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Counter-Rotating Spirals Illusion. More Java applets here. If your browser supports Java, you should see an animated image above (generated by a Java applet embedded on the page). Otherwise, you should see a static image. Instructions for Viewing the Illusion: Sit about 50 cm (20 inches) from the screen. The User Interface: Start/Stop Button The Start/Stop button starts/stops the applet's rotation thread. Detach/Attach Button The Detach Button detaches the applet from the Web page and places the applet in its own frame window. Speed Control The Speed Control varies the speed of the animation in a range of 1 through 120 RPM.

History of this Illusion The illusion is an example of the "Motion Aftereffect" phenomenon. This effect was described in the early 19th century by R. In 1935, the artist Marcel Duchamp produced a set of 12 rotating optical illusions called Rotoreliefs. In the 1970's, a number of Psychologists were actively studying the phenomenon. Jerry says: "I was aware of the spiral disc that gives that after effect. Dr. - a clever bot - speak to an AI with some Actual Intelligence? Alter Ego: Life Simulation Browser Game. Media Matrix. Nature Sound Composition. Grow Mushrooms. Build Snowflakes. Games.