your roundup on cloud computing six months ago, and I’ve been using SugarSync ever since. Try infographics. (Check out this infographic that explains the infographic phenomenon) Start a conversation on Twitter. (Read How to cultivate reporter relationships on Twitter) Schedule desk-side visits. Show some personality.

Go out for drinks. Canadian Council of Public Relations Firms | Pour les consommateurs, l'avis des médias compte avant tout. Une nouvelle étude du Canadian Council of Public Relations Firms, intitulée « The Impact of Influence », révèle l'influence relative de divers facteurs sur les décisions d'achat des consommateurs. TORONTO, le 24 janv. 2012 /CNW/ - Plus que l'opinion de telle ou telle célébrité ou que les avis diffusés dans les médias sociaux, c'est d'abord l'opinion des médias traditionnels qui continue de façonner les décisions d'achat des Canadiens.

Tel est le constat d'une nouvelle étude rendue publique aujourd'hui par le Canadian Council of Public Relations Firms (CCPRF), qui fait toutefois état de l'existence de différences considérables entre les générations. Par exemple, invités à préciser s'ils attachaient, en prévision de l'achat d'un nouveau produit, plus de poids à l'avis d'un chroniqueur quelconque ou à celui d'une célébrité, 42 pour cent des Canadiens ont indiqué attacher plus d'importance à l'avis d'un chroniqueur, contre 4 pour cent seulement à celui d'une célébrité.

Renseignements : Why don't we see happy stories in the news? Masterfile A few nights a week my children and I head out around 7:30 p.m. to pick my husband up from work. On the way back, he’s inevitably hit with this question from the kids: what did you put in the newspaper today Daddy? See, Doug is a deputy city editor at The Toronto Star and each time that question is lobbed his way he carefully picks through the news he can actually share with the children.

Since they’re only 7 and 4, he tends to leave out the bleed-it-leads stories and shares things like Bob Barker offering to help move elephants from The Toronto Zoo. One night this week, he shared this story which was on the front of the Star the next morning: how two teenage boys sent a Lego man into space. Later that week, I had to ask Doug more about happy news stories churning through the news cycle. Q: So why don’t we see happier stories in the news? Unfortunately, in a lot of instances in life, things that are important aren’t necessarily happy. Q: And useful? 7 things PR pros should know about the shifting media landscape. Vocus became a Twitter trending topic Wednesday afternoon, thanks to its State of the Media report and webinar. (You can download the report here.) The report paints a media landscape that continues to struggle but is using the Web—and especially social media—to evolve. Although fewer newspapers shut down in 2011, they continue to shutter bureaus throughout the world and launch fewer titles, according to the report.

Papers also continue to cut staff. “Two years ago I thought newspapers had trimmed as much as they could, but it appears it will continue until they have skeleton staffs,” David Coates, the managing editor of newspaper content, said in the report. “We are seeing more and more editors in their 20s and 30s who have a grasp of the importance of digital and social media.” A major trend among newspapers and online-only outlets is the shift to local content, according to the report. For magazines, 2011 was similar to 2010 in that the industry saw more titles launch than fold. Can we please stop asking, 'What is PR?' I started my career as a public relations professional 30 years ago. Since then my career has morphed into new areas like sales, marketing, business development, consulting and teaching, but there is a piece of my heart that will always belong to PR.

I'm disheartened that people today still ask the same tired question that swirled around the profession when I started three decades ago: "What is PR? " The first definition of public relations surfaced nearly 100 years ago, and its practitioners have been in a state of chronic paranoia and self-psychoanalysis ever since. Public relations is the Woody Allen of business professions. Here are three questions that people should stop asking: 1. Of course it is a profession. 2. Edward Bernays, a colorful bloke we generally accept as the founder of public relations, defined PR in the early 1900s as: Since Bernays made that statement 100 years ago, the PR business has continued to struggle with its chronic identity crisis.

Are you kidding me? 3. BEST OF 2011: Perfect PR pitches: NYT tech columnist picks his favorites. BEST OF 2011: 8 social media trends for 2012. Getting on the Radar: Tried & True Media Relations Best Practices. Over the course of my career, I have belonged to the two sides in the media world that have always had the most conflict – - that of a journalist and a media/public relations professional.

Having successfully experienced these two professions, I have learned many lessons in developing a positive and mutually advantageous relationship between what can be humorously described as a relationship similar to “Tom & Jerry.” Tom chases Jerry and Jerry hides. Tom usually gets the short end of the stick and Jerry walks away without a scratch. But when these two become friends, it’s a perfect match with both helping each other as much as possible.

Many PR pros continue to make the same mistakes when trying to communicate with the media. While some of these suggestions may seem obvious, I’m hoping this post will help you develop a better relationship with a desired journalist or media point, and assist you in taking that first step in your outreach. “Do I Call, or E-mail?” Target Customize the Pitch. Galerie de presse > Médiathèque. Les relations de presse ciblées : un art qui paie! | HKDP blog. Les clients de H+K Stratégies, comme ceux des autres agences d’ailleurs, souhaitent faire parler d’eux, de leurs pratiques, de leurs bons coups ou de leurs produits dans les médias. Certains outils s’offrent à ces entreprises et organisations en quête de couverture médiatique, qui elle, se fait de plus en plus difficile à obtenir. Les relations de presse sont incontournables car lorsque faites avec efficacité, la crédibilité de leurs retombées est précieuse.

De plus, les relations de presse appuient notamment les ventes et le marketing, c’est maintenant une spécialité, pas seulement une commodité. Pour réaliser une campagne de relations médias qui fonctionne, il faut d’abord avoir une liste des médias que nous souhaitons approcher qui soit la plus ciblée et pertinente possible. Les rappels de presse que nous effectuons à la suite d’un envoi sont tout aussi essentiels.

Tout cela s’apprend et se développe avec le temps et à travers les mandats au fil des ans. Comment mettre en place des relations presse. 5 leçons à méditer pour réussir des relations publiques 2.0… | Chez Nadia. Faire sa propre liste de presse. ConnectYard Connects Students and Profs Via Text, Social Media. Newsroom layoffs rose by 30 percent in 2011. One trick to help you survive a tough press conference. PR Daily readers’ choice: The top 10 PR blunders of 2011. 6 skills every PR pro needs. Conférence de Presse // Press conference - Patrice Bernier. 19 Biggest Social Media Moments of 2011. 33 things the media wish PR people knew.

PRCM 4020 Style & Design Fall 2011 - The Loveliest Village. Video Library / City of Carlsbad. Mediations: ethics. Les Éditions Transcontinental - Résultats de recherche | Comment parler aux médias. BERNARD MOTULSKY - RENE VEZINA - Comment parler aux médias - Communication - BOOKS - Renaud-Bray. 12 outrageous job losses due to mishandling social media. How to media train your executives like a reporter. McDonald’s media relations chief explains the best and worst things to do in a crisis. Powerful mathematical model greatly improves predictions for species facing climate change. Journalists on Twitter - Breaking News, Politics, Opinion and more - Muck Rack. How to cultivate reporter relationships on Twitter. 9 ways to build a media list—for free. Why a press release is like a 60-second commercial. Think you’re a public relations wizard? Prove it! Take the PR 3.0 quiz. Journalism skills that translate into the PR world.

'My staff over-reacted to this tweet ... I apologize' Journalists, PR executives explain the traits of talented PR pros. Les relations publiques, une ... - Michel Dumas. Les Relations Publiques Autrement ... - Mathieu Sauvé. Des Campagnes de Communication ... - Marianne Kugler. Les relations publiques dans une ... - Danielle Maisonneuve. L'art des relations presse de Jeanne Bordeau. Médias et milieux francophones.