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Sci Net + Tools of Sci Communication

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Here I compile and highlight the best toolkit for researchers/scientists to boost networking, bibliography, and to keep abreast with the advancement in their spheres of interest.

Yeaaah! Citation Generators and much more :DD. ResearcherID. Frontiers LOOP. ReadCube for Researchers. Academia. Mendeley. Bag The Web. F1000 Specialists. We're looking for users of F1000’s services who want to work more closely with us and our prestigious Faculty Members to help grow our community, and develop our services, to improve scholarly communication.

If you're interested in turning a passion for science and the web into something you can get proper recognition for, we want to hear from you. We equally want to hear from you if you're keen to support and interact even more with any of F1000's services. Apply to be an F1000 Specialist To apply to be an F1000 Specialist, please complete and submit the form below. You will then be contacted by our Outreach Directors to discuss the role and what happens next. If you have any questions about being an F1000 Specialist please email and our Outreach Directors will respond. F1000 Specialists will be official, local representatives for F1000 at their universities, hospitals and institutions. What you'll do as an F1000 Specialist: What you get in return: EasyBib >>> Search, Cite and Communicate.

Bibme - APA, MLA, Chicago >< Citation Generator.